Lock-down diaries – casual style. A weekly edit

I spent a good few days barely getting dressed before lock-down was announced. We had started isolating roughly two weeks prior after doctors advice. We’ve just reached the fifth week.

It was so depressing watching all of this unfold on the news, wasn’t it? I barely watch it now, safely tucked up in my building site. Time to create some normality I thought. I made a point of being dressed by 10 am every day. I get up around 6 am but I’m a very slow mover! I work on the PC and browse social sites first thing. I’m enjoying having time on my hands, are you?

I spent a good few days barely getting dressed before lock-down was announced. We had started isolating roughly two weeks prior after doctors advice.

I even managed to wear a dress one day last week! It made me feel better although I will admit to only wearing the heels for the purpose of the photo!

The dress is from Roman Originals. I thought it would be a nice item to have in my wardrobe to wear in between the seasonal chilly/warm weather until we get into some good sunny warm spells. It’s currently on sale at £32.00 I think that’s very affordable for an outfit.

The dress is non crease and stretchy and fluid, so this is very comfortable to wear indoors. And it has pockets.

The mules are new. I’m liking the new square toe trend and I liked the look of these “not too high a heel” nude mules. Anyone else finding it hard not to shop too much online at the moment?

A surprise announcement during lock-down

I had some lovely news from one of my favourite jewellery brands Claudia Bradby. I’m proud to say that I’m now an ambassador for the brand this year, and this really lifted my spirits. I’m wondering how the blogging world is going to be affected by this virus.

I’m a lover of pearls and Claudia’s designs are just beautiful. I’ve written a few posts – Classic Timeless Pearls and Pearls Styled Ladylike Are a couple of my favourites. I wear pearls of some form on most days as you can see above I like Mixing pearls with other bracelets like the silver chain one above.

I’ve recently been featured on Claudia Bradby’s website

I hope you can pop over for a read. There’s a new collection just been launched by Claudia called dream catcher. There are some really beautiful pieces. What I like about Claudia’s designs are that they incorporate classic pearls but modern designs. and there’s a 20% discount for the Easter period too.

Have a read of my interview with Claudia and let me know what you think. It’s a proud moment for me.

The sun has shone for us. That’s a bonus

Any of us that have a garden is blessed at the moment. I feel so sorry for people living in high rises and I know a fair few in London. Especially with the weather being like it is at present.

My garden was nearly finished at the start of this lock-down and all I wanted was some plants. Most websites had a delivery waiting time of three weeks or more, but if you need plants for the garden and are prepared to wait then just google buy plants online and there are quite a few that deliver.

My son drove out to a place that he knew of, it’s not a garden centre, more like an at the side of the road seller. He bought me a few plants for my birthday, left them on the doorstep and I’ve enjoyed planting them up.

I have no idea what this cute little plant is, so if you do, could you let me know how to care for it? The white pot in the picture above was mums. I have two of them and she bought them in the early ’70s. They both require some repairing and a lick of paint but that will wait now until next year.

Mum would plant up one pot and dad the other, and I was always summoned around to the house in their later years to judge which one I thought was the best. They are very dear to me those pots and they share many a fond memory.

Garden furniture saves the day

I spent a good few days barely getting dressed before lock-down was announced. We had started isolating roughly two weeks prior after doctors advice.

I had paid for the garden furniture a couple of weeks prior to the lock-down. A local store in town, obviously shut now. I managed to find them online and gave them a call. I was so happy when they said they could deliver the furniture.

It arrived at 7.30 in the morning, planted on my front lawn! Obviously, no-one is to have close contact. So there was Dee and myself carting this lot through the house at silly o’clock in our dressing gowns.

But boy, has it made a difference. I had been sitting on my fishing chair prior to receiving it. It’s been lovely being able to pass some time on the laptop sitting out there.

I’m sharing my new Vionic Uk flat summer shoes

The new Carmela flat pumps are gorgeous and I can guarantee I will wear these out just as I did my Carole flat pumps the previous two years!

