Ark Skincare. What I’m loving and a bonus giveaway

I’ve been using Ark Skincare products for some time now. It’s amazing how one little tube can totally change your way of thinking towards a brand and makes you just want to try more.

And it just gets better and better. My skin hasn’t looked so good in years in my opinion. People have even noticed! I’m going to run you through my favourite products that I use on a daily basis from Ark Skincare and there’s also a giveaway for you to enter too so that you might be able to try this amazing brand for free, and I must say it really is worth looking into.

ark skincare

Ark Skincare Triple Action Exfoliator

You may remember last year I was looking for a good exfoliator? I don’t mean the new type of liquid kind that you apply to your face that seems to have taken over in the beauty industry.

I mean the gritty, give your face a good old polish type. (haha! Sounds like I’m stripping paint!) I tried many samples at the skincare counters and I think the only one that I found came close was a Clarins one.

Then I was asked if I’d like to try something from the Ark Skincare range and noticed that there was the Triple Action Exfoliator and decided to give that a try. And from there I was hooked!

Sun protection and exfoliation are in my view the most important anti-ageing tools you can use to help slow up the process. Getting rid of dead skin to promote new growth and allowing your skin to absorb those creams we spend our money on to work more effectively.

This exfoliator is such a joy to use. I find it more than that. I apply when I first get in the shower and leave on to let all the other ingredients in this exfoliator do their work. It’s pretty much like a facial all rolled into one.

ark skincare

When you squeeze that tube it’s surprisingly oily but the scrub effect ( microbeads) is brilliant. I let the oils sink into my skin after and when I’ve finished showering and remove the residue with a warm soaked flannel.

I thought it was way too oily at first and realised after reading the instructions ( yes, even I forget sometimes!) this is removed best with a hot cloth. I know I make it sound like a harsh product but it really isn’t. I just feel like I’ve had a good deep cleanse.

I can honestly say that this is one of the best exfoliators I have tried. I’m now on my second tube and there is no going back for me. I do like to use my Retinol twice a week but using this exfoliator is the cherry on the cake.

Can I just say, that I’ve not been asked to write this post for Ark Skincare As I have discovered each different product and been so impressed I just wanted to tell you all about it. I approached Ark about doing this giveaway for you. and I wanted to take time and use these products to give a seal of approval. I’ve been using most of them since around March this year.

Skin Perfector Hydrating Serum

Perfect timing for writing this post. Who has their central heating on? This serum was perfect to use during those hot days we had this year. I would apply this before using my Ark SPF Skin Protection in the mornings and found it just the right amount of moisture. I don’t like to use too heavy a cream in hot weather because I feel I just get clogged pores.

Now the heating is on at home this is the best serum for locking in some moisture into my skin too. It’s a mild smelling serum and feels beautiful on. Hydrating serums are great for giving your skin an extra boost of moisture and plumping out those fine lines.

Any form of heating or airconditioning is so drying for the skin. My ageing face needs to ramp up the moisture! You can find all the ingredients listed in each product if you click on the “Shop the products” below.

Ark Skincare is vegan friendly and uses bioactive natural ingredients and is paraben friendly. Lots of awards are also under Ark’s belt. Please take time to have a read over on the Ark Skincare Website to find out more about them.

Skin Protector SPF 30 Primer

ark skincare

The SPF and moisturiser, all in one hit. I found this to be my skin saviour through the summer and will continue to use this all year through now. It’s very lightweight but nourishing if that makes sense. In the hotter months, I used this after applying the hydrating serum and found it to be enough for my skin. Nothing is more important than SPF to protect our skin. Even in winter.

As I said before I don’t like to use any heavy creams when it’s hot because my skin seems to get congested. But now it’s cooled down I’ve moved to a three-step moisturise using the Age Defy Nourishing Moisturiser. Ark Skincare has a specially formulated range for mature skin. All the skincare is colour coded for different age groups.

