Life Lately & Feeling Humble – A weekly Edit


It took me a while to think of a title for this weeks post. Again I completely missed a post out this week due to being so busy with the house and after speaking with some blogger friends, well I’m feeling a bit guilty of not being such a very good blogger a present. But I am feeling very humble of the support other blogger friends have given, life just gets in the way sometimes!

I refuse to be beaten by anything but the house is really prooving to be hard work. The first room, at last, is nearly finished and I can’t believe I’ve been living (sort of) here for a month. Time is flying by and I hope to be more organised by Christmas. I’m looking forward to sharing bits and pieces with you all, but for now, here’s some bits and pieces that have made me smile the last few weeks.


When life is busy, a capsule wardrobe is pretty key, isn't it? Well it certainly is for me at present because most of my wardrobe is stored away until my wardrobes arrive. But I kept my Baukjen items to hand because they all work together so well.


Remember I spoke about the Baukjen items in an earlier post, how they all worked together? My first stint at capsule wardrobe dressing. Here’s the Ellen Safari shirt and Wren jeans worn together. I love this casual, classic easy to wear style. The bag I bought a while ago from Topshop. It has all my favourite winter colours in one here and  I will be using it a lot.

When life is busy, a capsule wardrobe is pretty key, isn’t it? Well it certainly is for me at present because most of my wardrobe is stored away until my wardrobes arrive. But I kept my Baukjen items to hand because they all work together so well.





An accessorie to add to the capsule wardrobe, this belt from Baukjen is really special. The best leather and it’s reversible. You can see how it works from the short film I added to the IG account that I add snippets of film to. I love the brown tone, it’s not quite tan and a little darker than cream and black on the other side.


Escaping from one hell hole to another – I took some glamour with me!




I needed to use a launderette a couple of time this past couple of weeks due to plumbing issues. This place was like going back in time! Even the radio was vintage!

Have you spotted the new life-style mag called Platinum on the shelves yet? Aimed at us more mature women, I loved the fashion and beauty edited in there but I thought it was, well, a little old? I’m fed up with reading about menopause and incontinence. Give us something exciting please Platinum. Have you read it? I’d like to know your thoughts.



I was really pleased with this top that was gifted to me from Peacocks. A brand that’s really worth looking at for a bargain find and good quality. It’s very lightweight but I have a sleeveless T-shirt on underneath and that was warm enough.It’s available in other colours and prints. An easy to wear top that will go with most things.

With green being so popular at the moment, I remembered coming across this faux leather skirt from a few years back when I was packing up all my clothes for the move. Leather or pleather is a huge trend right now, it’s everywhere in the shops, so I hit two  trends in one. I’m so happy with my boots I will find any excuse to wear them.



In a bloggers life, Christmas starts early!




I had the pleasure of attending the Boots Christmas press day. There were so many gift ideas. And it’s good to have a first look at what’s going to be available.



I was really impressed by the Fenty collection designed by Rhianna. The pop-up makeup brushes were cute and I’m going to buy one when I’m out shopping next.

There were also advent calendars to suit everyone, children, men and women and there’s a three for two offer on those I just spotted online. I think advent calendars make such a lovely gift for someone. It’s lovely to have something to look forward to opening in the mornings after face the gloomy darkness of winter.


And talking of advent calendars…




What a lovely surprise to receive this in the post. Talk about a diva calendar!  Changing my moisturiser after being so impressed with Espa for the first time in years, I’m looking forward to trying new things from this box of goodies. Do you use any Espa products at all?  This would make an excellent gift – to yourself! You can take a look here and there’s a 20% off discount at present too!


Keeping my tootsies warm with Celtic & Co



These gorgeous slippers arrived for me to try from Celtic & Co Oh my! They are like wearing springs on your feet!



Putting my feet up on the sofa for the odd half-hour is my only sanctuary at present. I still don’t really have a front room so to speak because it’s still full of boxes! These slippers are a real treat though.

Enough waffling from me. Once again, apologies for the erratic behaviour here and I appreciate all the patience you have. Thanks for sticking by me. It means the world xx


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Xo Laurie

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  1. Lyn P
    October 27, 2019 / 11:49 am

    Sorry, Laurie, forgot to add how much I enjoy reading your posts, wish I was 30 years younger

    Will definitely look at Celtic & Cor slippers

  2. Lyn P
    October 26, 2019 / 6:56 pm

    At least you didn’t have a move from hell like we did, Laurie. Third moving date only confirmed day before move. At the tender age of 77 I did it all , well, with a bit of help from family and friends as him can’t do much

    Moved to bungalow in January of last year, only had fitted kitchen and 2 wardrobes and 2 chest of drawers bought from owners. And nearly everywhere painted gray

    Took 7 months to get fitted bedroom furniture for both rooms

    Having come from 3 bed house, extension and conservatory to smaller rooms here found Argos cube furniture fitted our way of life. Just had bathroom redone

    There is light at the end of the tunnel …. if only it wouldn’t keep moving

  3. October 22, 2019 / 8:30 pm

    You can’t always be on top of everything. Getting your home and life in order takes precedence over the blog sometimes. It’s your life. Your true followers aren’t going anywhere.

    I loved the boots and faux leather skirt. I also really liked the casual look. TFS

  4. October 22, 2019 / 7:27 pm

    Love your garden…show us more. And your choices are always fun. I’m into comfort clothing once nine o’clock rolls around.

  5. Mother of 3
    October 21, 2019 / 9:53 pm

    Those slippers look heavenly!

  6. October 21, 2019 / 9:47 pm

    Sounds like such a busy time !Don’t feel too bad about blogging, life gets in the way sometimes but blogs are always there when we have the opportunity to sit down and write! 🙂

    I really like your floral blouse too!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend.

