5 Over 50 Style Orange Is The New Black

Hi Everyone

I can’t believe that it’s our monthly style challenge already. It only seems like a couple of weeks ago that we did the last challenge! I do so enjoy doing this, waiting in anticipation to see what the other girls will be wearing. We are all in the same age bracket and yet all of our style ideas are quite different.

“Orange is the new black” is our chosen theme for this month. Suggested by my good friend Ashley. And sadly this is the last time that Ashley will be taking part and I must say that she saved the best till last.
We will be having a surprise new over 50 blogger taking up the challenge with us next month.

So here’s my chosen outfit…

It doesn’t get simpler than this! A sleeveless orange top and Orange wedge sandals teamed with White straight trousers and White bag. Some Brown and Gold tones added, the necklace and sunglasses to jazz it up a little bit. A really easy to wear outfit.

I actually purchased the Orange wedge sandals last year and they have barely seen the light of day! Hidden amongst Piles of shoeboxes in my spare room, I must keep a check on what I have hidden away! Anyone else forget what they’ve purchased sometimes? I’m a stickler for keeping to what’s most comfortable.

 The White bag is a different story. I love this bag from my Laura Ashley collaboration a while back here and I use it nearly on a daily basis. It’s still available in either Yellow or Blue and on sale here

Oh, and have you noticed? Straight hair! Well, it was until I got caught in the rain! Just a smidgen of damp and that’s my lot! I’d love to hear your thoughts.Straight or curly?

Do you wear a lot of orange? I have to say I was pretty stumped for this challenge! I have a fair bit of Red in my wardrobe but the only orange I have is this top and a skirt with orange in the pattern. I need to rectify that! I really like it.

So let’s take a look at what the rest of the 5 over 50 girls are wearing.

Ashley from Lazy Daisy Jones looks absolutely amazing here. I love the dress and the photo is stunning.
Read Ashley’s version of the challenge here

Gail from Is This Mutton is wearing Orange and Green. I think this is a fab colour combo. Read Gails Challenge here

Jacqui from Mummabstylish looks stylish in this two piece. Wearing my favourite style of trousers. Read Jacqui’s version of the challenge here

Anna from Anna’s Island Style is looking super stylish in this printed dress. Read Anna’s version here

I hope you enjoy reading all the style challenges. The next challenge is lace, so I’m looking forward to that.

 I may be missing in action the rest of this week. I’m having some work done on the blog and I’m moving over to a different platform, so it will be like learning all over again! I hope it’s going to be straightforward! Excited though!

Xo Laurie

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  1. November 15, 2017 / 10:10 am

    looking gorgeous in green and white
    you are looking lovely

  2. August 21, 2017 / 10:53 pm

    I’m a big fan of orange – and have more of it than I thought I ever would. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  3. August 17, 2017 / 10:30 pm

    Oh, I love this look and theme! Those wedges are fantastic. I am also guilty of forgetting items in my wardrobe. I really like your hair straight; it is fresh and youthful.

  4. August 14, 2017 / 5:41 pm

    You ladies sure know how to rock the orange! All the looks are fabulous. Thanks for linking up with Thursday Moda!

  5. August 14, 2017 / 3:20 am

    Looking glamours as always Laurie and I love the bright colour of orange – it is such a mood lifter. Thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon link party and see you next week.

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:12 am

      Thank you Sue xx

  6. August 14, 2017 / 1:26 am

    I love pops of orange in my wardrobe (and around my house)! Even with my red hair I love a little orange. It is such a sunny color! When I remarried 4 years ago, I got a non-traditional wedding ring with an orange sapphire stone 🙂

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:14 am

      How unusual. I’ve never seen an Orange Sapphire before Terri. Orange is certainly a cheery colour, I don’t know why I’m not wearing it more! Thank you for stopping by xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:25 am

      Thank you Menaka xx

  7. August 13, 2017 / 7:50 am

    I love orange, Laurie. I have a top similar to yours and receive so many compliments about the colour. It just says summer and happiness to me. Xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:27 am

      Thank you, Sue. I’m definitely going to wear more of this colour next year xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:30 am

      Thank you so much, Amy. Comments like this are certainly uplifting! I can’t make my mind up on the hair xx

  8. August 12, 2017 / 3:49 pm

    Orange does not do it for me being a summer color type. But it sure looks great on you with your new hair style and color dear Laurie. Love it. xo Sabina

    • laurie
      August 12, 2017 / 6:42 pm

      Thank you Sabina. I’m surprised your not into this colour. I would have thought it looked great on you! xx

  9. August 12, 2017 / 9:57 am

    I never think to wear orange, but I sure love that top on you. So fresh with the white pants. Lovely!

