Well, what a change in the last couple of weeks. Even Stephen Spielberg couldn’t have written this, could he? The Coronavirus has circled our world and we all just have to keep safe and wait it out. I’m currently on day nine of my three-month isolation and I’m well as is Dee. Apart from feeling a little bored, all is ok
This Virus has affected all three of my children in some way but they are all ok and that’s all that matters as I keep telling them. My aunt got stuck in Spain at 80 years old and I was worried about her but she is now safely at home. I’m going to be filming a cuppa and a chat about my time since this Coronavirus began to hit the UK and I hope you will join me there, That would mean a lot.
Anyway. No more doom and gloom here. This is what I love to do. Writing to you all, giving you something to read with your cuppa and I’m sure you don’t want to hear my woe’s. There’s enough of that going on, on the news. Here’s what I’ve been up to.
I’ve been wearing this a lot!

The denim skirt that I featured a couple of weeks ago has been worn so much. I don’t know why I haven’t had one in my wardrobe for so many years. It is a wardrobe classic, isn’t it?
I would be lying if I said I got up and dressed myself up every day. I’m a huge lover of a cosy onesie and that’s what I’ve been wearing mostly since the doctor gave his order when the Coronavirus arrived in the Uk. But when I have got dressed, this skirt is one of my casual favourites.

I guess I’m going to have to be a bit firmer on myself as time goes by and make myself get into the habit of getting dressed nearly every day. The top is new from Uk Lingerie. A super-soft lightweight polo neck is perfect for now. This will be great under my blazers when I can go out
I did start looking for some new loungewear and spotted this top and couldn’t resist because I love the colour.
A delivery that made me smile

I was gifted two gorgeous items from Browns Family Jewellers. The packaging was really beautiful and it really made me smile. It felt like my birthday!

I was so impressed with these items that I filmed a video over on Instagram you can see the unboxing and a good look at these peices on my IGTV.

The two necklaces from the Soliel collection are just stunning. 9k gold, light and easy to wear and I just love the designs of them. The stars necklace and the moon necklace were very popular over on Instagram because so many said they loved anything astrological. I love them for just being them!
Browns have some beautiful and different jewellery on their website compared to some jewellers. Worth a look.
In isolation due to the Coronavirus? There’s never been a better time for pampering

I received this cute handy device from P.M.D it’s a cleansing device and I’m really enjoying using it. I need to get more foaming cleanser now! I’m on the hunt for trying something new.
The vibration stimulates collagen as well as deep cleansing. And it’s really relaxing to use.
Revolution Pro wows me again

