Bidvine – Professional Services Found For You

Always having the intention of bettering my Photography regarding blogging,  I recently came across a company called Bidvine…

I have been meaning to try and brush up on my Photography skills for some time, so when Bidvine * contacted me , explaining what they did and what services they provided , this sounded like a good place to start.

Let me explain…

You create your account with Bidvine, then when you want to find a service, say,  maybe you would like to find a decorator. Then you would enter Decorator. If you needed a plumber, you would enter plumber etc.
Then you add your postcode to get started on finding that service nearest to you in that area.

You will then be asked a series of questions relating to what you’re looking for. I also enquired about a personal trainer and exercise classes in my area, so the form above shows the related questionnaire for this. The beauty of this is that you can decide how far you would wish to travel or if you would like them to travel to you. I actually searched quite a few different categories such as Portrait Photographer or Party organiser  and I was surprised how much is available in my area. Even PC computer repairs.

Then you just sit back and wait for your quotes to come in…..

You then decide which quote you feel is best for you, then contact the person who you feel will fit your requirements. It’s that simple. You can also have your quotes message you if you wish. So when I’m famous I will be getting quotes from the bodyguard category that I just came across (laughing)

I’m sure this company would come in handy for so many things, I am really impressed with the swift service provided. You can find Bidvine here  I’m sure you will find it as user friendly as I did

Xo Laurie

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  1. September 29, 2016 / 8:47 am

    I've not heard of this brand before – sounds great! So many services at the touch of a button #bestandworst

  2. September 28, 2016 / 11:04 am

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays Laurie, hope you having a lovely week 🙂

  3. September 23, 2016 / 1:11 pm

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    I am launching another 3-part collaboration with fashion-forward brand STAYING SUMMER this week at the blog – come on over and see what I am super excited about!

    Happy Friday!