These are so comfortable and I love the colour, perfect for my neutral wardrobe. Here’s to walking a few miles in these when I can get out! Do you know the secret about Vionic shoes?

I spent a good few days barely getting dressed before lock-down was announced. We had started isolating roughly two weeks prior after doctors advice.

A quick shot here of the new collection from Claudia Bradby. The Dream Catcher Cowrie and Pearl bracelet are gorgeous. Lots to come about the new collection soon.

I’m interested in hearing how you have been coping during lock-down? How have you adjusted? Are you trying anything new? I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Keep you and yours safe and well xx

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  1. May 8, 2020 / 8:19 am

    Congrats on being a brand Ambassador for them Laurie. I have one of their pearl necklaces and only save it for best. I must wear it more!! Beautiful dress too.

    • laurie
      May 13, 2020 / 10:59 pm

      Thanks so much Claire. I’m really pleased to be an ambassador xx

  2. May 1, 2020 / 10:51 am

    First of all many congratulations dear for becoming the brand ambassador ! I love all the dresses and furniture looks amazing!
    Nice Post! Have a great day!

    • laurie
      May 6, 2020 / 6:55 am

      Hi Jyoti! Thank you so much. Thank you for stopping by, glad you like it all xx

  3. May 1, 2020 / 8:45 am

    Ahhhh Laurie well done on your Claudia Bradby role! As you know, I am a fan of the range too so share your love. I could not think of a more perfect match for you! Congratulations. You look far more chic in your lockdown attire than me! I sometimes scare myself at my lockdown chic hahaha! Fab post Laurie, I love everything, as I usually do with your posts!

    • laurie
      May 6, 2020 / 7:02 am

      Aw, thanks Kerry. I’m really happy about the Claudia Bradby ambassador title. Life in this old girl yet! I think it’s great that Claudia has chosen a wide age range and not just left it to the youngsters! xx

  4. April 27, 2020 / 11:55 am

    Congratulations on becoming a brand ambassador for Claudia Bradby! And I totally agree that having your own garden and being outside is so amazing, especially right now. We are growing our veggies still, even though the weather is getting cooler here in Australia and considering getting a greenhouse now!

    • laurie
      May 6, 2020 / 7:04 am

      Hi Katerina. Oh, having a greenhouse is the gem. My garden is very small but I might get a minature greenhouse. Enjoy and watch grow! xx

  5. April 25, 2020 / 7:37 pm

    Oh yes, I do enjoy having time on my hands. My working hours have been reduced to two days a week, and I’m spending the rest at a leisurely pace doing this thing and that, without any pressure. We have been blessed with gorgeous Spring weather and I’ve certainly been making the most of our garden. I’ve even been plant shopping in an actual garden centre, which were allowed to open last weekend. I went on a quiet weekday and social distancing Etc. wasn’t a problem at all. Love the Roman Originals dress and those flat pumps which are stylish yet look like the epitome of comfort. xxx

    • laurie
      April 27, 2020 / 2:03 pm

      We have been truly blessed with this gorgeous weather Ann. I think it’s made a huge difference. I don’t know how this week is going to pan out because it’s going to rain nearly every day apparently. Bah! xx

  6. April 23, 2020 / 10:32 am

    Huge congratulations Laurie on becoming a brand ambassador for Claudia Bradbury – you’re a great role model for this elegant jewellery. I love the pearl and cowrie bracelet as we have those shells on the beaches here.
    I love your new garden furniture and can see what a bonus that must be to be able to sit outside and work during the lovely weather. What a picture that conjured up of you and Dee traipsing around in your dressing gowns moving this!

    Keep safe x

    • laurie
      April 24, 2020 / 8:23 pm

      It’s been lovely to be able to sit out in the garden Anna. It was worth the embarrassment! xx

  7. April 22, 2020 / 6:54 pm

    That patio furniture looks so comfy and pretty! I am definitely getting dressed each day and trying to keep us a routine that is as close to normal as I can keep it.