Shop The Products

The newest addition from the skincare range that I’m using is the Age Defy Brightening Cleanser. A handy pump delivers just the right amount. And I have to say, I just realised I haven’t mentioned how purse-friendly all this skincare is.

It’s a creamy cleanser designed to help with pigmentation and contains vitamins to help plump out fine lines. It smells absolutely gorgeous too. I really am so impressed by this brand. Do pop over to have a read about it all further. There is so much choice and a remedy for so many types of skin concerns.


I’m so happy that not one, but two of you an get the chance to try the Ark Skincare range for free. Just follow the instructions below to enter to receive a free mini kit from Ark Skincare. *Uk only I’m afraid*

I’ve extended the giveaway by another week!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep you and yours safe and well xx

Please be aware that there are affiliate links included in this post at no cost to you if they are clicked on

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  1. October 5, 2020 / 9:40 pm

    Your skin looks fab Laurie! Ark are lovely products 😊 Haven’t tried the exfoliator but it sounds great! Xx

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:28 am

      It’s honestly one of the best I’ve found in ages Lisa

  2. October 5, 2020 / 8:55 am

    Looks like a great range Laurie. I am trying to sort out a skincare routine but not sure where to start πŸ™‚

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:29 am

      This little set would be a great way to start Claire. It’s never too late to start looking after your skin

  3. October 4, 2020 / 9:29 am

    I’ve been loving the hot cloth facial wash range. I’ve also been using factor 50 sun cream daily for almost 20 years now, even this morning despite it raining all day. Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back again soon

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:30 am

      SPF is so important isn’t it? I’ve seen your skin Suzanne and I know you have been rewarded by using it

  4. October 1, 2020 / 8:50 pm

    Sounds like a fabulous product, Laurie! Exfoliating is really the key – and keeping out of the sun.
    This serum is definitely the thing judging by your great skin!

    Enjoy your upcoming weekend, Laurie!

    Donna πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€οΈπŸ

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:30 am

      I couldn’t agree more Donna!

  5. October 1, 2020 / 6:57 pm

    This looks like such a great product, Laurie! And your skin is amazing! What a fun giveaway! Thanks for linking with me.


    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:31 am

      Thank you, Shelbee. Always a pleasure xx

  6. September 29, 2020 / 7:38 pm

    Sounds like a great serum! Wanted to participate but couldn’t.

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 9:59 am

      I hope you managed to enter after we spoke Nancy xx

  7. September 29, 2020 / 6:41 pm

    I hadn’t hear of Ark skincare, but I’d be tempted to try it based on your recommendation. I’ve indeed got the heating on, and could definitely do with a product that locks in some moisture! xxx

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 10:00 am

      Extra hydration is a must with central heating Ann! xx

  8. September 29, 2020 / 5:17 pm

    The Ark exfoliator is definitely top notch and my favourite too! Great giveaway Laurie x

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 10:01 am

      Glad to hear you like it Gail. I know how much of a skincare junkie you are too. So this means it’s up there right? xx

  9. September 29, 2020 / 4:56 pm

    Nice to see new products! I’m into my skincare routine now and find all this very interesting. Looking fabulous Laurie. Jacqui x

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 10:02 am

      This is the good stuff, Jacqui! I think you would love it xx

  10. September 29, 2020 / 4:02 pm

    Can I just say, how do you look so damn good without a smidgeon of makeup on??! It must be these products you’re using, Laurie!!
    I hope all is well with you.
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 10:03 am

      Thanks so much Suzy. That’s so lovely of you to say this. I’ve definitely noticed a huge difference using this along with some Retinol that I started using xx

  11. September 29, 2020 / 2:54 pm

    I can tell the difference in my skin with the seasons especially as you mention in the winter when the heat is on.

    • laurie
      October 9, 2020 / 10:04 am

      Heating is so drying isn’t it Mireille? I’m never without a hydrating serum xx