A Mother & Daughter Post – Sara Makes A Debut Style Edit


I’m so happy today to share these photos of Sara and me on the blog. My daughter wasn’t that confident about doing this photo shoot but just look at her! She is beautiful and I couldn’t be more proud.


I'm so happy today to share these photos of Sara and me on the blog. My daughter wasn't that confident about doing this photo shoot but just look at her! She is beautiful and I couldn't be more proud.


A while back when I posted about the Mustard Biker ( yep, the one that sold like hotcakes ) Sara had asked where the jacket had come from amongst other items that I wear from Bonmarche and she was surprised about where my most worn items were from.

I got a phone call one day from her saying she was in Bonmarche and she really liked what she could see. As I’ve been telling her, Bonmarche has changed a lot in the last few years. It used to be geared at the older ladies and not so fashion conscious but a lot has changed. My readers already know that Bonmarche plays a huge role in my day to day styling.


We were both gifted an outfit of our choice. Looking here we matched up quite well!



Sara has chosen the Purple Suedette Biker,  a favourite colour of the daughters since she was a little girl. I like this as much as the mustard one that I featured. It’s so soft and fluid. Very comfortable to wear and washes well in the machine. The bag is her favourite everyday bag from Coach. It holds all her everyday essentials that a busy mum of three needs.



Sara’s T-shirt choice is a rather cute fine striped T-shirt with a diamonte trim on the neckline. ( why didn’t I spot that!) We didn’t choose these outfits together by the way. I just asked Sara to email over her choices. We used to hate each others style, but as she has grown from a teen to a woman things have changed.


I’ve been telling Sara how good Bonmarche jeans are for ages. The comfort and fit is really good.



The Simone Skinny Jeans were her choice out of all the denim available. I haven’t tried these ones yet but what I like about Bonmarche jeans is that they come in different leg lengths. Sara is a fair bit taller than me so this works well for her.


Here’s what Sara says about her outfit choice


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“I loved all of the clothes, very flattering whilst remaining stylish. I especially liked the fit of the jeans and found them very comfortable in comparison to other skinny fit jeans from other brands. The colour of the jacket is perfect and I fell in love with it as soon as I opened the package”


I'm so happy today to share these photos of Sara and me on the blog. My daughter wasn't that confident about doing this photo shoot but just look at her! She is beautiful and I couldn't be more proud.


“As a busy mum that’s left with minimal time in the mornings to get ready, it’s an outfit that’s so easy to Throw on and go and still makes me feel as confident as I would if I’d put in a lot more time and effort and that’s what I love about it the most” Thank you Bonmarche! x




My choice


I'm so happy today to share these photos of Sara and me on the blog. My daughter wasn't that confident about doing this photo shoot but just look at her! She is beautiful and I couldn't be more proud.


The first item that jumped out at me was the smart Boucle jacket. I love the colourways that will match so many items in my wardrobe. I have some smart Cerise trousers that will work perfect for a more formal look and I think it works well with the White jeans featured here along with any blue denim that I already own.


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I like the fringing on the edges and the cuff. I just wish I had remembered to tuck that tag in! I’m wearing a Bonmarche T-shirt that I was gifted nearly a year ago and I can’t tell you enough how good quality their T-shirts are. Not cheap or flimsy at all but the price tag of 6-8 pounds they are far better than any of the cheap stores but the same price point.



How cute is this Gold and White bag? The metallic straw bag is very roomy, has three different compartments and will work well with my summer wardrobe.


I'm so happy today to share these photos of Sara and me on the blog. My daughter wasn't that confident about doing this photo shoot but just look at her! She is beautiful and I couldn't be more proud.


You can never have enough White jeans to see you through the summer or anytime I guess as you see so many fashionistas wearing them through the colder months with thick sweaters and jackets.

These jeans are the Susie jeans with an extra added intricate plait detail down the side. One thing that’s a pet hate of mine is when you try on so many pairs of white jeans and they are see through. These are not and I’m super pleased about that. The denim is excellent quality.



We had such a laugh doing these photos!




Oh, I can’t tell you how many photos we took with a remote to try and get a couple of decent photos of us together! We had fits of giggles and it was so much fun. So I’ve posted this one to just show how much of a laugh we really had. I find taking photos via remote hard with just myself let alone trying to get one of the two of us.

It was perfect mother and daughter time out. Sara doesn’t get hardly any time alone, in fact, this day is her only day where she gets the time out from the three children. This is when she catches up with all the household chores, so it’s never really time out.

Sara has three boys, one who is severely autistic and sometimes sara will go days without a nights sleep and I really don’t know how she copes. But she does and I think she deserves a medal. A brilliant mum and her patience amazes me! I couldn’t be any more proud of my daughter. And just look at that hair!


