Red Frayed Hem Jacket – The Weekend Post

I fell in love with this red frayed hem jacket as soon as I saw it on TV!

red frayed hem jacket from zara


Emmerdale of all places! And when everyone was talking about the Zara sale, I decided to take a look and hey Presto! There was the jacket. £89 down to £50

I decided to keep it in mind for buying and then I had a turn of fate. My future daughter-in-law came to stay with my son for a couple of days and they wanted to go to Selfridges. Well, what’s dead opposite Selfridges?  Zara!

I just had to pop in for a look!

Browsing the store, there wasn’t much left of the sale. Only the last dregs. And then, low and behold, I could see that jacket peeping through a gap on the busy rail of leftovers. At, wait for it £20.00! And it was in my size! I don’t normally get that lucky! I bought it in an instant.

red frayed hem jacket


I’ve traveled down to Essex today to spend time with the grandchildren Hence why this post is so late. The Notting Hill Carnival and a half Maraton being held in Ealing made the traffic really bad!

I know the jacket is far too warm for today, but I know I will get a lot of wear out of it come the colder months. A cream silky shell top and cream trousers will dress it up nicely too. In fact, I can think of a few ways to wear this, but today Jeans and a White T-shirt seems to work well. You may have caught a glimpse of the sleeve in this post when I spoke about the Instagram #bloomingsleeves. Have you showed yours yet? I must pop over for a look.

red frayed hem jacket

I love how the frill works its way around the jacket. I must say though that the frayed hem does tend to loose a thread every now and then! I just trim them off.

There have been quite a lot of the Tweed material jackets in the shops and I think they are a great transitional item for when it gets colder. I love that they are not plain and adds a bit of spice to a plain outfit. I know this Zara one will be hard to come by, but I have listed three others below.

I want to share with you this great find I spotted the other day

f&f white jumper


This Batwing sleeved jumper caught my eye in Tescos the other day. It’s available in Black, White or Grey here And at £14.00 I  thought that was a bargain. Super soft, I think this will work well with jeans or trousers.

When blogger friends meet….

I had a fabulous time with Anna from Mutton Style Years  It’s so lovely when you get to meet your on line friends IRL and we chatted for a few hours. Anna looked fabulous when she arrived at one of my favourite places “Bills” in Chiswick. Do check out Annas blog. I love her style.

This week’s “Ten Under Twenty”

I was scouring on line for ages to find some good bargains this week. A sure sign that we are coming to the end of the sales! Have you started buying your winter wardrobe items yet? Anyway. I will leave you with the bargains that I did find. I’m really liking the patterned skirt at only £15

That’s it from me peeps. Time to wear myself out with those grandchildren!

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XO Laurie

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  1. September 18, 2017 / 2:32 am

    What a cute jacket! I love it!!

    Thank you for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty

  2. Lori Hill
    September 18, 2017 / 2:31 am

    What a cute jacket! I love it!!

    Thank you for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty

  3. September 11, 2017 / 7:30 pm

    It was clearly meant to be! And it is rather fab. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x

  4. September 6, 2017 / 4:16 am

    Beautiful jacket Laurie and it looks great on you! Thank you for sharing it with us at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty!

  5. September 6, 2017 / 2:44 am

    That jacket was obviously meant to be! I can’t believe what a deal you got on it! And it looks amazing on you!

  6. September 4, 2017 / 11:10 pm

    Fabulous jacket! What a lucky find for only £20! The patterned DP skirt you’ve featured is lovely, some great bargains there.

    Emma xxx

  7. September 3, 2017 / 9:12 pm

    I love that jacket and it looks great on! 🙂 #PoCoLo

  8. September 3, 2017 / 1:48 pm

    What a fabulous find and love the fact you got the inspiration from Emmerdale 🙂 Our favourite soap – there are some characters with wardrobes I am insanely jealous of! Sim xx #PoCoLo

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:07 pm

      Thank you! It’s not just me then that Searches for stuff that’s seen on Telly? Drives me mad sometimes! Thank you so much for stopping by xx

  9. September 3, 2017 / 12:44 pm

    Laurie, this jacket is gorgeous! I love tweed and I love plaid and I love red! So this is an absolute winner in my book. No wonder you had to have it. You have styled it brilliantly with denim, too. This is fabulous! And how fun that you had the opportunity to meet Anna in real life. Blogger meet ups are the best!

    Thanks so much for linking up at #SpreadTheKindness!


