Celebrating Style – Relaxed weekend Wear Essentials

Hi Everyone!
And happy Easter weekend! A huge thank you to all that linked up last week. It’s growing in numbers slowly, but at least it’s growing!

I had a really lovely day today. My brother and his wife are over for a visit from Denmark. I don’t get to see them as often as I would like, but we packed quite a lot into one day!
I gave them a tour of Chiswick. Lots of walking to do, so it had to be comfortable wear today! 

I chose the easy classic outfit, comfortable style. A jacket that is light to carry and warm enough to keep the chills at bay. Comfy stretchy Bootcut jeans and a white shirt. Oh and just as we headed out the door I told him we were going to do some photos on the way!

Most of this outfit came from M&S I love their fitted blazers, they always fit well. And the white shirt has a special “no gaping” fastening and I can say it’s one of the best white shirts I’ve ever owned. I strongly recommend this shirt if you have a fuller bust.

I chose the simple accessories – Tan belt, Tan Shopper and Brown ankle boots. And not forgetting my new Daniel Wellington Watch If you didn’t catch my last post, there’s a 15% discount code  here

This Tan shopper I’ve had for ages. I can fit so much into it. Another M&S buy that has been worth every penny. Comfortable wide fitting, not too high ankle boots that I can walk miles in. Do you have that special pair of shoes or boots that are just so comfortable? I don’t know what I’ll do when these are worn out! 

That’s it from me, I hope you all have a fantastic Easter weekend. Oh and of course I have to show one photo of the brother!

Meet handsome big brother. Not bad for 61! He’s going to kill me for putting his age in!

Xo Laurie

I’m looking forward to seeing your style!

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it would be great if we can build a little or a huge! community here. I’m going to start using #celebratingstylelinkup to my twitter and Instagram. I’d love it if you could support this after you have linked up. Plus of course I will be sharing the blogger love back xx 

XO Laurie

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  1. April 22, 2017 / 11:53 pm

    This outfit is stunning.

  2. April 21, 2017 / 11:14 am

    Very classy outfit. Really love the bag. Thanks for sharing

  3. April 21, 2017 / 2:57 am

    Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style. This is a very nice office look for Casual Friday.

  4. April 20, 2017 / 10:43 pm

    Love the outfit and great picture of you and your brother – hope you had a fab time. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x

  5. April 20, 2017 / 6:54 pm

    Wow your brother looks brilliant for 61! You both look really stylish. Loving the no-gape shirt. I always end up with gaps at the buttons and it really spoils the look. Gorgeous as always lovely. Thanks for sharing with #DreamTeam x

  6. April 20, 2017 / 10:43 am

    Love this classic look! You are gorgeous x

  7. April 19, 2017 / 9:01 am

    This is a great classic look Laurie. I really need a white shirt that doesn't pull or gape on the bust. I was in M&S at the weekend but they had an Easter egg hunt for kids so I didn't get to do much browsing! Lovely photo of you and your brother 🙂

    Emma xxx

  8. April 18, 2017 / 10:38 pm

    This is such a fabulous timeless look! I love putting classic pieces together. I always feel so put together!

  9. April 18, 2017 / 9:36 pm

    Ya know I love a good trendy look, but I always like classic the best. This is such a great outfit and I love the blazer. A good blazer is a total must. You look beautiful!


  10. April 18, 2017 / 7:52 pm

    I love this look Laurie – classic and stylish. Thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon link party. Have a great week!

  11. April 18, 2017 / 1:31 pm

    this is such a great classic look on you! thanks for linking up to the On Trend Tuesdays linkup!

    cute & little

  12. April 18, 2017 / 10:20 am

    This really is a wonderful casual outfit Laurie, i absolutely love it. You just cant beat the classics! And what a lovely pic of you and your hubby!
    Thanks so much for hosting, sorry im late joining in!

  13. April 18, 2017 / 7:15 am

    I love this look Laurie so simple yet stylish! I don't own a white shirt because of my bigger bust so will definately get this one, love M&S and we have a good one in Yeovil #sharethejoy

  14. April 18, 2017 / 6:44 am

    I love a blazer and jeans together – it s a classic outfit formula that I'm looking forward to wearing again when the weather cools here 🙂

    Hope you are having a great week and had a nice Easter.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  15. April 17, 2017 / 8:21 pm

    You do the classics so well Laurie. Everything here looks fab, fits well and is perfect for your day out. And, hey, your brother is a bit of a dish!

    Anna x

  16. April 17, 2017 / 7:15 pm

    Oh, I love Everything about this classic look! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend.

  17. April 17, 2017 / 12:43 pm

    Love your casual style! So glad you had a great Easter weekend with family!


