Very Square Peg Round Hole – The Weekly Edit


I’m excited. There was a quick-shifting of despair to, Ooo things are starting to look up, at last, this past week. We already knew before we moved that we had a very square peg, very round hole situation going on. Moving into the house with no wardrobes because our new ones wouldn’t fit (lots of things don’t fit) has not been short of a nightmare.

It’s difficult when you are short of time because you want the problem resolved quickly but you don’t want to make hasty decisions when choosing new items of furniture. I don’t plan on going through this again any time soon trust me! I could write a whole post about bodge job builders and companies that send stuff in such poor condition you have to send it back and then wait again for a different delivery.

If you spotted on my stories at the weekend you will have seen that at one point, I had two people decorating, two people laying the decking for the garden and finally a brickie building a new shed across the back of the garden. It was pretty manic!

But. My square peg isn’t so square now. The edges are becoming a little rounder. My room is nearly finished at last and so far I’m really pleased with it. The garden will be finished this week too. And only another five rooms to go!




We already knew before we moved that we had a very square peg, very round hole situation going on. Moving into the house with no wardrobes because our new ones wouldn't fit (lots of things don't fit) has not been short of a nightmare.


I’m standing proudly against the new fencing. Who gets excited about garden fencing? It was the first thing completed in the new home and I’m documenting it here on the blog because I want to be able to look back in later years.

I know I’m going to laugh about it all eventually. We had to have the fencing done first after Beau stuck her head through the old one to say hello to the neighbours! That was a square peg but very round hole situation. Luckily the neighbours thought it was hilarious.

The dress was a bargain find from F&F Tesco. At £20.00 I snapped it up. Very soft and cosy it is too. I’m sure you will find one in store, or there’s similar linked below.





I think I’ve shopped nearly every furniture store that there are these last few weeks. I think we’ve finally decided on wardrobes for the master bedroom. To give you an idea of how square peg our bedroom is…

I had a Sharps bedroom fitter come to the house and give me a quote for wardrobes. They said the room dimensions were so poor they couldn’t help me! I have a plan, and if all goes to plan I’m hoping to have something to share with you soon. It will be all systems go in the bedroom on Monday and I can’t wait.

The top is from Peacocks.  A few of you asked about it when I posted a couple of weeks ago but you couldn’t see the whole of the top, I love the floaty sleeves, the frills and the high neck. I wore a T-shirt underneath for extra warmth. An absolute bargain too.


Wish List


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I’m still using the Shoptagr site on my phone or my Pc each time I come across anything I don’t want to forget. I’ve been adding bits of homeware to it too and I find it really handy.

I’m having a desk in my room this time, so I’m on the hunt for a seat or stool. I’ve actually purchased the stacking jewellery trays too. I thought these were a good idea to keep the costume jewellery organised.


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Some items on my wish list. You can’t go wrong with florals, I feel they brighten our days against the dreary weather. Anyone else hate the clocks going back? I swear I suffer from S.A.D

The black, gold and cream jacket is calling me! Yes, it’s a dressy little number and will be great for drinks out over the festive period but I also think this will look great with jeans and a polo neck jumper. Tempted!

I’ve been on the hunt for some nude ankle boots for some time now and these above might just fit the bill? I’ve lost a little weight and my shoe size is down again to size two. It’s a nightmare trying to find what I want in my size.


Trying new makeup & taking out some girlie time



At least once a week I like to grab some me-time. At the moment I’m restricted to the bathroom and I love trying out anything new that the press teams have sent for me to try.

At the moment I’m trying out some Benefit Mini’s. The “They’re Real” mascara and it’s very good. I can’t wear false lashes because I’m sensitive to the glue but this mascara has the built-in fibres and does a fantastic job of lengthening them. The brush is good too, like a fine comb to sweep over your lashes and easy to use.

I’m always sceptical about this type of mascara because of the fibres flaking. One mascara from this brand that I know I love is the Roller Lash. If you like good definition and a finer mascara this is the one for you.

There are free samples to choose if you buy anything on the Benefit website and these Mini’s won’t break the bank if you want to try anything. I’m looking forward to trying my little one’s and will report back.


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Xo Laurie

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  1. November 4, 2019 / 9:53 pm

    Looks like your autumn/winter wardrobe is all set! #DreamTeam

  2. November 3, 2019 / 11:28 am

    Laurie, I am loving your outfits especially that very cozy sweater dress! And moving is always a nightmare, I swear. I have never had a move go smoothly. When we moved into our current house, my dresser would not fit up the stairs. After leaving a hole in the wall trying to make the square peg fit in the round hole (hahaha, a big round hole in the wall it was, too!), the dresser became a permanent fixture in the living room and now houses children’s toys rather than my clothing. And lack of closet space was a real struggle until we converted the smallest bedroom into my closet. There was no other way really! Also, the children’s beds did not fit and so we had to buy new ones which was an expense we hadn’t counted on. But it’s all good now! I am glad that things are coming together for you. And you will laugh somewhere down the line once you are all settled in. Thanks for sharing and linking up!