Thank you for stopping by!

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Xo Laurie


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  1. April 13, 2019 / 1:48 pm

    Such a lovely post, you both look very stylish. I love the jackets, the colour of Sara’s is gorgeous! And she has such beautiful hair! I have a few pieces from Bonmarche and agree with you about the quality, they’re great value for money. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  2. April 9, 2019 / 8:30 pm

    Two beautiful women! I love how darling you look together and of course, the clothing. Thee is something special about doing stuff with your daughter, isn’t there?

  3. April 9, 2019 / 6:31 pm

    How much fun to take a walk in that lovely place and to reveal your choices. As they say, you both look smashing!

  4. April 9, 2019 / 4:23 pm

    I have to say I haven’t been in BonMarche for years. I’ll have to check them out again!
    Thanks for sharing with #pocolo

  5. April 6, 2019 / 5:47 pm

    I have never tried Bonmarche, being from the States, but love the outfits both of you have on. First thing I noticed is your daughter has gorgeous hair! wow. I love the vibrant color of her moto jacket and your boucle jacket too. I bet you will get a ton of wear. I keep looking at white jeans too, a great staple. Love seeing you and yor daughter Laurie!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  6. April 5, 2019 / 6:01 pm

    What a lovely mother and daughter photo shoot! It’s a great idea and you both look smashing. Thank you for the reminder about Bonmarche. It’s not somewhere I would normally shop, but I think I need to give it a try. Thanks for joining us for the #dreamteam x

  7. April 4, 2019 / 1:13 pm

    Thank you Laurie for linking up with us at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 36! Shared ♥

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:06 pm

      Thank you! xx

  8. April 2, 2019 / 4:28 pm

    I love Bon Marche too. I am wearing their sunflower top as I write this. I do like both your outfits and it must have been fun doing the photoshoot together.

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:08 pm

      I wear Bonmarche clothing so much Anne. It’s always the jeans that I reach for! I have nearly every kind from Bonmarche and they wear so well xx

  9. April 2, 2019 / 3:04 pm

    I’m loving both your bouclé jacket, and Sara’s purple biker jacket! Gorgeous pictures of you two. Sara definitely takes after Mum, and hasn’t she got the most gorgeous hair! xxx

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:10 pm

      I love her hair too Ann. I’m glad she hasn’t had it all cut off. She keeps threatening too. She sits on it sometimes! xx

  10. April 2, 2019 / 2:33 pm

    What a lovely post-Laurie, love both your outfits and it was lovely seeing your Daughter. I love taking photos with my Daughter we always laugh so much too :):)

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:10 pm

      Thanks Claire. I really enjoyed putting this post together xx

  11. April 2, 2019 / 6:58 am

    I love this mother and daughter post Laurie – reminds me of the times that my daughter has joined me in the past. Both outfits are fab, especially your jacket which I would wear in a heartbeat! Clever pairing with the white too, not a colour that I would have chosen, but it looks fab on you. Belated happy Mother’s Day sweetie x

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:11 pm

      Thanks Anna. I hope you had a good one too xx

  12. April 1, 2019 / 7:32 pm

    I absolutely love both jackets, now to choose just one!#AnythingGoes

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:12 pm

      I know! Can I just say that you can’t go wrong with Bon’s biker jackets for everyday style. I love my jacket but I wear the mustard biker from them all the time xx

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:13 pm

      Thanks Karen xx

  13. April 1, 2019 / 1:13 am

    You have such a beautiful daughter, it must be very hard to look after three boys when one of them has special needs that are extremely demanding.

    Love your choices, her purple jacket does complement yours very nicely. You both look amazing

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:25 am

      Thanks, Anna. It was strange because we weren’t together when we chose our outfits, so it was a pleasant surprise to me too. Purple is Sara’s favorite colour though! xx

  14. Mother of 3
    April 1, 2019 / 12:59 am

    I love that glitzy neckline on your daughter’s t! So many cute details on both these outfits.

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:26 am

      I know! I was surprised that I didn’t spot that online! It’s so pretty and hard to show in the photos. Thanks for stopping by xx

  15. March 29, 2019 / 3:51 pm

    Lovely! I have been thinking in investing in a remote and tripod so that my son does not always have to take my pictures. One day!!