After being so pleased with the results from the Revolution Pro Conceal And Hydrate foundation that I wrote about a while back. I use it daily now and love it. I decided to purchase the Concealer to go with it. I lightened the shade considerably.
The foundation is F10 and this is C5. And I can tell you that the results wowed me just the same. After spending fortunes on makeup through the years I have found this bargain-priced makeup that does the job even better!
It rolled off the unit in my room and I trod on it! I have mended with a plaster for now until I replace it. How’s my luck? But at £7.00 it’s no pot of gold that I’ve lost compared to the £25 one I used to buy.
Editing YouTube films whiles away my time
If you want to see my ugly mug first thing in the morning rushing to get ready and then having a try on at Baukjen HQ then click here! I’m desperate to get this channel going and I’d love any support you can give.
What’s new in my wardrobe
A look at the new items in my wardrobe and a try on. I’d love to hear what you think of this film. Does it appeal to you? Do you watch vlogs on YouTube?
Please do let me know how you are all coping with the news around the world from this dreadful Coronavirus. Come and chat and keep me from going insane! Keep you and yours safe and well xx
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It really is strange times, glad to hear you/yours are safe. We are too, but am amazed by how many people aren’t getting the social distancing guidelines. Stay safe, stay well – thanks for joining us at #PoCoLo
The necklaces are gorgeous! Browns have so much beautiful jewellery. I love your rollneck top, it looks really soft. I’m just grateful that I can still work a couple of days a week – I could work more if it wasn’t for having Isobel at home and no granny daycare, but it’s a good balance really. Pete is doing longer but fewer days now so we can juggle it. Driving on the motorway without all the traffic is weird but good – I’ll miss that when we get back to normal, whenever that will be. Stay safe and thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
That’s one of the weirdest things about all this isn’t it Emma. “when we can get back to normal” I don’t think that’s going to be for a while! xx
Visiting from the weekend traffic jam link party. I love the skirt and agree it is classic, but the boots! I’m a sucker for a pair of boots. Lovely necklaces.
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade
Hi Dawn! Yes, I’m a sucker for shoes and boots too! Thanks for popping over xx
This is so exciting!! I’m so happy you have a vlog! I know…you are so right about that. Steve Spielberg couldn’t have written this chaos we’re living right now. It’s mind bending the whole thing. Hope you have a good weekend. And congrats on the vlog!!
Hi Sherry! You know right? I hope you pop over to the vlog. A work in progress but a challenge that’s needed in this present time. It’s a small pleasure to have something to work on xx
Laurie I LOVE those necklaces. I am very much one of those people that love anything moon or stars. They are so delicate and look fab together. I am still finding the whole lockdown situation a little surreal. It feels bizarre. I am sure we will all look back in time and be reminding each other of The Year Or Covid19 hahaha
Yes, Kerry. I keep wondering what it’s all going to be like at the end of all this. We will most probably have mild agoraphobia! xx
Wow, you are in a 3 month shelter in place now. I am sure we are headed in that direction. Probably by the end of the week. I do love this denim skirt on you. And it looks so great with the fitted turtleneck. Very retro but very modern. I am so glad that your mum made it home safely. That is highly stressful, I’m sure, to be stuck in another country during this crazy time. Thanks for sharing and linking up, my friend.
Well. They said three months Shelbee, now it’s gone to six months, maybe a year! It’s going to be a tough one! xx
Good to see you are all safe and well, it is a bit chaotic here with daughter home from uni, son working at home (he was about to move to his own flat, now delayed) and my husband trying to keep up with what can and can’t be done (construction)! I am used to being at home but not with so many adults! Michelle x
Hi Michelle. I’m sure you will adjust. I wish that me and the kids and grandchildren had all shacked down together. I’m missing them terribly. Facetiming is just not cutting it for me xx
I’m so glad that all your family is fine and safe. It is much better if we know that We started 3rd month in this crazy situation. Some times I’m pretty good and sometimes not. Last week wasn’t so good; I wasn’t even able to do blogging. But it is better now. Thank you for sharing your post with My Red Carpet. Stay safe, Laurie.
Hi Anna. I’ve just had a short faze like this the last few days, but today I feel pretty good. I hope you and yours are safe and well Anna xx
We have been doing this for 3 weeks now. And we had stopped seeing the grandchildren or 10 days before that. In reality it is about a month since I was in a coffee shop. We are getting used to ZOOM…. Stay safe.
You must be feeling it like me Hilda. I know how close you are to your family too. xx
It’s such a worrying time for us all, isn’t it Laurie? We’re in lockdown over here in Portugal as well, so I totally know what you mean about, well, everything lol. I’m trying not to slob around too much, but it’s tough. It’s weird because I’m a real homebody anyway, it’s just the fact that we can’t go out that seems to make it harder. That, and having hubby at home all the time lol! But at least we’ve got a garden and are surrounded by countryside. It must be really hard for those living in apartments without any outside space.
Stay safe and well, both of you.
Suzy xxx
It is SUCH a strange time, isn’t it, Laurie? I’m working from home at my job as events director at a theological seminary, but I have almost nothing to do as all my events are cancelled and our campus shut down. My husband and I live on a large family farm, so there’s plenty to do. Last night we were digging fence posts and shattered our water line, so no water today! I had been getting dressed with hair and makeup every day (video meetings, you know), but I can’t even brush my teeth today! Wonder how our priorities will change when all this is over.
Mary Katherine
I’m wondering when all this is going to disappear and we can just get back to normal! Stay safe and well Mary. It’s lovely to hear from you xx
Thanks for sharing, it nice to read about what you’ve been doing and I’m glad you and the family are safe.
Will be popping by Youtube and stories too. Take care and don’t get too bored! Jacqui x
Thanks, Jacqui. I will certainly appreciate the Youtube visit! xx