November – Staying True To Myself

I had a bit of a wobble in November, not feeling at all happy with myself but towards the end of the month I got myself out of it and decided I’m staying true to myself.

Flicking through Instagram seeing all the cool girls, you know the ones that have it all going on and then taking a look at myself and feeling, a bit dowdy and in need of a bit of a makeover. I feel Instagram can suck you in so easily! sit flicking through each day and you start to doubt yourself.

I went window shopping and a lot of trying on of clothes ensued. What can I tell you? No cool girl stared back at me from the mirror! I don’t think I could carry off these looks in any way shape or form.

On returning home I felt really miserable. I can’t even carry this cool-girl style if I buy it! After giving it a lot of thought and a few days off Instagram I started to come around to my old self.

Stay True

Ok, I remember feeling like this in my teens and my twenties, it’s real playground stuff I guess. I started to think about why I started blogging, to share my classic and not overly expensive style. Us petite women do have to be careful of how we wear stuff too.

But my readership has grown and it keeps growing. This was the lightbulb moment. I must be doing something right? right? So I’ve decided to be the minority, stay true to myself and be happy. Yes, I will sigh every now and then when flicking through the Instagram but I’m staying true to myself!

Now that’s off my chest here’s last months not so  – cool girl looks!

staying true to myself no coo girl style

I have loved wearing this floaty blouse. the sleeve detail is so beautiful You may remember it worn with the skirt? I was going out here but didn’t want to look too overdone. The faux leather jeans and my new ankle boots completed the look. The blouse is on sale now too. Actually on looking the coast site has some amazing sale items.

What I’m going to be watching

Hawes Curtis kindly sent me the new series of The Crown. I’ve watched the first one and I really enjoyed it, so I’m looking forward to watching. Hawes Curtis is collaborating with the programme and to celebrate it’s release the Blue satin Pussy Bow blouse pictured above is on special offer to celebrate.

I love Hawes Curtis shirts and I look forward to styling this one. There will be a promo code coming up too.

New Sock Boots A Bargain Find

I’ve never really shopped in Peacocks before. I will be working alongside the brand in the next week or so and I couldn’t wait to share these gorgeous sock boots. An absolute bargain at only £25.00! All the high street stores have them but at a much dearer price and the heel height on these is perfect. I wanted to share before they sell out and you can find them here.  The quality of these is really good too.

What I’ve been doing

I had a fabulous day visiting the JD Williams Press event for SS19  I saw so much animal print! It’s been a huge trend this AW18 and it looks like it’s not going anywhere soon.  I really liked the outfit above and I can honestly say that the new collection has to be one of their best yet.

I was treated to this lovely outfit that’s going to see me through the festive season.  This blazer is a mere £29.00 at the mo!

Afternoon Tea with JD Williams

If you’re ever in London and looking for a good afternoon tea, check out One Aldwych Hotel. Oh my goodness it’s beautiful there!

This was the dessert tray!  Candy floss, cream-filled eggs, Cheesecake and Marzipan Chocolate milk!

The Wacoal SS19 Press Event

I popped into the press event for Wacoal. I love the Fantasie brand and while there we had the chance to get measured for sizing.

I’m glad I did because I’ve gone down a whole size! I was actually quite shocked but the size suggested gave a perfect fit. I’ve spoken about how important this is to get measured regularly on here before and this just goes to show how wrong you can be! Mums house move was obviously hard work and I’ve lost a couple of pounds but I’m sure that weight will soon come back.

Special offers

In case you didn’t catch the post there’s 15% off at Woolovers until 31st of December. Find out more here. I’m also adding other offers throughout the month here so pop back from time to time to see what’s here.

special offers

30% off at Mint velvet night and Loungewear

50% off party styles here at Office shoes

Up to 50% off at Hobbs

Enjoy Bobbi Browns twelve days of Christmas



That’s me done for November. Let’s see what December brings!

Thank you for stopping by!

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Xo Laurie

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  1. December 17, 2018 / 6:45 pm

    I think we all have these wobbles. Thanks for joining us on the #DreamTeam

  2. December 16, 2018 / 3:41 pm

    You always look so put together and lovely! I enjoy your style too, classic and like you said, you. I get tired of social media and will not go on it at times, it can be just a barrage of images that doesn’t thrill me. I love your down to earth nature, it comes through on the blog. The press events look so fun and I love your blouse and those pointed boots, fab!
    jess xx

  3. Dawn
    December 12, 2018 / 11:04 am

    Just getting caught up on old Emails and felt compelled to reply to your post. You seem to be a classy, sophisticated blonde ala Grace Kelly. Your style sense is timeless and not cookie cutter like most blogs. Hearing your voice and lovely accent (I am from the US) is a pleasure and welcoming feature. Plainly said, “You Do You” better than anyone. Please do not doubt yourself or change a thing.