  3. November 1, 2019 / 8:30 am

    Glad that your edges are becoming a little rounder Laurie! That dress is amazing – who would have thought it was from Tesco? I thought it was high end! I remember when my fence was new and how lovely it looked. Now it’s covered in clematis montana so you can’t see hardly any of it! Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday and have a good weekend x

  4. October 31, 2019 / 6:58 pm

    Sorry you’ve had so many issues with the move! I hope they continue to resolve. Your dress looks so cozy. But I really love the floral blouse. Such yummy colors.

  5. October 31, 2019 / 4:43 pm

    The dress is lovely, as is the top and your new fencing. 😉 I hope your peg continues to round itself out.

  6. October 31, 2019 / 3:11 am

    I enjoyed hearing about your fence. It’s fun to hear a background story behind your outfit photo. I also love your grey sweater dress. It looks so comfortable and stylish–perfect for the cooler fall weather!

  7. October 30, 2019 / 11:18 pm

    Glad the edges are softening slightly – thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  8. October 30, 2019 / 8:48 pm

    That sweater dress is fabulous but I am loving that blouse! Wish we had Peacocks here in the US! Thank you for linking up with the Style Six today!

  9. October 30, 2019 / 12:50 am

    That dress is just beautiful! Sounds like it’s a lot of time and coordinating with your house but I know it’ll all look amazing!

  10. October 29, 2019 / 9:56 pm

    I love the outfit with the sweater dress! It’s so stylish and looks comfortable too.!

  11. October 29, 2019 / 6:06 pm

    I love sweater dresses and this is beautiful on you. I am going to check and see if they have another colour in it.

  12. October 29, 2019 / 5:10 pm

    Love your jumper dress, Laurie. I have a couple but need a nice new one this year. Love the colour of yours.

    Thanks so much for linking up to #TheWeeklyLinkUp

  13. October 29, 2019 / 4:11 pm

    It sounds like you’ve been crazy busy, Laurie!
    I’m totally in love with your jumper dress – it’s absolutely gorgeous. And the Peacocks top is stunning too. And, admittedly, I can totally see why you’re excited about garden fencing. I would be too lol!!
    Suzy xx

  14. October 29, 2019 / 8:52 am

    I love Benefit. Great make up. #Dreamteam

  15. October 27, 2019 / 12:38 am

    Glad you are finally getting settled in! It’s always an adventure. We used to move every three years for my husband’s work, but we’ve been settled for more than 12 now. I’ve got the itch to move again. (But I think it’s mostly the urge for a good clean out!) The colors of that blouse are really lovely on you. Good luck with the wardrobes. It’s a nightmare not having anywhere to store your things. Living out of boxes is no fun!

  16. October 25, 2019 / 7:30 pm

    I’m dropping in from the POCOLO linkup though I didn’t leave a link. Just felt odd bursting into the party!

    my husband just said to me “maybe we should start looking again for a new house”. We just got all new wardrobes a year and some months ago. We looked at a few places online already and each one had me commenting “the wardrobes will never fit in those rooms”. So now I have to live the rest of my life in a flat because the wardrobes fit perfectly, I fear!

    I love BENEFIT cosmetics in general. Used the mascara for a long time! It’s great!

  17. October 25, 2019 / 2:36 am

    Sometimes, I think it would be nice to move and start over again. The one problem with living in a place for so long is that we accumulate things and we don’t take the time to go through, sort and get rid of stuff. It it overwhelming. Your fence looks beautiful and so do you. Love the dress and that tiered top is just perfect. Glad things are coming together for your new home. – Amy

  18. October 24, 2019 / 9:27 pm

    Well it’s good it’s all getting under control now, Laurie – soon you will look back on this time and laugh!! You look gorgeous in all the pics – and I love a knit dress for the cooler months! I agree about daylight saving, I’m so glad we are having our longer, warmer days here in sunny Australia and if we could just get some rain things would be perfect! Thank you for sharing and good luck with the rest of the settling in!
    Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🐝

  19. October 24, 2019 / 8:21 pm

    Oh moving! So stressful. I’m glad we have done it five years ago, and I don’t want to think of moving again. Good luck with the other 5 rooms! 5 rooms? Where are you living in? A castle!

  20. October 24, 2019 / 7:30 pm

    I love your fence! Wow that sounds like a busy time at your house but soon hopefully all will be settled! I love your sweater dress and how is skim the body vs being a bodycon. It is very flattering and I need to find something similar =)

  21. October 24, 2019 / 1:27 pm

    I’ve not seen that dress in there – will be popping over to see if it’s in my local! Those boots are already paying their way aren’t they! They are divine really they are. Glad the house is coming together, nice to see what others do with there’s in nice to get some inspiration. Thanks for sharing on the #linkup Laurie. x Jacqui