Its funny when you  walk past a shop, never going in thinking I don’t think they’ll have anything for me.You know when nothing catches your eye and its just not your cup of tea. Well today I had time on my hands,I went to our local bank and because it was lunch time the queue was out the door. So I thought Id browse the small amount of shops there were in our little high street.
The shop I’m talking about is MandCo. And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Here is what I tried on

This was a really comfortable top I tried on, silky material, still quite heavy so it hung well not a bad price at £24.00 and I could mix this with my favourite beige

I liked the print on this one, really comfortable too £26.00

Then I thought well summers nearly gone, so i tried this little number and  love stripes.£18.00 Bargain!. Plus I got to practice my selfies which is laughable, I really cant get the hang of these no matter how i try and my other half was not out with me. Don’t think we would have fitted in here together though!

Anyway this is me at the end of the day felling a little bit chilly in this photo. Weathers definitely changing!.
One of my favourite t shirts this year by Karen millen, and trousers Primark
I am a big fan of karen millen I have been buying this brand for many years and its still one of  my favourites.


Thank you for reading this post x laurie

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