  4. December 12, 2018 / 10:49 am

    I really enjoyed reading your post-Laurie. I find I have been feeling what you are talking about and am looking forward to a few weeks off at Christmas to recharge my batteries and make plans for my new goals.

    I only wear high street clothes and can not afford expensive ones so tend not to post outfit posts as much but all the time I have been blogging I have wanted to post more fashion post but never had the confidence.

    That is why I came to the decision to start a new blog called Fashion On A Shoestring to run along with my lifestyle ones. This way I can feel confident in what I post and people will know what my blog is all about as soon as they see it 🙂

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂

    • Marcella
      December 20, 2018 / 7:55 pm

      Claire, when are you going to start your fashion blog? I tried to google it & nothing came up.

  5. December 11, 2018 / 8:51 pm

    aw, that looks seriously cool, like your style – and yes, staying true to oneself is really important, especially when social media can have such an influence on us…

  6. December 11, 2018 / 6:24 am

    I read this post and I really liked it.

  7. December 10, 2018 / 2:28 pm

    Laurie, this is my first time visiting your site and I love it! Your classic looks will never go out of style and I think that makes you a cool girl for sure. You are beautiful! xo

  8. December 10, 2018 / 7:44 am

    They must know what they’re talking about when they say “to thy own self be true!” Thanks for sharing, Laurie. Blessings to you!

  9. December 9, 2018 / 10:47 pm

    I know exactly how you feel, Laurie. I’ve been feeling down myself lately. I guess this low esteem stuff creeps on you sometimes and staying calm. positive and true to yourself should help you pass this phase and emerge feeling better about who you are. Your style is true inspiration not just for me but hundreds of women around the world and that is much more important than those pretty girls without souls. Keep believing in yourself and keep doing what you do.

  10. December 9, 2018 / 10:23 pm

    Oh Laurie, I’m sorry to hear you had a wobble. I think you look fabulous and you always inspire me with your style choices! Thanks you for sharing your post with #Blogstravaganza, and for your honesty. Keep being you xx

  11. December 8, 2018 / 7:10 pm

    You always look the epitome of cool to me, Laurie, but I guess it’s normal to get wobbles now and then. Even those other cool girls on Instagram do, I’m sure! Staying true to yourself is the only right way. Hugs xxx

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 8:08 am

      Thanks so much Ann. It’s really easy to get sucked in and not feel good enough when you spend so much time on these Apps to push your own business along. Reading through the comments here has shown so much support and I’m feeling very humble xx

  12. December 8, 2018 / 12:02 am

    I’ve always thought of you as being cool, Laurie, supremely cool. You always appear immaculate and polished and poised, all things I strive to be in every outfit I wear but believe I fail in a most epic fashion. If I am to be completely honest, I skim through the feeds of those cool, pretty young things, and come away feeling most dissatisfied with myself. Discouraged and utterly unmotivated. Sometimes my Sheela pep talks work, often times they don’t, and that’s when I hit the gym, punch a few things, and feel a lot better 🙂 for some, it takes a serious social media detox, for me, I need to blow off steam by working out. And washing my hair. And eating some carbs. Those make me feel like me again 🙂 HUGS!! You are not alone in this thought process, and you are definitely very much a cool cat in my books xoxo

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 8:12 am

      Sheela! You know I already see you as the super cool girl! I don’t know how many times I have said that on your posts!
      I love your style and you love mine. I would not look right dressed like you and nor you like me. Weird how that works out huh? Thank you so much for making me feel better though! xx

  13. December 7, 2018 / 9:03 pm

    Hi, Laurie
    I’m going to try those sock boots because they look so cool on you! LOL. You look cool in your own way and there are others like you or who want to be like you, so being your true self is definitely the key!
    XO, Angie

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 8:15 am

      Aw, thanks so much, Angie. I hope you like the sock boots. I will be popping over to see how you get on with them xx

  14. December 7, 2018 / 5:04 pm

    As we grow, we learn that uniqueness is a very important quality. Once I realized this, it took me many years to discover who I really was and be proud of who I am as an individual. You’re beautiful! Don’t ever allow Instagram, or any other social media platform, tell you what beauty should be! This post was wonderful!

