Not Just Vintage, This Is Special Vintage!

Hi everyone, on a visit to mothers I always have the task of helping her swap the summer wardrobe over. Guaranteed there will be items stored away that haven’t been worn, and in the swap, items will come out that either haven’t ever been worn or forgotten about. so up the ladder into the loft I go, into what looks more like a walk in wardrobe than a place to store items of household nature!. I can never resist having a bit of a nose around up there, and I always find something stashed away, long forgotten. On this particular time I came across this lovely blouse. I tried it on and loved it. so mother handed it down to me (this happens on a regular basis I must add) Its a shame Cinderella doesn’t go to many ball gown clad events, mum used to a company dad to many Freemason’s events and she has so many ball gowns still, I love trying them on, great labels too, Betty Jackson and Janet Wainwright were her favourites

This particular blouse was made by Susan Small. The maker of princess Ann’s  wedding dress, and I have to say it is so well made with intricate detailing. Going out that night, so strait into the machine it went on a hand wash and it came out a treat. I paired it with some skinny black trousers, black heels and my new bargain find from T K Max a Temperley clutch, I was good to go!

I will treasure this blouse from mother, and who knows, maybe my daughter will wear it one day, when she finds it stashed in my loft helping me with the change over wardrobe! .

I would like to dedicate this post to mother – love you mum x

Thank you for reading this post, what are your great vintage finds

XO Laurie

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