A Day At Dancers Hill House – Win For A Raffle Ticket!

I do love spending time in lovely locations, I love to look around old stately places steeped in history, plus these places always offer a nice backdrop for some fashion shots.

I was very fortunate to have an email drop about a location that’s been featured in most of the national newspapers and on the BBC!  Dancers Hill House is a gorgeous vast property with amazing grounds. Would you like to own it?  But you would need a live-in housekeeper if you did for sure!

Dancers Hill House a grade 11 listed property built in 1760 and is currently being raffled off to a winner for the small sum of £12.50!!

I was asked if I would like to spend the day there and take some photos and let my readers know about this opportunity. So I got some clothes together that I wanted to shoot and off we went! I was looking forward to a nose around!

I’m staging this post in two parts because there’s a lot to tell and there was more involved that I want to share with you. So in this post, I will show you around this beautiful place and share with you my new found vintage item that belonged to mother.


Win a stately home for £12.50


So this is it! Beautiful eh? I sat on the outside bench taking it all in, wondering what on earth I would do with something as vast as this. It would make a great business venture of some sort. There’s a big lake full of fish too! You can find out everything you need to know and how to apply for your raffle ticket here. What would you do with a place like this?



This was one of my favourite spots in the house. The conservatory was just so grand and looked out over the grounds of the house.

What would you do if you owned a place like this?


Win this gorgeous place for a raffle ticket


I’ve chosen a sophisticated spot to showcase mothers flared trousers from the 70’s The bottoms are so wide they look just like a skirt when I’m standing still. They are like new and you could most probably find a similar pair in any shop today.

As soon as I found these it was like finding treasure. A perfect fit and the right length! I don’t know why I never come across them before or she hadn’t spoken about them.




I paired the trousers with a simple silk shirt and a black evening bag.  Just look at that view! You would definitely need a sit on lawn mower!



Perfect for a special occasion, I will treasure these trousers. It’s almost like mum hid them for me to find!

Take a look at the house!



This hallway is around the same size as my tiny London flats living room! hat a grand entrance!



The kitchen is huge and very up to date, open plan into another reception area. It was all so dreamy! I think I Counted at least another four rooms this size. They were all empty with huge fireplaces in them.



It’s quite an open plan space in this part of the house, leading to a dining and seating area.  Lots of gorgeous lighting, it’s all been updated, painted and the plush carpet is laid everywhere.



I would have been happy to take the sofa home! Very plush! I also liked all the lighting, there was crystal everywhere!



There are six bedrooms and six bathrooms in the house. Perfect for a guest house? Four acres of land along with the lake. Fishing anyone?

A gym, study, wine room and cinema are on the ground floor. The house is situated near Hertfordshire, well within easy reach of London too.


A beautiful view out of every Georgian window!



Outside is full of mature shrubs and trees. The grounds are vast. We sat and had a picnic in between shots thinking of what we would do with a place like this.


You would never have to wait for a bathroom again!



This is the bathroom off the master bedroom. Very nice! A big waterfall shower to the other side.



A perfect setting for breakfast or grand dining. I think if this was to be mine it would have to be a guest house.


Go get yourself a ticket and start thing about what you would do with this magnificent place!


You can read how to get a ticket here. I would like to thank the owners of Dancers Hill House for letting me use this fantastic location to share with my readers.

There will be more to share next week,  part two with some lovely sparkly items! I’m not saying any more than that!


Thank you for stopping by!

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Xo Laurie

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  1. October 15, 2018 / 11:55 am

    Oh my goodness! That place is gorgeous…I’d take a week of “living” there just for the experience of it…the floors, the light fixtures and the VIEWS are all beautiful and you picked the perfect complimenting outfit to feature this place. So nicely done! Thank you for sharing this post with the Sunday Showcase, it wouldn’t be the same without you. 🙂

  2. October 10, 2018 / 1:42 pm

    Now that’s definitely my kind of place! I’m interested to know what it’s being used for now. Love the trousers! Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond

  3. Mother of 3
    October 9, 2018 / 12:28 pm

    That is a gorgeous property but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE those flared pants!

  4. October 8, 2018 / 12:27 pm

    I want to take the sofa home also! #DreamTeam

  5. October 7, 2018 / 3:55 pm

    Laurie, scale it down and it would be perfect for me. Love the architecture and details, but I would never want to live in a house anywhere near that size. Would like to turn it into a retirement/assisted living home for the elderly or a hotel/cooking school.

    • laurie
      October 8, 2018 / 8:31 am

      That’s a fantastic idea Jean. I hadn’t thought of that one. It would be perfect for that xx

  6. October 5, 2018 / 10:23 pm

    Oh my Laurie,
    I would love to live there. Am I the only one to wonder what the taxes are like? hehe. The flooring and the outdoor space, beautiful. You can tell the house’s design is very elegant. And elegance is what I am thinking when I look at your outfit. So beautiful and how wonderful you have a piece of your mom’s wardrobe – it was meant to be.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    • laurie
      October 8, 2018 / 8:34 am

      You would definitely need a gardener and a housekeeper that’s for sure! xx

  7. October 5, 2018 / 1:03 pm

    What a fabulous opportunity laurie and wow, to win that. I wouldn’t be able to afford the upkeep!