  7. October 21, 2019 / 6:43 pm

    You always look wonderful. Thanks for linking up to #trafficjam

  8. October 21, 2019 / 2:35 am

    I love the faux leather skirt and floral blouse, it looks stunning, but then you always do! Take time where you can find it, deep breaths and rest in your fuzzy slippers, they really do look comfy!
    Thank you for taking a minute to stop by to share your blog, I hope your week goes well for you with less stress! I cant wait to hear about your home too!

  9. October 21, 2019 / 12:15 am

    I think you are doing great under the circumstances, Laurie and shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You can only cram as many things in one day. As for your outfits, it is very hard to bit old time favourite classic of white crisp short and jeans and you’ve done it beautifully. Love your faux leather skirt. Have a great week ahead

  10. October 20, 2019 / 12:28 pm

    Laurie, the leather skirt is amazing! And I am always game for some cozy slippers as my feet (and the rest of me) get terribly cold in the winter. I am so sorry to hear that life has gone all crazy on you. But I am glad that you are getting the odd half hour here and there to take a break and put your feet up. I hope things calm down and return to normal for you soon. Thanks for linking up with us!


  11. October 19, 2019 / 5:33 pm

    Sometimes life gets so busy and we need to take a rest just a bit. Dont worry! I love the last outfit very much! The floral blouse is so elegant and the color of your leather skirt, I love! Great accessories, I love a reversible belt. All the goodies look fun, and I used to get Advent calendars, love yours, a treat!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  12. October 17, 2019 / 11:31 pm

    I love your faux leather skirt, it looks fab with the floral print blouse. I haven’t read Platinum yet but I totally agree with you about menopause and incontinence articles! You should let them know…maybe we all should…so they know that’s not what we want to read about. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  13. October 17, 2019 / 12:20 pm

    I love that first outfit!! I tend to have problems with button up because either they are to big or they gap at the chest area. I had to laugh at the comment about menopause and incontinence in the magazines: made me think of the ads on tv.
    Hope boxes get unpacked and you soon find normalcy!

  14. October 17, 2019 / 12:57 am

    I love the pleather skirt and blouse, Laurie!! And I thoroughly agree about the menopause and incontinence thing – the article you refer to in your Instagram stories sounds more intriguing to me – which is why I was doing the lingerie posts to inspire women to embrace all the good things in their lives, unfortunately they weren’t so popular!! Lol! And what about that laundromat?? Fun times, Laurie, fun times!!
    Donna 🧚🏻‍♀️❤️🐝

  15. Ann
    October 16, 2019 / 7:32 pm

    Lol had to laugh. I’ve not seen the magazine but I must admit I’m heartily sick of reading one post after another on the menopause et al. They are all the same and I want a bit of light relief!

  16. Karen
    October 16, 2019 / 10:47 am

    Oh, Laurie please do not be too hard on yourself. Moving house is up there on the list of life stresses- but its not the mental aspect that gets you its the physical. We moved in March and we moved quite a bit of the stuff ourselves as we were lucky to get the keys in advance, I really felt my body complain big time !!! So its bad enough having a battered brain and then a knackered body ! You have done so well so put out posts and never worry we are all behind you and understand if there is a few gaps.
    Enjoy and make the most of those gorgeous slippers !
    Take care xx

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:12 pm

      Aw, thanks Karen. I really don’t remember moving to be this hard! Really feeling my age! I used to sail through stuff like this xx

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:13 pm

      Haha! Your not missing much Karen believe me! Although it’s a good place for some headspace and get your thoughts together xx

  17. October 15, 2019 / 6:19 pm

    Ha ha the laundrette! When I first lived on my own I had to go there too. It was in the middle of the red light district of Arnhem. It was fun! I’m looking forward to see more of your new home!

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:14 pm

      Sounds like an interesting life Nancy! There will be lots of home stuff coming up xx

  18. October 15, 2019 / 5:32 pm

    Go easy on yourself Laurie. I always try to do one post a week too and it is difficult sometimes. As you say life gets in the way

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:16 pm

      Thanks Hilda. I try to stick to two posts. I used to do three! I’m glad I changed to two xx

  19. October 15, 2019 / 5:27 pm

    I’ve been looking out for Platinum magazine but haven’t seen it yet, maybe it’s sold out. Nice update Laurie, I bet your new place will look simply wonderful by the time you’ve applied your style to it.

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:17 pm

      A long way to go until this place looks like home Gail! I look forward to sharing in later posts though. The platinum mag I spotted in Tescos and Asda. I hope you can find one xx

  20. October 15, 2019 / 1:35 pm

    A nice round of of your week, it’s so ever so busy Laurie, and I can see why you missed a post, sometimes somethings just have to give, and we’re all still here waiting for you – don’t worry. The top from Peacocks is gorgeous and will work so will in the coming months, as will your comfy and stylish slippers. Jacqui x

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:19 pm

      Thanks Jacqui. It’s so lovely to hear I have good support from regular visitors. Makes all this worthwhile xx

  21. October 15, 2019 / 10:50 am

    I love this post as it is so honest. We moved recently and have only just got the lounge as I want it as quite a small room so need to work out how to make it light and so on by clever placing of furniture. Need a bookcase too at some point for our mountains of books. It takes time and we have to forgive ourselves for that as nothing to forgive really. Also on the blogging front, it has its seasons – it is so easy to become a slave to it when it should actually be our sanctuary. Love your finds and deliveries as ever #DreamTeam

    • laurie
      October 16, 2019 / 1:23 pm

      Thanks for the support Kate. I hope your decorating runs more smoothly than mine has so far. xx