Happy New Year!

the new years eve dress


How was your Christmas? I think this is the longest gap I’ve had between posting. I was so looking forward to the Christmas break but it feels like an eternity since I’ve been in touch and I’ve really missed it!

I’m not going to dress last year up, it was one of the hardest of my life and I’m glad to see the back of 2018 but here’s to a happier brighter 2019! I already have a few good things in the pipeline. I won’t share yet until I know they are concrete but fingers crossed…

Before I head into the new year, let’s take a look at December…

I was so looking forward to the Christmas break but it feels like an eternity since I've been in touch and I've really missed it!

On the very cusp of Christmas, I got the dreaded lurgy, the worst cold ever! I’m still suffering from a chest infection now. I think I overworked myself a bit in the last couple of months too which didn’t help.

I got a surprise gift from Pretty You London A brand that sells the most adorable slippers/house shoes and loungewear.

After all the cleaning of the house and all the shopping for Christmas was bought and wrapped I decided to take an entire day off, a true lady of the manor style! I watched films, made plans for the new year and pampered myself a bit.

The house slippers, these ones are called Blair (posh slippers deserve a posh name) have a hard sole just like shoes, they’re not the “sink your feet into these” kind of slipper, more like a shoe but my, oh so pretty! There are some lovely designs to choose from too. Worth a look.

OOTD/OOTN – What I’ve been wearing


the new years eve dress

I’m actually staying in Essex for the new year. Going out with family and friends. My nearest and dearest requested that I wear this black dress that’s quite a few years old from Miss Sixty.

Last years coat has made a lot of appearances. I haven’t bought a new coat yet this year. I’m scouring the sales online but I think I would prefer to try coats on before I buy in the shops. Save on all the heavy returns! I’m looking for a good Camel coat.

The knee high boots were cheap as chips from Quiz clothing. I’m quite pleased with these considering the price of £40 now £30!


happy new year


I’ve also enjoyed wearing these Ruby Red trousers from Laura Ashley. (featured with this top also on sale) The “Cafe” collection of trousers come in a host of colours and patterned materials. I also have these in brown and they are a great pair of smart/casual trousers to wear.


New Skincare I’m trying

I’ve just started using these two creams by Swiss Force. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the thread and spider vein cream is going to work. There are so many areas of my nose that have problems!. I have large pores to the front, veins that are angry looking to the sides and a broken vein that I’ve had zapped with laser twice now and it’s still coming back to haunt me!

Please work cream! I will report back next month with some before and after shots.

Skin brightening creams I’ve not used before either, so I’m looking forward to trying this one too. At the moment I’m concentrating on the spider vein cream. You can take a look at the brand here and read more about it if you wish.

I couldn’t think of a more perfect start to the year!

Happy new year! I couldn't think of a better way to start off the year

After an invite from Red Letter Days A gifting service where you can treat someone to a day of so many choice ideas. A spa day, a helicopter ride, a cookery course, the list is endless.

I’ve chosen to stay in a London hotel. I’m very much looking forward to it! Look out for my stories next week. You can find me on Instagram here. I’m very much looking forward to some me time!

Changes and returning to film


I put my Youtube account on hold for a while a month or so ago. I had to let something give while being busy finishing up at mums house. I’m hoping to start up again this week so I hope you will join me over there. Here’s the link to my channel if you haven’t seen any of the films yet.

I’m just about to start renovating my tiny abode in London so I’m going to be sharing that with you all too. I’m useless at interiors and have been scouring lots of ideas online!


Happy new year to you all. What plans do you have for 2019?



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Xo Laurie

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  1. January 14, 2019 / 6:31 am

    You always look beautiful. Your dressing sense is great.