    • laurie
      October 8, 2018 / 8:35 am

      I think it would have to be run as a business of some sort for sure xx

  8. October 4, 2018 / 1:50 pm

    A great house Laurie and you look right at home. Love the trousers. It’s wonderful to see a vintage item having a second lease of life and you are quite right they are bang on trend – it’s always the way isn’t it and probably explains why so many of us hoard things just in case they should come back in fashion again. Thanks for linking. #TweensTeensBeyond

    • laurie
      October 8, 2018 / 8:36 am

      Thanks Jo. I’m one of those hoarders! I must get it from mum xx

  9. October 3, 2018 / 4:02 am

    The house is stunning but you fit into it perfectly. Sophisticated, classy and confident. I think this is my favorite, I am boss lady, look ever.


  10. October 2, 2018 / 12:39 pm

    What a picture perfect house! You’re right the conservatory is stunning. You look gorgeous as always. Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week.

  11. October 1, 2018 / 3:19 pm

    What a fantastic place and you look stunning too.

    Gemma x

  12. September 30, 2018 / 6:21 pm

    What a fabulous house! Not sure what I’d do with it, but one thing’s for sure: I’d finally have the space for all my vintage stuff. And some! Your Mum’s ultra wide flared trousers are gorgeous. What a find, and they are just perfect on you! xxx

  13. September 29, 2018 / 9:57 pm

    A really elegant outfit for a gorgeous house. Those trousers are amazing. 💕 #POCOLO

  14. September 29, 2018 / 7:59 am

    What a beautiful place Laurie. I adore the conservatory. Your outfit is beautiful, love everything you are wearing 🙂

    Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Have a great weekend and we hope to see you soon 🙂 #Weekendbloghop

  15. September 28, 2018 / 4:27 pm

    That building looks stunning and you look beautiful x #pocolo

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 10:25 pm

      Thank you so much! The building was beautiful. Vast! xx

  16. September 28, 2018 / 10:39 am

    WOW I’ve always had a dream to live in a beautiful old English house like that (well, perhaps on a slightly smaller scale lol!). It’s stunning!
    And you look gorgeous – I can’t believe those trousers belonged to your mum! What a cracking find, Laurie!
    Suzy xxx

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 10:26 pm

      Thanks Suzy. That is one big place! I love the trousers, so glad I found them xx

  17. September 28, 2018 / 9:32 am

    This house is YOU Laurie! Your elegance is to the manor born indeed. Love your simple but so stylish outfit chosen for the shoot, but I couldn’t see you in the orangerie amongst all those tiles!!
    Loved the photos, BTW.
    Have a fabulous weekend, x.

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 10:27 pm

      Thanks Mary xx

  18. josep-maria
    September 28, 2018 / 8:04 am

    You look really wonderful with your black and white outfit! I love this set, with these original and sophisticated pants, the classic elegance of the blouse and all the attractiveness of your spectacular heels. A fantastic proposal. The house is also wonderful, who could live in such a place!

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 10:28 pm

      Thank you Josep-Maria. I would love to live here if I had a housekeeper and gardener to hand!

  19. Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
    September 28, 2018 / 7:47 am

    What a stunning house Laurie! Thanks for introducing. You look amazing in this wide leg trousers and clean look.
    XOXO Tina

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 10:29 pm

      Thanks Tina xx

  20. September 27, 2018 / 1:03 pm

    What a gorgeous house!! I love Georgian houses – they are probably my favourite – so glam I think. You look perfectly elegant Laurie – absolutely love your look xx

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 12:01 am

      Thank you Maria. You would have loved this place then! xx

  21. September 27, 2018 / 8:15 am

    Looks very elegant, as you do too Laurie – what a gorgeous pair of palazzo’s, you obviously get your style from your mum. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 12:02 am

      Thanks Jacqui. Mum was very stylish in her days! A real lady xx

  22. September 27, 2018 / 7:53 am

    A fantastic house! A dream to live there (even if I can’t complain where I live) … I love the black and white style … as well as for your outfit 😉

    Have a great day xx

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 12:03 am

      You’ve got me thinking now! I want to see your place! xx

  23. jodie filogomo
    September 26, 2018 / 11:14 pm

    What a fabulous opportunity Laurie!! I bet this was super fun!! I can’t wait to see the rest of it…

  24. September 26, 2018 / 7:03 pm

    Laurie, the grounds look amazing!

    Only 6 bedrooms for that price?

    I’ve got 4 and 3 toilets and you can come and stay for free !

    Looking forward to next instalment too…

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 12:05 am

      But this has four acres! xx

  25. September 26, 2018 / 5:33 pm

    Oh wow this house is stunning. That sun room with the chandelier would be my favorite place to hang out in that house. The grounds are beautiful!

    • laurie
      September 28, 2018 / 12:08 am

      It really was beautiful Ruth. The sunroom was my favourite too! xx