The Liebster AWARD

Hi everyone, my good friend Lynne has nominated me for this award, you can find her in blog world as Dorothy Camper and I have to say what a great blogger she is, so check it out sometime. The Liebster Blog Award is about being nominated by another blogger who invents a set of questions for the nominated blogger to answer. So here are my answers, and below my answers are who I have nominated with my questions. Here goes

1) Why Did I Start My Blog
     I read a magazine article  about women who were blogging, and thought what a great idea! I                looked at their blogs and thought what a great challenge it would be for me. I am not PC literate in      any shape or form, also I noticed there were plenty of twenty, thirty and fourty year old ladies              blogging , but what about us girls in their fifty’s?

2) Describe Yourself In Three Words
     Loyal, Friendly, and I love a challenge

3)What Is A Typical Day In Your Life Like
    That’s a hard question, as I don’t have Typical Days! Sometimes I am rushed off my feet with               clients being a hairdresser/beautician or sometimes I have spare time which is divided by seeing         the grandchildren,housework or shopping I blog mostly in the evenings, because that is my only         spare time in the day.

4) When Are You At Your Happiest
    There are lots of things I could answer this one with, Shopping, gaining new followers,being loved,     having a laugh with friends, but when I think about it I have to say its when I have all my children       and grandchildren in the house all at once!

5) If You Were A Character In A Movie Who Would You Be
    This one is easy, its Samanther Jones from Sex And The City. Successful, witty and out there! I         can be quite shy and I envied her confidence

6) What Is Your Most Treasured Possession
     That’s a hard question! there are so many!  One of my favourites is a gold lock from my daughters      charm bracelet. when the bracelet became heavy, I had to buy a larger lock for it, for security. I          kept the smaller lock and have worn it on my neck now for about twenty years, you can nearly            always see it in my pictures, its not worth much, but sentimental to me

7) What Is Your Favourite Place
    There is no place like home in my book!

8) How Would You Describe Your Personal Style
    I would describe my style as classic, but kept up to date with accessorise. I don’t care if it cost one       pound or a hundred pounds, I have a good eye for quality and a bargain! I love F&F but I also             love Karen Millen and Calvin klien I always bargain hunt on Ebay Too!

9) What Is Your Favourite Food
     I could write about this subject all day long! I have suffered from multiplying allergies since I was     eighteen years old, and my diet is very very basic. so when you see my pictures and think “oh your     so lucky to be so slim” DON’T, If I could eat whatever I wanted I would be huge and proud. It             really is hard and affects my life greatly.

10) Who Were Your Childhood Hero’s
       This one is easy, my dad of course!

11) If  You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It Be
      I would love to change my insides, so I didn’t have my allergies

Thanks for reading! Here are my nominies and listed below are my questions

Fashion Fairydust
More Style Than Fashion
Tickled Pink Woman
What I Wore For The First Time
Sophie Louise Gordon Blog
Lucy @ Pretty Little Things
Karen Barlow
Chrinicles Of Dolliedaydream
Curated Cool

And The Questions are

1) What is your top tip to give to a fellow blogger
2) What was your best bargain buy this year
3) What is the beauty item you couldn’t be without
4) Who is your favourite tv comedy caracture
5) Christmas cheer or Christmas grinch
6) Who is your favourite Designer/place to shop
7) Have you ever had a hair or beauty disaster
8) What is your greatest achievement blogging so far
9) If you could be someone else for a day who would it be
10) Name your top three favourite songs
11) what have you asked Father Christmas for this year!

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