Looking After Yourself – The Braun ActivScan

I am a true carbon copy of my mother. Every health issue that she had I have gradually acquired through the years. Mum had an irregular heartbeat and it used to miss a beat every two beats! I too have an irregular heartbeat although my little ticker doesn’t miss a beat.

We both suffered from palpitations too. Mine started at sixteen and both our blood pressures bordered on the low side. As mum reached her very late years, high blood pressure ensued and lots of mini-strokes happened. This led to a pace-maker being fitted due to the irregular heartbeat too.

In my fifties, my blood pressure is still really good. Spot on, not bordering on low anymore but I just know I will follow in mum’s footsteps. When an email dropped into my box about the Braun ActivScan I jumped at the chance to review this up to date  blood pressure monitor



Braun Blood Pressure Moniter


Keeping an eye on that blood pressure!

The Braun ActiveScan 9 blood pressure monitor really is a useful piece of kit. It links to your smartphone too. When I received the monitor I took it to my local chemist to make sure it was accurate and it was spot on. I started to monitor my blood pressure at the same or near same time of day as suggested and so far all is good. I’m in the Green section!

  • Green – Normal
  • Yellow – Mild hypertension
  • Orange – Moderate hypertension
  • Red – Severe hypertension



Here’s what Braun has to say about the ActivScan 9


The ActivScan™ 9 is a comfortable and intuitive blood pressure monitor. It measures and stores your blood pressure, which you can access through the dynamic user interface. Data is displayed directly on the monitor in a simple way, creating an evolving snapshot of your heart’s health.


Once it has read your blood pressure it colour-codes your results, from green to red so you can interpret your heart’s health at a single glance.


The ActivScan™ 9 monitor displays all your blood pressure data simply and elegantly using charts and graphs. This way, you can get a single reading at a glance but then, with just a few clicks, see the bigger picture of your heart’s health over time. The monitor is fully compatible with smartphone devices via the Braun Healthy Heart app, which lets you access your data anytime, anywhere and enter lifestyle data to create a complete picture of your health and lifestyle.


Our custom-made, pinch-to-open cuff fits easily around your upper arm and uses soft inflate technology. This provides gentle measurement, enabling you to discover your blood pressure comfortably.


The dynamic user interface is simple and intuitive to use and the full-colour display is controlled by an easy navigation wheel and soft touch buttons.


So at the touch of a button, from the comfort of your home, you can review your blood pressure as it changes over the day, the week or the month. Want to see the average for last week? No problem. Want to compare it to last month? Couldn’t be simpler.

There is also a mini version of this blood pressure monitor available here


Braun Blood Pressure Monitor


I like the fact that the whole family can keep a record of their blood pressure too

I’ve been sharing this blood pressure monitor with all the family too! Keen to show off my impressive new techno gadget. Techno? Don’t let that word put you off this blood pressure monitor is really easy to use. If I can work it out anyone can!

It’s really easy to use and it’s very simple to understand. My aunt visited and was interested when I showed her the monitor. My aunt already has high blood pressure and takes medication for it. Her blood pressure was lit up in Orange. We used the monitor three times over a period of time and it stated Orange each time, So a trip to the doctors for her to get checked is in order. You see? It’s really handy. Her meds may need changing.


Here’s a short video of how the blood pressure monitor works



Do you have blood pressure? Or maybe someone in your family? I think it’s important to have something like this to keep a check on your or your families health.

You can find the Braun ActivScan available at Boots

Thank you to Braun for sending me this blood pressure monitor. This is a sponsored post and all my thoughts about the monitor are true. Very impressed.


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Xo Laurie


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  1. September 3, 2018 / 10:02 pm

    Sounds like a useful item to have. Thanks for sharing with the #DreamTeam it would be great if you could add the linky badge

  2. August 30, 2018 / 9:46 pm

    Good job you shared this device with your aunt, I hope she’s doing well. Thanks for linking up with #pocolo

  3. August 29, 2018 / 12:24 pm

    I could have done with this during my pregnancy with the twins as my blood pressure was crazy!!! Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

  4. August 28, 2018 / 11:53 am

    Every home should have this. Great review!

  5. August 28, 2018 / 7:06 am

    This looks like a great health gadget to have to keep an eye on things and to be able to seek medical advice promptly if something averse crops up!