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 8:17 am

      hi! Thank you so much for stopping by for a read and your lovely comment. All the comments here this week have boosted my confidence so much! xx

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 11:51 am

      Glad you like them Karen. What a bargain find they were! xx

  15. December 6, 2018 / 9:31 pm

    I’m so pleased that you took some time to think this through Laurie. Instagram really show us all sides of life and with that all kinds of women. I think it’s important to keep things in perspective and not get sucked into the comparison game that it can sometimes look like.
    You have such a lovely loyal following and they love you for being you, so think no further than that. There’s not a week goes past when you don’t have another brand wanting your endorsement and that’s because you speak for the masses. You represent real women, petite ones too sweetie!

    Anna x

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 11:56 am

      Thank you so much Anna. These are the words I need to hear! I think I will look back on this post next time I feel like this! I’m so humble for all the support here. I think honesty is key too. xx

  16. December 6, 2018 / 8:22 pm

    Instagram can do crazy things on our psyche regardless of how strong or cool you already are. I am glad to hear that you didn’t let it get the best of you too because seriously, you are an amazing and beautiful person. No amount of cool clothes or experiences can replace that. That sock bootie look so pretty, it’s always an eye candy when looking at accessories! Those desserts also just made me crave some cotton candy – thanks a lot! I swear this holiday season is such a killer with all the delicious food and desserts out there. I hope you are having a great week so far and happy Thursday!

    Maureen |

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 11:57 am

      Maureen! Thank you so much for these kind words. It means so much xx

  17. December 6, 2018 / 1:19 pm

    Team petite in here. I have to agree with you saying that we have to be careful about what to wear and what fits us and what not. But hey “COOL GIRL” you my friend is cool and no one should take that away from you.
    remember that Instagram is not the mirror of reality.
    Try to use as an interface to connect with people and do not take it too seriously. That’s my advice. I get what you mean about Instagram sucks all the energy of the person. It did that to me and now I just enjoy it by these pieces of advice.
    You are amazing and I love connect with you

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 12:00 pm

      Thanks so much Chez! xx

  18. December 6, 2018 / 12:54 pm

    You totally look like one of the cool girls, but I know what you mean. I think we call feel like we’re lacking sometimes, but we’re not. I love that top. The sleeve is really beautiful. I watched the first season of the Crown on Netflix and really liked it.

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 12:01 pm

      Thanks, Julie. I can’t wait to watch the second series of the crown and I can’t wait to style the shirt! xx

  19. December 6, 2018 / 10:12 am

    I can’t believe you had such a horrible wobble last month, Laurie 🙁 but I do understand. I often look at the cool girls on Insta and feel dowdy and horrid myself. But seriously woman, in my eyes you ARE one of the cool chicks! I love your blog, your style, your down-to-earth attitude to everything, your youtube channel!, I just love you and would give you a big hug now if I could! I so wish I lived close enough to hang out with you but one of these days we’ll get together and do just that.
    Huge hugs my gorgeous friend,
    Suzy xxx

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 12:04 pm

      Thanks so much, Suzy! We will definitely meet next year hopefully! I really look forward to it. You will then see that I really am down to earth and not really cool either. Just me xx

  20. Pamela
    December 6, 2018 / 9:44 am

    Hi Laurie
    What beautiful comments and I agree with everyone of them, who wants to be cool at our age , like Kerry stated warm people are the ones to follow and no doubt that’s why you have so many followers.
    It’s great that you are not afraid to mention Peacocks instead of Boden, Whistle,Zara, Selfridges, John Lewis etc etc. I have had some smart stuff from such shops and reasonably priced too. Like wise Sainsbury’s TU, Tesco,Asda George etc. Good prices and good quality too
    Laurie I didn’t realise you were a petite you look tall to me, hope you don’t think I am being impertinent but what is your height and weight, I am 5ft 2ins and 9st 9lbs would love to get back to 9st, have you any special diet or healthy eating tips etc.
    By the way your hair is certainly your crowning glory it just gorgeous, so natural and feminine, I am not a lover of edgy choppy looks but each to their own.
    Stay the warm person you are and keep warm too in this cold wet miserable weather too.
    Love Pamela from Wales UK x