    • laurie
      April 24, 2020 / 8:24 pm

      I realised after this that dressing up is what I need to do more. The novelty of wearing scruffs has passed! xx

  8. April 21, 2020 / 4:16 pm

    So wonderful you were chosen as an ambassador for Claudia Bradby! Your bracelet is beautiful! I love your new patio furniture! Being outside in the fresh air is such a great mood booster! Glad you were able to do some planting!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • laurie
      April 22, 2020 / 8:28 am

      Thanks Jill. A proud moment for me. I don’t know what I’d do without my garden! xx

  9. April 21, 2020 / 10:29 am

    Wow, you’ve been busy, Laurie. Congratulations on being chosen to be an ambassador for a CB brand. Your garden looks lovely and the arrival of the furniture makes it so much more enjoyable. Like the dress you are wearing, its style really suits you. Luckily for Australians, we still can go out for exercises and shopping and thanks for the warm autumn, we take long walks along the beach front or coastal walks all around Sydney. That makes our lives so much easier then for those who live in complete lockdown. Stay safe and keep smiling

    • laurie
      April 24, 2020 / 8:25 pm

      Thanks so much, Anna. Done with the complete lockdown now! xx

  10. April 20, 2020 / 3:37 pm

    Congratulations on becoming a brand ambassador for Claudia Bradby! I love your dress, such an elegant design…and it has pockets! The new garden furniture is lovely, and we’ve been very lucky with the weather. Thanks for linking up, stay safe!

    Emma xxx

    • laurie
      April 22, 2020 / 8:28 am

      Thanks so much Emma. I’m enjoying the garden so much too xx

  11. April 18, 2020 / 10:09 pm

    It’s great you were able to get new furniture delivered and that your son could leave you some plants! 🙂 Here they are saying we should stay in our own suburbs as much as possible so I haven’t even been able to drop things off at my parents or my sisters homes, as they are on the gold coast. their mayor has said us people from Brisbane aren’t welcome there, haha! Understandable! At least having the kids at home and trying to teach and entertain them while also working from home keeps me busy, I’ve lost track of how many weeks it’s been as the days have been flying by!

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend 🙂 It’s a rainy day here – perfect for isolating at home!

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:21 pm

      Hi Mica! I find it most unusual to be chatting to so many of us from different parts of the world all in the same boat! It’s unbelievable that this is just so vast. I hope you have a safe family weekend at your home. It must be hard having children during this as I know it has been for my children and their children xx

  12. April 16, 2020 / 2:55 pm

    I love you patio furniture. We have surely enjoyed the sun and our patio. I actually need an extra patio couch since my boys are fighting to sit on our 2 seater one and I have 4 boys! They don’t like our other chairs as much. Going to see what I can find online.

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:37 pm

      Hi Mireille. This was the best investment I made for the garden! I’m actually writing this sitting on the sofa enjoying the sun xx

  13. April 16, 2020 / 1:09 am

    I love the dress and the pearls. They are gorgeous. I’m not sure the dress would look good with my pot belly but I’ll definitely check it out. Nice that you have good weather. That’s something to sing about.

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:38 pm

      Hi Rebecca. Don’t be so hard on yourself! This dress is very forgiving trust me! Thank you for stopping by. I hope you return xx

  14. April 15, 2020 / 6:12 pm

    I love your shoe storage.

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:39 pm

      Hi Ly. This was the best investment for my room. I love it too xx

  15. April 15, 2020 / 9:16 am

    Gorgeous photos, as always, Laurie! I love the shot of you working at your new garden furniture.
    Congrats on the ambassadorship. I’m off to have a look now.
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:40 pm

      Hi Suzy. Glad you like it. And I’m pleased as punch about the new brand ambassador role xx

  16. Veronica
    April 15, 2020 / 4:06 am

    Your plant might be brachyscome

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:40 pm

      Hi Veronica! Thank you so much for letting me know. I will look that up now xx

  17. jodie filogomo
    April 14, 2020 / 2:16 am

    That’s so wonderful you were featured on Claudia’s site. And having the patio furniture is life saving. We just purchased our about a month ago and are so glad we did.