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:08 pm

      Thank you, Shelbee. And yes I love meeting bloggers. You can hear their voice when you’re reading their blog and it’s so much nicer xx

  10. September 3, 2017 / 9:44 am

    I love the colour of the jacket Laurie and it is just my style. Thanks for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. Have a great week.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:09 pm

      Thank you Sue xx

  11. September 2, 2017 / 9:59 pm

    Such a lovely jacket Laurie, love the style and colour 🙂 Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop.

    • September 3, 2017 / 9:57 am

      Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays too Laurie, you will be one of my features tomorrow 🙂 x

  12. September 2, 2017 / 5:29 pm

    I really love your jacket! it goes so cute with your jeans and White blouse:) Thanks for sharing and linking up hon 🙂

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:09 pm

      Thank you Trina xx

  13. September 2, 2017 / 1:16 am

    Gorgeous and a fab bargain too. I love the dress in your ten under twenty section
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:10 pm

      Thank you xx

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:11 pm

      Thank you Amy. Yes I’m gathering my jacket collection for the colder weather xx

  14. September 1, 2017 / 7:34 pm

    Great finds! Thanks for linking up at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:11 pm

      Thank you Christine xx

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:11 pm

      Thank you Lizzie xx

  15. September 1, 2017 / 2:26 pm

    Beautiful jacket on you! Love your “to shop” finds as well. Jackets give such a lovely finish to a simple jeans and tee outfit.

    Elizabeth |

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:13 pm

      Thank you Elizabeth. I’m glad you like the sales feature. It’s on each and every weekend here. Love a bargain! xx

  16. September 1, 2017 / 11:46 am

    What a pretty jacket! I love how you’re wearing it with jeans and a T. ‘Great casual look! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:13 pm

      Thank you so much Marci xx

  17. September 1, 2017 / 7:24 am

    Super cute outfit

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:14 pm

      Thank you Pamela. Thank you for stopping by xx

  18. September 1, 2017 / 7:04 am

    Cute jacket, perfect to go with jeans! Thank you Laurie for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared your post on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:14 pm

      Thank you so much xx

  19. September 1, 2017 / 5:31 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Yes, I can see that you fell in love with the jacket on first sight. It’s such a nice twist on the classic Chanel jacket. You look stunning in the jacket. I love that you paired it with jeans.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:15 pm

      Thank you so much Nicole xx

  20. September 1, 2017 / 1:26 am

    That jacket was meant to be! It darling and looks amazing on you!

    Doused in Pink

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:15 pm

      Thank you Jill xx

  21. August 31, 2017 / 8:09 pm

    That really was fate to find your jacket in your perfect size and with such a brilliant discount! Love the batwing top too! Thanks for linking to #DreamTeam x

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:16 pm

      Thank you. The batwing top looks better IRL I need to buy it! xx

  22. August 31, 2017 / 6:33 pm

    It was a fun meet up.

    That jacket is fabulous. I would if I could. I really would but need to count pennies at the moment.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:18 pm

      Thank you Anna. I hear you’ve been spending your money elsewhere!I hope it was worth it xx

  23. August 30, 2017 / 1:24 am

    I miss Zara from my days when I was living in Europe but man the first Zara is opening in Michigan US this Fall and I cannot wait. That red tweed jacket is amazing and I just got reminded that I also own a red tweed jacket. Your piece will be perfect for Fall and Winter. And how cool you met one of your blogging friends, sweet Laurie. =)

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:20 pm

      Thank you Ada! Best you start saving your Dolla’s! Zara is amazing this year! xx

  24. August 29, 2017 / 9:18 pm

    I love that jacket – I always feel so smart when I wear a nice jacket, even if it’s with jeans. I love that patterned skirt too! #Dreamteam

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:21 pm

      Thank you Nicola. A smart jacket is a perfect partner for jeans I think. Thank you so much for stopping by xx

  25. August 29, 2017 / 5:31 pm

    I am totally loving this jacket!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:24 pm

      Thank you so much Nistha. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you return xx

  26. Nis
    August 29, 2017 / 5:30 pm

    I am totally loving this jacket! Super fab!

  27. August 29, 2017 / 4:53 pm

    That jacket is so fall appropriate!! Love how you’ve styled it!!