  6. August 25, 2018 / 12:56 am

    This looks so nice!! I have what they call white coat syndrome, so my blood pressure goes up at the DR office, but it is ok at home. Thankfully it was ok at my last checkup and I didn’t have to do one of those blood pressure checks! I guess it isn’t surprising to inherit other family member’s traits over time.


    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:34 pm

      It’s a great gadget Carrie. I’m like that at the dentist! xx

  7. August 24, 2018 / 5:12 pm

    This is fascinating. I’d be interested in getting one for the family too. My daughter has her blood pressure checked regularly as she is Type 1 Diabetic and my son is checked for meds he is on for his autism. I also have very low blood pressure so would like to keep a check on it.

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:36 pm

      This would be perfect for you then Rebecca. There are four of us on the machine. It’s a great gadget but easy to use. Thank you for stopping by xx

  8. August 24, 2018 / 9:54 am

    I am going to get this as every time I have my blood pressure taken at the surgery it is high, I think it is white coat syndrome, so if I can check at home hopefully it will be normal #,PoCOLO@_karendennis

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:37 pm

      Worth a try! I hope it helps Karen xx

  9. August 24, 2018 / 5:38 am

    This sounds like such a great option for so many people who have blood pressure issues. I am sorry to hear of your health problems. Hopefully they will be better and maybe fingers crossed you’ll not have the same exact issues.

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:39 pm

      men to that Ruth. Thank you Sweetie xx

  10. August 23, 2018 / 3:08 am

    A useful kit to have for certain. I love that it’s s simple and intuitive to use.

    • laurie
      August 23, 2018 / 8:53 am

      Always handy to have for all the family Veronica. I hope the blood pressure stays normal for some time yet xx

  11. August 22, 2018 / 11:22 pm

    Looks like a very clever gadget – like how we can check on our own health these days #BloggersBest

    • laurie
      August 23, 2018 / 8:54 am

      Yes Kate. Good to keep our eye’s on all the family xx

  12. August 22, 2018 / 12:44 pm

    We have one actually Laurie – I just need to make the time to regularly use it and note it down. My blood pressure is erratic and can go from one extreme to another. You’ve reminded me how important it is xx

    • laurie
      August 23, 2018 / 8:55 am

      I remember reading about it Maria. You really need to keep a check xx

  13. August 22, 2018 / 11:49 am

    I think it’s really good to have things like this at home, especially if you or your family has a history of health problems. I’m like you, I’ve been suffering from palpitations for a while now. I also have normal to low blood pressure, and I recently was diagnosed with a very slight heart murmur which the doctor told me isn’t anything to worry about now, but could be in the future! Yikes!
    Hope all is fab with you, Laurie!
    Suzy xxx

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:41 pm

      Yes, that’s the same as me Suzy. You must keep a check on it. I think things like this change as we get older xx

  14. August 22, 2018 / 10:16 am

    Nice gadget for families where someone has high, or borderline, blood pressure. I’m all in favour of monitoring our own health and taking action to try to avoid problems! My BP is always on the low side, as is mum’s, but my husband’s is usually high, even though he exercises like a maniac and has a mostly healthy diet.

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:43 pm

      It’s all in the Genes I think Gail. It would be very beneficial to your husband. He could check rates via his phone whilst exercising. xx

  15. August 22, 2018 / 7:50 am

    I’ve been thinking about buying some pointcare device, thanks for the advice! #bloggersbest

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:44 pm

      Do take a look Paola. Thanks for stopping by xx

  16. August 22, 2018 / 7:27 am

    Phew, I’ve finally got in to the comment section for this post!
    We have cuffs but don’t use them as they differ from our doctor’s readings and we have those done at least quarterly. Sounds like we’re ready for a cuff upgrade! So important to keep check so it’s good that you’ve found that this new whizzy version is accurate. My cuffs are probably museum pieces now!
    An important message to get across, Laurie, well done. Hugs my lovely x.

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:45 pm

      Thank you Mary. It wasn’t your problem re comments. It was a problem here xx

  17. August 21, 2018 / 6:53 pm

    This is interesting Laurie, great to have in the home. My MIL had a cuff one, but not sure if it worked correctly. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:46 pm

      It’s always worth going to the chemist to check against theirs at the same time I think Jacqui xx

  18. August 21, 2018 / 6:28 pm

    I like how it acts with your phone!

    • laurie
      August 26, 2018 / 9:48 pm

      I thought you would like this! xx