Dior At The Victoria & Albert Museum London


I was lucky to get a couple of tickets to see the Dior exhibition. The first time I tried to book, every date was sold out, but then a decision to extend the exhibition gave me a second chance and I got lucky. I know there are still some tickets available up to September if you would like to go.

If you read last weeks post, you will have seen the Mary Quant exhibition? And if I’m honest I preferred that one. It was more real in terms of, Yes I would wear that, I remember that and I had that!

The Dior exhibition was so beautiful artistic and opulent. Do I remember it? Hell yeah, loads of it but the chances of Dior ever covering my back are very slim.


I was lucky to get a couple of tickets to see the Dior exhibition. The first time I tried to book, every date was sold out, but then a desicion to extend the exhibition gave me a second chance and I got lucky.


I loved the Dior Illustrations dotted around the walls. Drawn by Christian Dior himself. They were available to buy at the museum in different sizes. I was very tempted but couldn’t think of where I would put them.


Dior – Embellishment, Tulle and  Silk creations


I was lucky to get a couple of tickets to see the Dior exhibition. The first time I tried to book, every date was sold out, but then a desicion to extend the exhibition gave me a second chance and I got lucky.


There were so many beautiful dresses. Dress after dress, just so beautifully crafted. I stood there examining each one thinking how they were created. The dress in the middle was one piece of material and I wondered how that was done?



There was hardly a single dress that wasn’t embellished in some way. There were lots of films to watch on screens below the dresses that explained how they came to life and I’m adding a short film below of how some of this was done. So many hours, handcrafting a single dress.


The design process



There was a whole room of template designs and I enjoyed looking out for the finished designs in the different rooms



Just imagine hand sewing all that! Jaw-dropping! and for me, It was more about the work that had gone into creating it rather than the actual design.



Just look! How many hours do you think? No wonder each creation will start at thousands of pounds.

The title of the exhibition – Dior, Designer Of Dreams was very true to word. The Exhibition runs from Dior’s early days in the 1940s right up to the present day, but every dress I laid eyes on must have taken weeks or months to finish.

My cousin who I went to the exhibition with and I had a lengthy discussion over tea after the visit who our favourite designers that had governed the house of Dior up to this day. My favourites have to be Tom Ford and Maria Grazia Chiuri


A Dior dress fit for a princess






This was a highlight for me. The dress designed for princess Margaret’s 21st birthday was  so well preserved. sewn with “golden straw”





Can we just take a look at how tiny the waist is? I was gobsmacked at how tiny it was. A lot of the dresses from the 40’s were the same. Was it because of the corsets? Or were women just so much smaller then?







I had to add this shot. One room, the ceiling was adorned with this floral paper display. You had to be there to take in the craftmanship. It was really beautiful.



One room was filled with gowns and in the middle of the room, there was a slow-moving carousel of designs. The music and the atmosphere was really moving. Considering how busy the exhibition was it was amazing how this room changed the mood to everyone being more or less silent. All of us watching with dropped jaws!




My favourites





I was lucky to get a couple of tickets to see the Dior exhibition. The first time I tried to book, every date was sold out, but then a desicion to extend the exhibition gave me a second chance and I got lucky.








A short film of how much work goes into embellishing a Dior dress


I’m adding this short film of how some of the dresses are created. It was how each flower was individually made that caught my attention. It’s really interesting.


You can still book tickets to view the Dior exhibition here And you can also find my post on the Mary Quant exhibition here


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  1. August 19, 2019 / 10:38 am

    Wow! What an exhibition. I can see why you wanted to get tickets.
    Thanks for sharing with #pocolo

  2. August 11, 2019 / 5:36 pm

    What gorgeous dress, Laurie. The kind of styles I love too 🙂 Thanks for sharing at The Summer Holiday Link Up 🙂

  3. August 10, 2019 / 10:51 pm

    Wow Princess Margarets waist size is astonishing I agree!
    Gorgeous images L xx

  4. August 7, 2019 / 6:19 pm

    Those Dior gowns are exquisite, pure works of art. But indeed, I would have been able to relate more to Mary Quant’s designs, which were, after all, affordable fashion. Still, it must have been amazing to see those gowns in real life! xxx

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:05 am

      I agree Karen. But they were so lovely to look at. xx

  5. August 4, 2019 / 11:20 pm

    The work is exquisite, and you took some fabulous photos!