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:27 am

      Oh Mireille I couldn’t live without my tripod! xx

  16. March 29, 2019 / 3:05 pm

    What a gorgeous post, Laurie! Your daughter is absolutely stunning – I love her lovely long hair!
    And what fab outfits too. Love the last photo pic of you both laughing <3
    Suzy xxx

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:28 am

      Oh Suzy you should see the blooper picks! I will pass on the compliments xx

  17. March 29, 2019 / 10:06 am

    Oh what a lovely post and great thing to do together! Loved both your choices – particularly the jackets and your white jeans! I always avoid them as, like you said, they’re often too thin and I think u flattering on me. May have to give these a whirl for summer! You’re both beautiful! 😍😘

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:29 am

      These white ones are great quality Lisa. I was so pleased they are not see-through at all. Good quality denim but avoid chocolate fingers or paws! xx

  18. Pamela
    March 29, 2019 / 2:01 am

    Wow what can I add to all those lovely comments, phew I don’t know what to say.Gorgeous, Gorgeous, Gorgeous. You and your daughter are very beautiful and I have commented many times before Laurie that you have very lush hair and Sara,s hair is stunning.What lovely people you are, a mother daughter relationship is very special indeed. I live in Wales and my daughter Laura lives with her husband in Islington London, they come home often and we have such wonderful quality time together
    . She has been my rock when I was ill and I thank God we have always had a great relationship and we have never ever quareled.
    I too can see the love in both your eyes,Happy Mother’s Day to you Both ,
    Love Pamela from Wales UK x

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:32 am

      What a lovely compliment Pamela. I live around two hours away from my children and I find that hard! It must be hard for you too. I will pass on your compliment xx

  19. March 28, 2019 / 5:31 pm

    Laurie, You have a beautiful daughter. May I say she stole my heart. Her poses are super cute and I can see she is a little shy and I love that it is showing that she is shy ( (I see it as a bonus added cuteness to the pictures ). Your blazer looks fabulous. I love this kind of blazers.
    Sara hair looks fabulous.

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:33 am

      Sara was a little shy Chez. It takes a lot of getting used to doing these photos, doesn’t it. I was so proud of her though, how she rose to the challenge. xx

  20. jodie filogomo
    March 28, 2019 / 2:56 pm

    You know I’m biased, but how wonderful to see the mother/daughter angle. I feel like SO many stores can cater to both of us now that 50 isn’t frumpy anymore!!
    Love both outfits and hope you continue this!!

    • laurie
      April 1, 2019 / 8:34 am

      Right on point Jodie. Bonmarche has grown to be the shop where any age can go. Sarah has been shopping in there a while now xx

  21. March 28, 2019 / 10:12 am

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, your daughter is so incredibly beautiful and has a very special aura about her. As I read the post and saw these pretty pictures unfold, I kept thinking , positively , “an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” for you are both so very pretty and serene.
    Happy mother’s day hugs to you two, Mary x.

  22. March 28, 2019 / 8:19 am

    Lovely post you two are gorgeous together !
    Ashley xx

  23. March 27, 2019 / 9:33 pm

    You both look fabulous in your Bonmarche picks. Your jacket is super and I’ve just bought a similar skirt from M & S. You both look really happy – so nice to have mum and daughter time. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  24. March 27, 2019 / 7:25 pm

    Beautiful! Both looks are fantastic. And I have respect for Sara, she must be a very strong woman!

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:14 pm

      Thanks so much Nancy. ara is very strong. I admire what she copes with at times xx

  25. March 27, 2019 / 6:18 pm

    You both are simply beautiful! It is so wonderful to have daughters, and yours sounds extra special. Both these outfits fit so well. Great photos! – Amy

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:16 pm

      Thanks so much Amy! xx

  26. March 27, 2019 / 6:12 pm

    What a lovely post! You both look fabulous and I love Sara’s choice of jacket, tee and jeans. The colour is just amazing!

    Have a great evening.

    Gemma x

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:17 pm

      It was great to do this post with Sara Gemma. I would love to do it again too xx

  27. Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
    March 27, 2019 / 5:12 pm

    Laurie this is such a wonderful post. You both look fabulous and its great your daughter shoot with you. You can be proud!
    XOXO. Tina

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:17 pm

      Thanks Tina. It was so enjoyable to do xx

  28. March 27, 2019 / 2:40 pm

    What a fun photo shoot. It’s so nice you were able to do this with your daughter. I hope she had some nice away-time from the children. You both look great in your picks, it’s hard to say which jacket I like the best.

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:18 pm

      Thanks Kim. I really enjoyed doing this. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you return! xx

  29. March 27, 2019 / 1:38 pm

    Lovely pictures of the two of you -Sara takes after Mum and is gorgeous! I can see the good quality of your t-shirt and white jeans so it’s prompted me to think about going to Bonmarche. Sara’s jacket is a fantastic colour. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday!

    • laurie
      April 5, 2019 / 2:19 pm

      Do take a look Gail. It’s the denim that I would look at first. I find it really good xx