  2. January 9, 2019 / 8:37 pm

    Happy New Year Laurie. How do you manage to look so elegant and fashionable in everything that you wear lovely!? I’m in complete awe as usual. We are still in the thick of renovations ourselves, so it’s going to be super fun to see how you do with yours. Thank you for joining us for the #dreamteam xx

  3. January 8, 2019 / 9:51 pm

    Laurie I hadn’t realised you had had such a tough 2018, you may have missed it but I am sure you probably benefited from the break to recharge your batteries and as usual you did it in true style! House slippers love them! I also am a fan of the detail on the back of the black dress and thought when you featured it previously how great you looked. Will be keeping an eye out for your review on the thread vein cream – could certainly do with some of that. Wishing you a healthy, peaceful and successful 2019. #TweensTeensBeyond

  4. January 8, 2019 / 9:35 am

    I hope you bounce back soon Laurie, good riddance to 2018 – I think 2019 will be kinder to you you lovely and your renovations sound exciting. I’ve had a virus too all over the New Year – and every time I think I’ve beaten it it gets me again. Now I’m back home I’m hoping I can recover properly. I look forward to your videos Laurie xx

  5. January 7, 2019 / 10:30 pm

    I love the black dress, the fringe on the back is a stunning detail! Those slippers are dreamy…and so luxurious. I’m trying those creams too and hoping they’ll diminish the spider veins around my nose…fingers crossed. I hope 2019 brings lots of happiness and success for you!

    Emma xxx

  6. January 7, 2019 / 9:49 pm

    The black dress is gorgeous. I am afraid I am not so keen on the slippers though, but can see that they were massively comfortable when you had a cold. I hope you feel better now. Have a great 2019. Pen x #AnythingGoes

  7. January 7, 2019 / 8:50 am

    I love the black dress with fringe detail, so beautiful! #AnythingGoes

  8. January 6, 2019 / 12:11 pm

    Laurie, thanks so much for partying with us at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 28!

  9. January 5, 2019 / 3:42 pm

    Happy New YEar Laurie! I love those adorable pink slippers! I am always one for great loungewear or robes… Sounds like you had a busy year last year, and I hope you are feeling better. You look amazing in the black dress! I love the fringe too. The plaid coat is gorgeous as well. I love coats, I just dont need to buy too many here in NC , if I lived in London, I would have a collection! Best to you in the New YEar.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:09 am

      Thanks, Jess. Have a wonderful year lady xx

  10. January 5, 2019 / 3:16 pm

    You look stunning in the black dress Laurie! I love the Laura Ashley trousers too. Thank you for linking up to #Blogstravaganza 🙂

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:10 am

      Thank, Jo! Happy new year xx

  11. January 5, 2019 / 4:10 am

    I was off line during the holiday. We need some off line time, it is actually very healthy. I love your colorful coat. Such a statement!


    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:12 am

      Thanks Anna. It’s perfect for chilly London! xx

  12. January 4, 2019 / 5:06 pm

    Very pretty slippers! And you look stunning in the black dress. All the best for 2019 x

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:13 am

      Thanks, Gail. Looking forward to our afternoon tea xx

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:14 am

      Thank you Karen. Happy new year xx

  13. January 4, 2019 / 9:26 am

    That’s a fabulous black dress indeed. You’re rocking it dear. That Ruby Red trousers looks super edgy with the black top too. Love it!

    Jessica |

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:15 am

      Thank you Jessica. The trousers are on sale now at a bargain price xx

  14. January 4, 2019 / 6:01 am

    The fringe on the back of that dress is fabulous! Wow! You look so gorgeous and chic in it. I also love the fun slippers as they look like they would be so soft to wear! Happy 2019!

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:16 am

      I’m so impressed with these slippers Ruth. Too good to be stuck indoors. I’m tempted to wear them out! xx

  15. January 4, 2019 / 5:41 am

    Happy New Year, Laurie! I know you don’t like how you look in black but that dress is such a stunner with you in it!! It’s a funny time of year really, isn’t it? I’ve enjoyed this newsy post – you’re an inspiration!! Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🙏 donndoesdresses.com

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:18 am

      Aw, thank you so much Donna. I hope I can keep inspiring you xx

  16. January 4, 2019 / 5:12 am

    Those house shoes are so pretty! So many times they are not attractive, but those are GORGEOUS! I love that pretty plaid coat too!

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:19 am

      Thank you Laura xx

  17. January 3, 2019 / 11:34 pm

    Good choice with the LBD!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Mary x.