  18. April 17, 2017 / 12:23 pm

    A great casual style!

  19. April 17, 2017 / 3:21 am

    I love this mix of dressy & casual. Perfect styling


  20. April 15, 2017 / 3:16 pm

    I love this outfit on you! It's reminded me that I should wear my white shirt a but more often, although it's a bit stiff. Actually I might wear it tonight 😉
    You have one seriously good looking brother too, Laurie! Love the photo of you two together <3
    Suzy xx

  21. April 15, 2017 / 1:19 pm

    Sounds like you had a lovely day Laurie! I enjoyed seeing the pic of you and your brother. This is a classic look and style that doesn't go out of fashion and you look great! Love the jeans on you.
    Have a great weekend!
    jess xx

  22. April 15, 2017 / 7:36 am

    Your post makes me realise how far I've slipped sartorially – your easy, relaxed outfit is my "posh" and "pushing the boat out" in my pensioners' world! Yes, M&S do good blazers, I've got a quite a few suit jackets left over from my smarter pre-pensioner life that I can't bear to part with.
    Your brother? Han er en rigtig koen ungkarl !

  23. April 15, 2017 / 7:20 am

    That s what big brothers are for right, to tease! Happy Easter Laurie!

  24. April 15, 2017 / 7:02 am

    Love the look Laurie and that bag, OMW beautiful and so big. Hope you had a great time with your brother and family and wishing you lots of luck with the link party. May it never become to big to handle 😉

    • April 19, 2017 / 8:55 pm

      Too kind Amy! Thank you xx

  25. April 14, 2017 / 9:10 pm

    Oh Laurie, I hope you are not kilked ;). 61 is not old and he looks great! 😉
    You look very amazing in your comfortable outfit!
    Happy Easter, XO Tina

  26. April 14, 2017 / 2:28 pm

    Thanks for the lead on the no-gap white blouse – very attractive and solves an ongoing problem! Happy Easter!

    • April 19, 2017 / 8:33 pm

      Thank you Lynda. I totally recommend these shirts,No more problems with the gaping and good quality material . Thank you for stopping by,I hope you return xx

  27. April 14, 2017 / 11:44 am

    Amazing look! So classic and chic! And a no gaping button down? I need one of those. Your brother is so handsome. Good looks definitely run in the family!

    • April 19, 2017 / 8:29 pm

      Aw Thank you Amy! Too kind! These no peep shirts are amazing! I recommend! xx

  28. April 14, 2017 / 9:41 am

    Loving the pic of you and your big brother ! Happy Easter! X

  29. April 14, 2017 / 9:27 am

    Great look! I love it when I get time with one of my siblings! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:34 pm

      Thank you Marci. It was a great day xx

  30. April 14, 2017 / 8:46 am

    A very stylish casual look Laurie, glad you had a fab day, it's great spending time with family. Love the M & S outfit. Thanks for hosting the link up Laurie. x

  31. April 14, 2017 / 7:48 am

    Lovely post Laurie, I bet you all had such a great time together 🙂 Hopefully I will be posting my outfits again after Easter so I will link up next week. Thanks for joining the weekend blog hop. Have a lovely Eater weekend xx

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:32 pm

      Thank you Claire. It will be great to have you link up here. Hope your Easter was good xx

  32. April 14, 2017 / 7:25 am

    A casual but very smart look Laurie, ideal for sightseeing. Have a wonderful Easter and thanks for the link up!

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:31 pm

      Thank you Gail. I hope yours was good xx

  33. April 14, 2017 / 7:22 am

    You look fantastic! Loving the bag too #pocolo

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:30 pm

      Thank you! So kind. Thanks for stopping by xx

  34. April 14, 2017 / 5:56 am

    Lovely outfit. So flattering how the grey in the beard offsets the blue of the sooo casual chic T shirt. Finishing off with such a cool jacket (is it leather? ) really achieves that masculine just threw it together, "darling " look that is just sooooooooo sexy.

    Oh you, it goes without saying that your look is just my style and certainly have an M&S black jacket.

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:28 pm

      Haha I will pass the message on Anna! Maybe he should be the blogger! xx

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:27 pm

      You know it Jodie. I think he worries about it more than me! xx

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:26 pm

      Thank you Jessica. Thank you for stopping by x

  35. April 13, 2017 / 11:44 pm

    Great, casual outfit! Glad you got to spend some time with your brother and his wife.

    Thanks for the link up & have a wonderful Easter weekend!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:25 pm

      Thank you Andrea! I hope yours was good xx

    • April 19, 2017 / 7:18 pm

      Thank you Heather. I'm not telling him you said that! His head is already big enough! Thanks for stopping over x