Made to measure separates with Sumissura

I have a long-standing love affair with Sumissura. Getting a perfectly fitted jacket, top, dress or coat, this is a website I love to visit mainly for the perfect length/fit. A brand where you can get made to measure clothing at a very reasonable price.

I was asked by Sumissura if I’d like to choose a suit to share with my readers, but I have designed separates that will be office worthy.When everyone returns to their offices that is! I don’t work in an office environment and separates work harder don’t they?

Let me refresh you on how the Sumissura brand works and how easy it is to design your made to measure clothing

made to measure

You can design almost anything you desire on the website. Shirts, dresses, trousers, coats and jackets. Now for me, having short arms and being short in the body, I always have a problem finding the right fit. If I shop petite then measurements come up too short and in any regular shop, sleeves are always too long and proportions can be completely off.

made to measure

On entering the Sumissura website You can see all the different designs that are available or you can create your own. It’s actually good fun designing your own made to measure creation and I’m leaving my YouTube film below sharing the whole process.

It’s a bit like playing dress-up. You can view each design in the material that you have selected to see what the finished look is like. Choosing materials is made easier by zooming in on the chosen cloth and it will tell you what the material is made of and the thickness, warmth and composition of the material.

My Camel coat, the heaviest coat made of wool was the last item I designed has been worn un-told through the cold weather we are having!

I’ve chosen a shorter style of double-breasted blazer for this made to measure creation

made to measure

The blazer is designed in Blue Plaid Tweed called Viveck and I really like the colourways in the tweed. A blazer that will mix well with other colours, White, Navy, Grey.

This blazer also pairs well with jeans, the colours take the jacket to a very versatile little number. I have worn it with jeans and I will be posting a pic of how it looks on my Instagram.

I’ve chosen Tarnished gold buttons for the blazer, you can have two or three buttons. The pocket, I went for slanted flap pockets. All the little details you edit yourself right down to the vent at the back, to get a totally unique design. The previous blazer that I have from Sumissura is my most worn of all my blazers. The colours just work with everything.

Design your own outfit with Sumissura

I chose flat fronted straight leg trousers

I chose flat fronted trousers with side zip and slashed pockets. A navy wool mixed material called Oberon, they are lightweight and comfortable. I would like to try a flared version of Sumissura trousers. All the tailoring is of good quality and I can’t help thinking how Sumissura would be able to help the very tall, long-legged woman.

I found measuring myself to get the perfect fit a little difficult and would recommend getting help if ordering. I opted for a straight style and I’m happy with them. I will dress these less conservatively with T-shirts and blouses later in the year.

I wanted to give accessories a mention here. The new sunglasses from Peepers are actually reading glasses too. I’m looking forward to sitting in the garden when it’s sunny now and being able to read my books/magazines.

A very reasonable price, Peeper’s has both subscription and normal glasses and it’s worth taking a look at the website. These were only £25.00I have both types and I’m really happy with them. It’s handy to be able to see your phone when it’s sunny too!

Shop Accessories

Watch how I created my outfit with Sumissura

Keep you and yours safe and well xx

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  1. February 16, 2021 / 4:18 pm

    I just adore that beautiful blazer on you! The idea of designing your own piece with your measurements is brilliant!

  2. jodie filogomo
    February 11, 2021 / 1:46 am

    I’ve always been so spoiled with a mother who made my clothes…to fit me exactly. So it’s nice to find companies that do this for you because it makes such a difference in how your clothing looks.
    What a gorgeous suit Laurie, and you will definitely be able to wear each piece so much.

  3. February 7, 2021 / 3:27 am

    What a fab blazer! I agree, separates are easier to remix and get more wear from! I should look into something like this if we ever move back into the office, still working from home here now and will be for some time. But I find blazers and jackets so hard to get the fit right on being petite!

    Thank you so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! Hope you are enjoying your weekend 🙂

    • laurie
      February 10, 2021 / 7:33 pm

      Thanks Mica xx

  4. February 4, 2021 / 11:06 pm

    Looks great – and as stylish as ever, easy to see why you’re hooked. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    • laurie
      February 10, 2021 / 7:33 pm

      Thanks, Stephanie xx

  5. February 2, 2021 / 5:51 pm

    Such a pretty jacket! And you’ve styled it beautifully!.