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:31 am

      Thank you Cathy! I’m sure going to wear it more xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 7:57 am

      Thank you, Elizabeth xx

  10. August 11, 2017 / 6:02 pm

    I like orange, too. It complements my skin tone. I look good in orange and in orange-red. The outfits in your post look great! My favorite is the orange top with the white pants and orange sandals. Simple and classy!
    Carol (“Mimi”) from Home with Mimi

    • laurie
      August 11, 2017 / 10:15 pm

      Thank you so much, Mimi. And thanks for stopping by. I hope you return xx

    • laurie
      August 11, 2017 / 10:10 pm

      Thank you Anna xx

  11. August 11, 2017 / 5:10 am

    Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party with your awesome outfit. Coral is a great color on you. I love that you combined it with white. It makes the coral pop. Great look!

    • laurie
      August 11, 2017 / 10:09 pm

      Thank you Nicole xx

  12. August 10, 2017 / 7:50 pm

    You all look fabulous in orange. I think it’s such a vibrant colour and perfect when paired with white trousers. Love your straight hair look too! Very stylish and sleek. Thanks for linking to #DreamTeam x

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:32 am

      Thank you! The jury is still out on the hair though! xx

  13. August 10, 2017 / 5:50 pm

    Pretty colors on you! I love how all the ladies styled their outfit! That 2 pieces red set is so fabulous!

    Edwige | http://www.hypnozglam.com

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:33 am

      Thank you Edwige. Good to see you return xx

  14. August 10, 2017 / 1:11 pm

    I think orange is such an attractive color on all of us older ladies. It makes us glow! Thanks for sharing the cute outfits today.

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:34 am

      Thank you Patti. I think it’s less harsh than Red and easier to wear xx

  15. August 10, 2017 / 7:57 am

    I love orange so this post cought my attention quickly. Your outfit is just perfect! I also enjoy all the others. I recently had golden top and orange skirt at my blog, too. 😊

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:10 pm

      Thank you Martina. I think I need to wear orange more! Good to see you back here xx

  16. Tamara
    August 9, 2017 / 6:17 pm

    You ladies rocked Orange!!! I love breaking up the color with a much “calmer”color such a white.

    Have a great Wednesday!


    Tamara – LoveofMode.com

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:35 am

      Thank you Tamara xx

  17. August 9, 2017 / 6:01 pm

    What a fabulous color on you, Laurie! Love the orange paired with your crisp white, cropped trousers! Just stunning!


    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:35 am

      Thank you Mary xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:35 am

      Thank you Brooke xx

  18. Amy Arnold
    August 9, 2017 / 3:23 pm

    Your orange is beautiful with the white pants!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:36 am

      Thank you Amy xx

  19. August 9, 2017 / 1:50 pm

    Very chic! I love the bright orange paired with white. Your hair looks gorgeous – but then it always does! I’m terrible for buying things and then forgetting about them, especially shoes! I was looking for an old pair recently, pulled out a box thinking I’d found them only to find another pair I’d completely forgotten about…as it happens they looked better than the ones I was looking for 🙂

    Emma xxx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:37 am

      Oh, I love it when that happens, Emma! Bonus!xx

  20. August 9, 2017 / 10:10 am

    This is one of my favourite posts of your Laurie! I love the whole outfit – you look absolutely gorgeous. And the straight hair WOW! I absolutely love it.
    Suzy xx
    Suzy Turner

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:07 pm

      Thank you, Suzy.The Jury is out on the straight hair! xx

  21. August 9, 2017 / 8:52 am

    I’ve heard it said that orange looks great on everyone and I tend to agree. I love it paired with white, as well.

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:06 pm

      Thank you Dayle. I find it an easy colour to wear. Thanks for stopping by xx

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:05 pm

      Thank you! Thanks for stopping by xx

  22. August 9, 2017 / 3:50 am

    I don’t own any orange, but I think that is because I haven’t found anything in the right shade. That top is perfection on you!

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:05 pm

      Thank you, Laura. It’s such a cheery colour, you must find your shade xx

  23. August 8, 2017 / 10:31 pm

    I think this is one of my favorite looks on you, Laurie! The color is gorgeous with those white pants and, oh my goodness, those shoes are amazing!!! Really love the whole look. Now, I’m looking in my closet for orange to pair with white. Thanks for the inspo!

    • laurie
      August 10, 2017 / 10:03 pm

      Aw, Thank you so much for your kind words, Debbie. I hope you find something in Orange. Let me know, I want to see your version xx

  24. August 8, 2017 / 6:42 pm

    Orange is definitely the new black! This color is for sure the most popular color of this summer.
    Isn’t That Charming.