    Have an amazing day!
    xx Kris

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:26 pm

      Thank you Kris xx

  28. August 29, 2017 / 4:16 pm

    You look fabulous in your red tweed, Laura! Such a great jacket to pair with jeans! Really beautiful and what a steal! Love those serendipitous finds 😉


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:29 pm

      Thank you Mary. I always love finding a bargain! xx

  29. August 29, 2017 / 3:17 pm

    That jacket suits you to a T Laurie!
    What a find.
    It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?
    Thank you SO much for lining up to the #fakeituntilyoumakeit link up.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:30 pm

      Thank you Samantha xx

  30. August 29, 2017 / 1:38 pm

    No wonder you fell in love with this jacket, it’s so unique, love the frills and frays! Great way to dress up denim!


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:31 pm

      Thank you so much Carmen xx

  31. August 29, 2017 / 12:10 pm

    WOW that was certainly the perfect find, Laurie! And it looks gorgeous on you. LOVE the ruffles! You really do look fab in red and in jeans too.
    Suzy xx
    Suzy Turner at Yogadocious

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:36 pm

      Thank you Suzy, Nearly as good a buy as your Massimo Dutti jeans.The one’s I’m still looking for! xx

  32. August 29, 2017 / 5:52 am

    Your jacket is a unique statement piece that will be a great option for so many occasions and how wonderful for you to find it on sale! Thank you for sharing this post on my Fine-Whatever link up.


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:37 pm

      Thank you Rena xx

  33. August 28, 2017 / 8:49 pm

    What a find! I adore this jacket and it looks absolutely stunning on you! How fun!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:38 pm

      Thank you so much Mellisa. I’m so pleased that you stopped by xx

  34. August 28, 2017 / 6:25 pm

    What a gorgeous jacket! From what I can tell, red is on for fall and good for you because it’s a great color for you!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:39 pm

      Thank you Carrie. I love Red, it’s one of my favourites xx

  35. August 28, 2017 / 1:24 pm

    The jacket is stunning and suits you so perfect.
    Totally on trend for autumn.
    Have a fantastic week.

    Love, Esther

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:43 pm

      Thank you so much Esther. And thank you for stopping by. I hope you return xx

  36. August 28, 2017 / 11:38 am

    That’s such a wonderful jacket, and how lucky you were to pick it up at that price! You’re looking great in red, Laurie! xxx

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:45 pm

      Thank you xx

  37. August 28, 2017 / 10:36 am

    Love this jacket Laurie, it does suit you. I’d started to think about warmer clothes, and then the weather changed again!!!! I do wish it would make up it’s mind. x Jacqui

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:47 pm

      I’m just getting my collection of jackets in for this year Jacqui. I got caught short last year and that’s not happening again.

  38. August 28, 2017 / 8:53 am

    This jacket is gorgeous on you! The colour the ruffles and everything about it is perfection!

    Have a lovely Bank holiday!

    Gemma x

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:48 pm

      Thank you Gemma xx

  39. August 28, 2017 / 5:23 am

    I can see why you bought this jacket, Laurie, it is smashing and its colour suits you so well. Great find

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:49 pm

      Thank you Anna xx

  40. August 28, 2017 / 4:52 am

    you could totally dress it up or make it more casual, really cute #AnythingGoes

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:51 pm

      Yes you can.I’m thinking about Cream trousers to wear with it too. Thank you for stopping by xx

  41. August 28, 2017 / 2:45 am

    super cute jacket. Love it.


    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:52 pm

      Thank you so much Kristin. Thank you for stopping by xx

  42. August 27, 2017 / 11:08 pm

    What a great jacket, and a great story too! Thanks for linking up, XO.

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:53 pm

      Thank you Patti xx

  43. August 27, 2017 / 8:28 am

    That is a fantastic jacket! I love tweed, it s not available enough in Fall is my opinion! And the top is very nice too! Enjoy your Sunday!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:54 pm

      Thank you Nancy xx

  44. August 26, 2017 / 8:06 pm

    Great smart casual look, Laurie, and that jacket is going to work equally well with trousers, skirts or dresses. Lucky you, right time, right place!
    Looks like you had a fun meet up with Anna, you two kittens must have purred for hours!

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:56 pm

      Thank you Mary. Imagine how long it will be when the three of us get together! xx

  45. August 26, 2017 / 7:48 pm

    Wow Laurie this jackes is stunnung. You look sooo amazing in it, and red is absoloutely trendy
    Enjoy your weekend, XO Tina

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 8:56 pm

      Thank you Tina xx

  46. August 26, 2017 / 6:46 pm

    You look lovely in your new Jacket red suits you, not sure about those face filters on stories though???
    Ash xxx

    • laurie
      September 3, 2017 / 10:07 pm

      Well I’m glad you like the jacket! xx