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:20 am

      Thanks Mary xx

  18. jodie filogomo
    January 3, 2019 / 9:59 pm

    You’re right…it’s going to be a fabulous year Laurie. And it’s always good to take a break!!
    I feel the same way with decorating. I think I like it but I don’t always know the right dimensions and ways to fit things in. I was truly very happy with the online decorating service I used and it was prices so reasonable. If you’re interested I can give you the name…I don’t get a commission or anything. I just thought it was so helpful.
    We’ve been working on our videos more lately. Luckily my husband edits them because they are SO time consuming. But it’s fun!!

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:21 am

      I might just be calling on you Jodie! It’s the decision making that I find the hardest. Happy new year xx

  19. January 3, 2019 / 6:36 pm

    Hope you feel 100% soon! It is never fun to get sick right around the holidays, when we don’t have time to rest. I just love the color and how soft those house slippers look! Happy New Year!


    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:24 am

      Thanks Carrie. You can’t beat some good loungewear xx

  20. January 3, 2019 / 3:04 pm

    Laurie, I hope 2019 will be much better to you than 2018 was. Looking forward to seeing your renovation.

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:27 am

      Thanks Jean. I’m looking forward to sharing, but not the mess! Happy new year xx

  21. January 3, 2019 / 11:55 am

    Happy New Year Laurie!

    I love the fringed black dress you wore! So classy and fun!
    I will have to check out your YouTube Channel. I enjoy following my blogging gals there.
    I enjoy watching people remodel their homes.
    Houzz is a directory full of professionally done homes and you can find inspiration there.
    I know they have a UK version of Houzz.
    I’m in the US version.


    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:29 am

      Thanks so much for sending this link, Robin. I’m hooked on this website already! xx

  22. January 3, 2019 / 6:20 am

    Look at you (and those legs) in the fuchsia pants, Laurie LOVE

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:29 am

      Thanks Sheela. Happy new year lady! xx

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:30 am

      And you Tina! xx

  23. Amy Arnold
    January 2, 2019 / 4:39 pm

    Happy new year! I love all of these pretty looks!

    Amy Ann

  24. January 1, 2019 / 9:38 pm

    Gorgeous Laurie, I wish you a much gentler year this year my lovely. Happy New Year to you xx I think you look amazing in that black dress, good choice. You always look gorgeous though so I reckon a bin bag would look chic on you. Have a fabulous year, hopefully catch up soon xxx

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:31 am

      Thanks Kerry. Can’t wait to catch up again! xx

  25. January 1, 2019 / 9:00 pm

    hello Mrs B!
    Happy 2019 cant wait to see you soon.
    I love you in darker colours!
    Ashley x

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:32 am

      Happy new year to my friend, my rock. Thank you for all you’ve done for me this year. Are your ears hurting?!! Hurry up and come to London xx

  26. January 1, 2019 / 8:11 pm

    Happy New Year Laurie, hope it was a good one. You certainly look set for a great night out in your stylish dress. Looking forward to seeing what you have instore for the new year. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:33 am

      Thanks Jacqui. Happy new year! xx

  27. January 1, 2019 / 7:05 pm

    Hope you had a fab new year and are feeling better. My other half and son have had man flu the whole of Christmas, so lots of germs flying round!
    Some gorgeous outfits on this post. I will check if there’s any of those boots left. They look fab.
    Alison xx

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:34 am

      Thanks, Alison. Peacocks have some amazing bargains at the mo. I’m really impressed with their shoe collection. Happy new year xx

  28. January 1, 2019 / 7:02 pm

    Happy New year Laurie!

  29. Marianne
    January 1, 2019 / 6:27 pm

    Happy New Year Laurie

    I find Pinterest to be a good way of finding ideas for interior decorating. When I cannot make a decision I look to my Pinterest boards to spot a theme amongst my boards.

    My kitchen is next in line.

    It will be interesting to see if the new cream works out.

    • laurie
      January 6, 2019 / 8:35 am

      Thanks, Marianne. I’m searching Pinterest too! xx