    • laurie
      February 4, 2021 / 8:02 am

      Thanks so much Michelle. I hope you are well? xx

    • laurie
      February 4, 2021 / 8:03 am

      Thank you Tamar. Glad you like it xx

    • laurie
      February 10, 2021 / 7:34 pm

      Thanks so much xx

    • laurie
      February 4, 2021 / 8:04 am

      Oh me too! This one has an organiser inside it too. A bonus for unorganised me! xx

    • laurie
      February 10, 2021 / 7:34 pm

      Me too. The only problem is the more room the more junk I store! xx

  6. laurie
    January 30, 2021 / 7:35 pm

    Thanks Hilda. I’m really pleased with these items xx

  7. January 29, 2021 / 2:43 pm

    Beautiful pieces, Laurie! I really love the cut and length of the blazer and the colors in the tartan are really gorgeous. I am sure you will get lots of wear with these pieces. Just gorgeous!


    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:27 pm

      Thanks, Shelbee. Yes, I look forward to styling these separately xx

  8. January 29, 2021 / 11:50 am

    Such a stylish jacket! I love the classic print and gold buttons. Having a jacket that fits perfectly is a wardrobe hero. I have a long torso and arms so often have the opposite problem to you – my husband calls them my long monkey arms! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:28 pm

      That’s what I was trying to get across Emma. It’s those little things, isn’t it? Sometimes we need help getting that perfect fit xx

  9. January 29, 2021 / 11:44 am

    Both of these pieces are beautiful on you! Love that you can customize everything and make it just for you!

    Jill –

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:29 pm

      Thanks Jill. It’s a fun process! xx

  10. January 29, 2021 / 9:01 am

    What could be better then custom-made clothes, no wonder it fits beautifully. Love both pieces, Laurie.

    • laurie
      January 29, 2021 / 11:45 am

      Thank’s Anna. I love the blazer with jeans too. Versatile pieces, I chose wisely!

  11. January 29, 2021 / 5:59 am

    I need to check them out as I have always admired your clothes and how well they fit you. Love this tweed blazer!

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:29 pm

      Thanks, Lovely. It’s worth taking a look xx

  12. Joanne
    January 28, 2021 / 9:38 pm

    That sounds like such a neat company! You can’t beat a tailor made outfit like that. Thanks for sharing the process with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:30 pm

      Thanks so much Joanne. Such a reasonable price too! xx

  13. January 28, 2021 / 7:50 am

    Looks good on you Laurie, certainly does fit like a glove. Thanks for sharing, will check them out. Jacqui x

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:30 pm

      Thanks Jacqui

  14. January 28, 2021 / 7:03 am

    This sounds a great idea. And thanks for featuring work separates, very useful for when we finally go back to the office.

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:31 pm

      Yes. The word “when” everything revolves around when doesn’t it Gail. Hopefully soon xx

  15. January 27, 2021 / 6:10 pm

    I’d never heard of Sumissura, but how wonderful that you are able to design your own made to measure clothes. Sleeves are often too long for me as well! You made the right decision going for separates, and I can certainly see that blazer worn with jeans! xxx

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:32 pm

      Thanks Ann. I’m really pleased with these items xx

  16. January 27, 2021 / 10:36 am

    Love it! You’re right, the jacket will look fabulous with jeans too!
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:32 pm

      Thanks Suzy xx

  17. Pamela
    January 26, 2021 / 7:03 pm

    Hi Laurie,
    You look so smart, such a classic timeless outfit , simple but packs a punch.
    The light blue.tote sets it off against the navy suede boots, 10 out of 10 for
    the whole ensemble,
    Stay safe Pamela from Wales UK .

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:33 pm

      Hi Pamela. Lovely to hear from you. Thank you for these kind words xx

  18. January 26, 2021 / 2:52 pm

    Oh isn’t that nice! I love when you can add your own personal style to a item. It’s a very nice blazer, tweed is so fabulous. You see it not often enough. Also very handy that those glasses are now good to read with!

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:34 pm

      Thanks Nancy I’m really pleased with the sunglasses. I look forward to sitting in the garden reading now! xx

  19. January 26, 2021 / 2:38 pm

    I love how well fitted the clothes are: it is such a great idea for people who need thing well tailored or have a hard time finding things that fit them well. I could see how it would be difficult to get all the measurement right. Lovely choices!

    • laurie
      January 30, 2021 / 7:35 pm

      Thanks Mirelle. Such a good price to get made to measure too xx

  20. January 26, 2021 / 1:07 pm

    What a fabulous idea. No two figures are the same and with personal preferences, designing your own outfit is the way forward. Innovative company indeed. Love your separates Laurie.