Celebrating Style Link Up

Hi everyone
I don’t have a great deal of a post to share with you today! Just a photo from the weekend when I had a great day out at the finals for Top Model Uk. I will be giving a full report of the day next week. It was amazing!

I had a tough time deciding on what to wear. It started at 1 pm and I wondered if there would be people in evening dress or just smart dress. 
I decided to play it safe and go smart casual. Cream top, Beige trousers and one of my favourite silk scarves. I did also take with me my Navy blazer.

The event was held at the stunning Hilton London Metropole. A huge hotel and very nice too. So keep your eyes peeled for the post next week. 
I also wanted to thank everyone for their wishes last week for the in-laws. The mother is well on the mend and due to come home, however, the father in law is really not good at all. Hence why this is such a short post. I hope I have better news for you all next week.

I’m looking forward to seeing your style!

XO Laurie

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it would be great if we can build a little or a huge! community here. I’m going to start using #celebratingstylelinkup to my twitter and Instagram. I’d love it if you could support this after you have linked up. Plus of course I will be sharing the blogger love back xx 

XO Laurie

An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. April 5, 2017 / 9:39 am

    Wow it sounds like a great event – hope you had fun #bestandworst

  2. April 2, 2017 / 7:00 pm

    Looking forward to reading about your day lovely. My very best wishes to your in-laws too. Thanks for linking with #DreamTeam x

  3. April 1, 2017 / 3:07 pm

    Thank you so much for linking at #overthemoon! I look forward to seeing what you share every week. Please come back for #WonderfulWednesday or #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Enjoy your week ahead.

  4. March 31, 2017 / 4:01 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. It's a nice look.

  5. March 27, 2017 / 5:59 pm

    You've peaked my interest. What a marvelous time you must have had. Thanks for joining the Fine-Whatever link up.


  6. March 27, 2017 / 4:42 pm

    How cool that you got to go to the top model finals! I'm looking forward to that post, for sure. Your outfit is so classic; I love it.
    Thank you so much for linking up with On Mondays We Link-Up!

  7. March 26, 2017 / 5:47 pm

    Top Model?? How lucky, Laurie!!! I want to come over and stay with you a while!!! xoxo

  8. March 25, 2017 / 7:46 pm

    Golly, you do move in some amazing circles! Good move with the outfit.
    My thoughts and good wishes go out to your family.

  9. March 25, 2017 / 9:43 am

    The color combination is so flattering. You look gorgeous! Thank you for inviting me here.

  10. March 24, 2017 / 10:46 pm

    Very elegant outfit. Looking forward to read the hole post next week. Hope you can enjoy your weekend.

    • March 25, 2017 / 9:52 pm

      Thank you Shelbee. Thanks for linking up with me! X

  11. March 24, 2017 / 9:07 pm

    Sending best wishes for your father-in-law, Laurie.

    Looking forward to reading your review of this glamorous event. Your choice of outfit was chic and stylish as ever – clever choice!

    Thanks for the link up party x

    • March 25, 2017 / 9:50 pm

      Thank you for your wishes Anna. Not enough hours in the day at the moment! Xx

  12. March 24, 2017 / 6:44 pm

    Wow, I cannot wait to read all about the event, Laurie. I think you dressed perfectly. I am glad to hear your in-laws are improving. Have a wonderful weekend!

    • March 25, 2017 / 9:48 pm

      It was a great event Jennie.I'm looking forward to sharing the day x

  13. March 24, 2017 / 6:40 pm

    You look very elegant, I look forward to seeing more photos of the event. I hope your father-in-law is better soon.

    Emma xxx

    • March 25, 2017 / 12:52 pm

      Thank you Emma. Lot's to tell about the event. Have a great weekend xx

  14. March 24, 2017 / 4:21 pm

    Glad you mother-in-law is doing better, and I hope your father-in-law will improve soon, too.

    You look great! I love the scarf!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    • March 25, 2017 / 12:51 pm

      Thank you Andrea.xx

  15. March 24, 2017 / 1:34 pm

    You look great in this picture! Love the look and thanks for the link up! Happy Weekend!

    • March 25, 2017 / 12:46 pm

      Thank you Pam! And your very welcome. Thanks for linking up xx

  16. March 24, 2017 / 1:00 pm

    Great look! I love to wear white and tan together.

  17. March 24, 2017 / 10:10 am

    The silk scarf looks great, perfect colour with the beige. Looking forward to hearing about Top Model. It's my guilty pleasure!

    • March 25, 2017 / 12:23 pm

      Thank you Gail.It's my guilty pleasure too.xx

  18. March 24, 2017 / 8:28 am

    Sounds very interesting and fun. I tend to rely on black for safety if I'm unsure. Silk cuts it though 🙂 . You look elegant and spring like. Will you do a post on what others wore?

    • March 25, 2017 / 11:26 am

      I so wish that I could Black, no longer suits me I'm afraid. I will be posting the cat walk, but I can tell you the range of clothing worn by visitors ranged from smart casual to ballgown. A real mix xx

    • March 25, 2017 / 11:19 am

      Thank you so much Jacqui xx

  19. March 24, 2017 / 5:05 am

    I am looking forward your next post 🙂
    You look fabulous, Laurie. All the best for your father in law!
    XO Tina

    • March 25, 2017 / 11:05 am

      I'm looking forward to sharing the post Tina. It was a fantastic day! Thank you for your best wishes x

    • March 25, 2017 / 11:04 am

      It was a great day Jaymie x