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:38 am

      Thank you Emily. I will be wearing it more for sure. Thank you for stopping by xx

  25. August 8, 2017 / 6:18 pm

    Oh wow, I love both the dresses in this. Very summery indeed. 🙂

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:42 am

      Thank you Nichole. Thanks for stopping by xx

  26. August 8, 2017 / 1:27 pm

    Love the orange. It pairs perfectly with the white and the necklace is the perfect accessory.

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:44 am

      Thank you. Amazing how a cheap accessory can switch an outfit up huh? xx

  27. August 8, 2017 / 11:43 am

    You look really pretty!!! I love the outfit!!!

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:45 am

      Thank you! And thank you for stopping by. The dresses are gorgeous xx

  28. August 8, 2017 / 4:28 am

    Orange & white is a fantastic combo! You look great! And what a shame that those fabulous wedges were hidden away… Great bag, too!

  29. August 7, 2017 / 10:01 pm

    Very nice outfit, great color pick 😉

  30. August 7, 2017 / 9:18 pm

    Great outfit Laurie, loving the orange with white trousers. BTW, to reply to your comment on my blog. You are in my top few favourite blogs!! Ha!! 🙂 Great style Laurie. Loving all the other lady’s outfits too. Orange looks so good. Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays.

    • August 14, 2017 / 7:52 am

      Thanks again Laurie for linking up. You are one of my features this week 🙂 x

      • laurie
        August 14, 2017 / 8:50 am

        Oh Thank you Claire! I will be popping over to link up xx

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 8:49 am

      Aw. I was only joshing Claire! xx

  31. August 7, 2017 / 6:25 pm

    It feels like I've visit your blog ages ago! Why? No idea! You look beautiful in orange! Fabulous with the white jeans and gorgeous shoes!

  32. August 7, 2017 / 5:58 pm

    Gosh, that's a beautiful and totally wearable outfit and orange looks so good on you. Like your hair both ways, lucky you for having beautifully thick hair. If it's a huge faff straightening your hair (which could potentially be damaging if straightened too often and which doesn't work with our summer!) why not keep it for special occasions. It does look good though!

    • laurie
      August 14, 2017 / 9:35 am

      Thank you so much, Mary. The jury’s out on the hair though. I’m certainly going to look out for more orange xx

  33. August 7, 2017 / 4:14 pm

    Laurie, I love this color combination on you! Those white pants are so fabulous and the orange is super flattering. I have a pair of orange wedges as well and I find that I wear them more often than I would have ever thought. I adore your hair straight, but you always look lovely no matter which way you style it.


  34. August 7, 2017 / 2:54 pm

    Love this!! Orange and white looks great!

  35. August 7, 2017 / 2:46 pm

    Laurie my darl you are looking beautiful as usual!
    Ashley xxx

  36. August 7, 2017 / 1:46 pm

    This look suits you so well – stunning! I love your accessory details, the bag, necklace and wedges. I love the wedges but probably a little too high for me!

  37. August 7, 2017 / 1:31 pm

    This is my favourite styling of yours in these challenges Laurie, probably because I'm such a huge fan of orange and wear it at least once a week during the summer. I'm so enamoured with your sandals – how could you forget about those? If you ever need to make room in your closet I'll relieve you of them, no worries!

    Anna x

    • laurie
      August 8, 2017 / 9:43 pm

      Thank you Jodie xx

    • laurie
      August 8, 2017 / 9:43 pm

      Thank you so much Tina xx

  38. August 7, 2017 / 12:27 pm

    The straight hair so suits you. Your Orange take is very me. I don't wear much orange. In fact I can't think I have anything in it. I love the wedges with the top and oh that bag. Sigh.

    • laurie
      August 8, 2017 / 9:43 pm

      Orange would so suit you Anna! I’m setting you a challenge now! As for the bag, well that’s gone into sale. I’m tempted to get the Yellow colour too xx

  39. August 7, 2017 / 9:59 am

    First of all, the straight hair is lovely, but I love your curly hair too. No harm in a bit of diversity! Orange is such a lovely colour, which incidentally I only started wearing recently myself. Now I tend to gravitate towards it. Teaming it with white is something I haven't done yet. It looks very fresh that way. Oh, and I have forgotten about things I've purchased many a time … xxx

    • laurie
      August 8, 2017 / 9:40 pm

      Thank you Ann.I’m interested in knowing what people think. My “other half” loves it straight and doesn’t understand the work involved to keep it that way! I know you like orange, I have been reading all about your colourful style! xx

  40. August 7, 2017 / 7:19 am

    Love this on you Laurie, it works very well with the white trousers, I still love that bag, and great choice of necklace. x Good luck on the 'move', I hope it runs smoothly. x Jacqui

    • laurie
      August 8, 2017 / 9:38 pm

      Thank you Jacqui. I feel like a new blogger all over again! Exciting though! xx