    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 12:23 pm

      Hi Pamela! A warm welcome sent to you! These answers could end up looking like a whole post of their own! here goes.
      I’m 5’2 and I think I weigh around the 9st mark. I have lost a little weight since mum died though. I don’t have any scales in the house because I become obsessed with them! I have many food allergies due to being anorexic in my younger years, so I think the small diet that I can eat is reflective of my weight.
      Believe me, if I could eat what I wanted I would be so much heavier and I would enjoy being that way too. I’m going to talk deeper about this in Decembers post I think because a few readers have asked.
      Thank you so much for these kind words Pamela. They mean so much xx

  21. December 5, 2018 / 9:27 pm

    But girl you ARE cool! I know what you mean though. I went through this whole process over the summer. I shut down Facebook and Twitter and basically show up on IG once a month. I have been much happier, still have faithful readers and a growing readership on the blog and realize I was getting caught up in a rat race I couldn’t win and really didn’t want to win. All is good now and I see more and more of us “Cool Girls” getting on the band wagon of staying true to ourselves. If our years of life have taught us nothing else it should be to pick and choose battles.

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 12:29 pm

      Thanks, Cheryl. That’s food for thought. It’s pretty sad that you feel pushed to spend so much time on these media channels because it’s what is expected of a blogger I guess. I’m glad you have found more peace doing what you’re doing, and maybe I need to man up a bit to these channels too xx

  22. Lorraine Mills
    December 5, 2018 / 8:41 pm

    Laurie, I’m afraid I’ve also been sucked into the Instagram and vlogger world of wealthy young girls buying so many beautiful clothes and looking amazing. I started feeling stressed about shopping, my age, my figure…..horrible!

    • laurie
      December 9, 2018 / 2:22 pm

      Yes. It’s so easy to get sucked in eh? Try and remember why you’re doing so well and forget about it! I’ve just stayed a bit more absent on Instagram and stuck with my age group! That seems to help me xx

  23. December 5, 2018 / 8:18 pm

    Oh come on Laurie, I wish I was only half as cool, elegant and feminine as you are! You’re a real woman! Be proud of yourself!

    • December 7, 2018 / 11:56 pm

      What she said.

  24. Chris
    December 5, 2018 / 8:13 pm

    I think your style is great! Love seeing what you’re going to wear next. In my sixties Plus I know what looks good on me and that’s what I shop for. Whether it’s the style now or not. love love your hair!

  25. December 5, 2018 / 8:05 pm

    Laurie, it is funny, how so many of us struggle with the comparison issue. I look at you and I think, “Wow! She’s beautiful and her style is so amazingly classic?” That is exactly what I love about you. I also love that you have so many things you are involved in as far as collaborations, get togethers, make overs and so on. You are a busy gal, but you also have this incredible approachable persona. Even though we have never met, I feel like you are someone with whom I could identify. Thank you for being true to yourself and don’t ever stop! – Amy

  26. December 5, 2018 / 6:48 pm

    But Laurie, you are one of the cool girls! Well to me you are! There’s me in my ‘teacher daily outfit’ so I look to you for inspiration and have so enjoyed some of your posts. I’ve even bought from your recommendations as I have loved them! So there you have it! You will always be someone’s cool. #bloggerclubuk

  27. December 5, 2018 / 6:42 pm

    Just look at the support above, you always look like one of the cool girls, and I don’t think you should change anything. You are doing really well – well done Hun. Nice trousers and boots Laurie. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  28. December 5, 2018 / 6:14 pm

    Laurie, you are one of the coolest women I know, no matter what you wear!
    So keep on doing you and dont try to be like anyone else… you are the best!
    Ashley xx

  29. December 5, 2018 / 11:31 am

    I keep hearing ladies talking like this at the moment – maybe it’s the time of year – it’s a time everyone gets reflective..? All I can say my lovely is I’m a huge fan of your gorgeous stylish and classy look! Thank goodness we all have something slightly different doing on – otherwise it would soon get boring right!? xx Maria

  30. December 5, 2018 / 8:46 am

    Laurie I love your style and you always, without exception, look amazing. No need to ever doubt yourself lovely lady xx I have a saying, “stay away from the cool people, its the warm people that you want to be near” Your amazing
    I love that blazer that you wore at the JD Williams event, perfect for the time of year.

  31. December 5, 2018 / 2:59 am

    I’m glad that you are staying true to yourself. I like the way that you look, and dress. Thumbs up from me!! I am too shy to do the clothes blogger thing, so I really admire it when someone does do it.