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:41 pm

      Thanks Jodie. Once the sun is out I’m constantly sitting on the couch doing my admin. I love it! xx

  18. April 13, 2020 / 7:47 pm

    Well done on being ambassador Laurie, be nice to see your pieces through-out the year. I love the whole post, and adore your furniture. I hope you are staying sane in these weird times. Have a happy week. Jacqui x

    • laurie
      April 19, 2020 / 12:43 pm

      There are tough times and happy times Jacqui. I’m surprised at how quick it’s gone so far but ask me that again in a few weeks and who knows what I will say! Stay safe lovely xx

  19. April 11, 2020 / 1:12 pm

    Laurie, there is so much to love about this post! Congratulations on your new ambassadorship! This dress is lovely and I am getting myself ready to wear and photograph a dress today. I have been in sweatpants all week long. Your new outdoor furniture is absolutely lovely and you look so calm and relaxed sitting outside enjoying some fresh air. The weather in northern NY has been really yucky this past week and I am feeling the negative effects of being indoors for too many consecutive days! I had to laugh at the image of you and Dee moving the furniture in your dressing gowns at silly o-clock. You are too funny! Thanks for sharing and linking up with me.


    • laurie
      April 12, 2020 / 10:57 pm

      Thanks Shelbee. We have been blessed with gorgeous weather this week. It really does make this lockdown more bearable. I don’t think the neighbours have ever seen me looking so bad! I could see the curtains twitching even though it was early! Haha! xx

  20. Glyn
    April 11, 2020 / 12:08 pm

    Hi Laurie I’ve just signed up to your blog having discovered you on another site and admiring your style. I too am a neutrals person and I love to see the outfits you put together. I do have one question which would help me to know if I could carry off some of the outfits you put together and that is may I ask how tall you are?

    Cheers Glyn

    • laurie
      April 12, 2020 / 11:00 pm

      Hi Glyn! I’m so glad you are enjoying the blogs. There’s film to if you’d like to look at my YouTube channel. I’m 5’2 (short!) I hope this helps but please do get in touch if you need any advice about anything xx

  21. April 11, 2020 / 8:55 am

    Congratulations on the feature on the website! Isn t it Just lovely to spend time in the garden now! I love to read in the sun! Enjoy your Easter weekend!

    • laurie
      April 12, 2020 / 11:01 pm

      Isn’t it just Nancy! I hope your Easter was good xx

  22. April 10, 2020 / 2:51 pm

    Hi Laurie
    How nice you got your furniture delivered, it looks great! I am glad we have a deck with a table and chair outsie for us to work when the weather is nice. I prefer to be outside! Love the jewelry and those shoes are lovely with the cut outs. I just watch the news in the morning and thats it for the day. I too, think of people in studio apartments or places they cant go outside. That has to be very difficult. Lovely dress on you and pretty flowers! My rose bushes are beginning to bloom.
    jess xx

    • laurie
      April 12, 2020 / 11:03 pm

      Hi Jess. I think I would go raving mad without a garden! My roses are just starting to bud too. The huge bush I had in my garden at the old place was dug up and transported to the new house. I’m so pleased it’s survived xx

  23. April 10, 2020 / 2:35 pm

    Laurie, isn’t it a mess out there in the world? We all in the US are home bound as well. I think the most difficult long term effect is going to be the loss of income for so many people. It is very easy to online shop right now. What I usually do is go to a website, browse and put items in my cart, then I close it down. Later the same day or the next day I go back to it. If it still really appeals to me and I can’t live without it then I will purchase it. I’ve only done that once so far. Since I can’t go thrifting right now, I can use my thrifting stash to buy a few new items. Ha, ha. That dress is super cute and looks so comfy. Stay safe! – Amy

    • laurie
      April 12, 2020 / 11:04 pm

      Hi Amy. Lovely to hear from you. It’s so weird that we are all in the same boat all around the world. And very sad too. I like your shopping idea Amy. I might have a go at that xx