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:05 am

      Hi Sandra. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the tour! xx

  6. August 3, 2019 / 8:01 am

    Thanks so much for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 40! Shared.

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:05 am

      Thank you xx

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:06 am

      Imagine sauntering down the aisle in one of those dresses Karen! xx

  7. August 2, 2019 / 6:14 am

    Oh my, Laurie!! Stunning post with fabulous photos and information!! Thank you so much for sharing and I feel like I was there!


  8. August 1, 2019 / 8:41 am

    Oh wow – great photos, but the video was amazing – how much detail goes into those dresses – they must have so much patience. I can see why they’re so expensive. What a joy to see that this morning. Really put me in a good and inspirational mood – well to see what to wear anyway. Happy Thursday and thanks for joining the #chicandstylish #linkup. J

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:09 am

      I know! I loved watching films about how everything was processed. It sort of explains the extortionate price tag! Glad you enjoyed Jacqui xx

  9. July 31, 2019 / 6:38 pm

    This exhibit looks amazing! I would love to see it if it ever comes here! I’m swooning over all of those beautiful dresses!

    Jill –

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:10 am

      I hope it does pay you a visit Jill. It was lovely to see xx

  10. July 31, 2019 / 5:49 pm

    So very nice. Thanks for sharing it with us. #bloggerclubuk

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:10 am

      Hi. Thanks for stopping by xx

  11. July 30, 2019 / 8:31 pm

    Oh my! Thanks for sharing! I would LOVE this exhibit! As a lover of fashion history I go to every fashion exhibit I can in NYC! They just don’t make gowns like this anymore. It’s a lost/dying art form. That dress made of one piece of fabric that gathered into a rose at the waist was heavenly. I would wear any of this in a heartbeat. Proudly. So I appreciate you sharing this amazing experience with us.

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:11 am

      Thanks so much, Lauren. You would like the Mary Quant one that I featured a week ago too xx

  12. July 30, 2019 / 4:23 pm

    Ooo, I couldn’t imagine owning one! Like you said, where would I wear it? To the theatre? I would love to see this exhibition, seems dreamy and so elegant. I will have to check out the other exhibition you mention.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  13. July 30, 2019 / 10:44 am

    I am unlikely to get over to see the exhibition, so thank you for sharing this Laurie. They are so beautiful and you are right those small waists are unbelievable.

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:26 am

      Thanks Jess. Glad you enjoyed xx

  14. July 30, 2019 / 9:21 am

    WOW it looks amazing! And all those beautiful dresses…. just extraordinary! How lucky that they decided to extend the exhibition.
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      August 5, 2019 / 10:32 am

      I was so lucky to get a ticket Suzy. The places literally disappeared before my eyes when I was trying to book xx

  15. July 29, 2019 / 8:23 am

    Oh oh oh oh! I am getting all exited to see these am az ing dresses! And to see them for real must be thrilling! I would want to touch them!

    • laurie
      July 29, 2019 / 3:38 pm

      So many were within reach to Nancy. It was tempting I can tell you xx

  16. Jeanette
    July 29, 2019 / 12:55 am

    Thank you for covering the exhibition.
    The dresses are not in my price range but I can dream.
    Just beautiful!!!

    • laurie
      July 29, 2019 / 4:15 pm

      Thanks, Jeanette. Same! They were lovely to look at though! xx

  17. July 28, 2019 / 8:11 pm

    Laurie, I would definitely enjoy seeing this exhibit. Like you, I’m not likely to ever have a Dior creation on my back, but I enjoy looking at them. The process is amazing, especially to me whose hand-sewing skills are sadly lacking.

    • laurie
      July 29, 2019 / 4:16 pm

      Hi Jean! I loved looking at the dresses but where would you wear one even if you could afford it? xx