Is it going to warm up again or not? I think that is the best of our summer gone. So now I’m on the lookout for something not too wintry but not too summery either. Ive been looking at the Little Mistress site quite a lot and have seen a few desirable items that would fit the bill at the moment

This one is from paper dolls £55.00 there are so many colours in this little number, you could wear it with so
much. White jeans, Blue dress anything black, so its really multi-functional

And of course, we cant forget a kimono, these are everywhere at the mo but I love the print on this one £34.00

If I’m going out at night when its a little chillier you cant beat a blazer, this will stay in your wardrobe for years to come and you can wear it again and again, there never going to go out of fashion. Dress it up or down it cant be beaten in my book! I’ve seen these and the quality is amazing and great value at £55.00
What are you wearing on chillier nights? id love to hear from any of you about ideas on chillier weather!
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