More Confidence Please! – Dental Hygiene With Tepe

Hands up who’s afraid of the dentist? That would be me! More of a phobia, going way back to my teenage years, when I had one bad experience after another. Not only has this knocked my confidence and deterred me from visiting the dentist for years, it’s also held back my confidence when it comes to speaking online.

Being a blogger, in those close-up shots, you will rarely ever see my mouth open as I hate my teeth! But now, as I’m getting my little filming channel off the ground, it’s time to start thinking about what to do to make my teeth better. I would love to chat more on stories and YouTube and it’s my teeth that are holding me back.


Time to be brave and boost that confidence


Tepe Interdebtal sticks for a more confident smile


I was contacted by TePe, an oral care brand that specialises in interdental brushes, to see if I would like to share my experience using their products with my lovely readers. As this involved taking a trip to see a dental hygienist, my initial reaction was no thanks!

But I kept thinking about it and decided to bite the bullet. Now don’t get me wrong, I have been visiting a dentist for the last five years, who is super gentle, and I trust her completely. While the thought of seeing someone new made my palms sweat just thinking about it, when I looked in the mirror, teeth on show, the determination came back.



The dental hygienist that I saw was amazing! Very gentle and explained everything she was going to do step by step. I’ve had my teeth cleaned at my local dentist but the magic this lady performed on me was amazing.

After having a deep clean and polish, my dental hygienist explained all about how to keep my teeth and gums in good condition and that’s where these little TePe Interdental brushes get their intro. The difference they make is quite remarkable!

Here are the top tips I received from my dental hygienist:

  • Don’t brush up and down. Use circular motions when brushing your teeth, preferably with an electric toothbrush
  • Use TePe interdental brushes daily to get into areas that the toothbrush alone can’t reach. These help to remove plaque, which causes gingivitis, cavities and bad breath– this is what has really made the difference to my oral hygiene
  • If your gaps aren’t big enough for interdental brushes, use dental floss both in the morning and at night
  • Use an interspace brush for those hard to reach areas  (not sure this is right, is this a misunderstanding of an Angle brush ?)



Tepe Interdebtal sticks for a more confident smile


Some of the advice from my hygienist came as quite a surprise. I’ve always brushed my teeth up and down, but apparently, that makes your gums recede. I didn’t know that, and I will push for more information from my own dentist in the future.

My hygienist also recommended that I use TePe interdental brushes in the morning and in the evening, along with brushing my teeth. The TePe interdental brushes are designed to clean the teeth in between even the tiniest of gaps and below the gum line. In fact, TePe interdental brushes clean 40% more of your tooth’s surface than regular brushing alone. As I have quite crooked teeth, these are great for keeping them clean and makes sense of the dark lines I had appearing between gaps.

I even take my TePe interdental brushes out with me now, ready to use on the go, especially if I’ve eaten. They are available in a range of sizes and I’m using two different colours for the different size gaps in my teeth. They don’t hurt at all to use, it’s just like brushing your teeth the other way. If you’re a huge coffee or tea drinker like me, it would be wise to give these a try!

Feeling the confidence and bearing all!


more confidence in a smile with Tepe


So here are my teeth for all to see! Not perfect but still a lot better than they were. I’m keeping up with the routine my dental hygienist explained and alongside using the TePe interdental brushes, I’m ready to smile with confidence.

TePe interdental brushes retail from £3.00. You can find TePe interdental brushes in most dentists, Boots, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and leading chemists.

TePe interdental brushes Co/ TePe

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Xo Laurie

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  1. November 28, 2018 / 10:07 pm

    I love Tepe … people think It’s weird I like to floss . Informative post
    Tracey x

  2. November 20, 2018 / 11:40 am

    I’ve always been self conscious about my teeth, and I hate visiting the dentist. It sounds like those little brushes are good though, I’ll have to take a look at them. Thanks for sharing with #pocolo

  3. November 18, 2018 / 7:11 pm

    Ah, thanks – I didn’t know that’s what caused receding gums – useful to know. I’m a fan of those Tepe sticks too, so much easier than floss. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  4. November 14, 2018 / 11:13 am

    Great post — always looking to up the ante on my oral routine! Thank you! #dreamteam xo

  5. November 11, 2018 / 9:59 pm

    Two of my wisdom teeth are only partly erupted (as my dentist says!) so I use these TePe brushes around them. They’ve saved me from the infections that I used to get, they’re brilliant! Thank you for sharing your experience with #Blogstravaganza x

  6. November 9, 2018 / 12:09 pm

    These look good and a friend has told me she uses them. think i need to check them out #Blogstravaganza

  7. November 9, 2018 / 10:10 am

    Unfortunately I have problems with my gums due to my stroke and have to visit the dental hygienist regularly, I am not a fan of the dentist would rather go through child birth #pocolo@_karendennis

  8. November 7, 2018 / 10:17 pm

    I’m glad you found a product you love! I’ve never had a cavity and I am intensely dedicated to my oral care routine, I always love new ways to keep my teeth in shape! #DreamTeam

    • laurie
      November 8, 2018 / 11:47 pm

      I’m all for looking after my teeth, it’s the dentists and the drills! I hate them! xx

  9. November 7, 2018 / 7:22 pm

    My husband uses the brushes daily but I can’t get on with them – I use floss instead. 😊

    • laurie
      November 8, 2018 / 11:48 pm

      Have you tried the smaller sizes? I’m using floss too now. Determined to get a grip on myself and get my teeth sorted xx

  10. November 6, 2018 / 11:39 pm

    Loved this post. Yes I had dentist traumas when young too.
    I’ve been seeing my lovely dentist for 40+ years (needs must) and fortunately when he retired a few years ago I was able to find trust in his replacement too.
    Despite this, I have a few gaps that need sorting and I’m too much of a wimp to get them fixed so I’m self conscious too!
    I see a hygienist quarterly now that I’m an oldie (so expensive and we have to go private over here, no NHS, so no choice). I’m seeing her on Friday, as it happens. I hate going but we’ve built up a good relationship (and she reads my blog!). She knows I call her The Torturer!!
    Only in recent years have I been taught how to brush properly and use a tepe. I use it just once a day (can’t manage floss) and I use the tepe toothbrush too, which I love and cannot think to use another make now. I’ve got quite a small mouth and this toothbrush is much easier to use. I replace it quarterly.
    Thanks for sharing your experience, it’s been fun to talk about this.
    Hugs, x.

    • laurie
      November 8, 2018 / 11:53 pm

      Mary, seeing the hygienist was the first time anything has been properly discussed about aftercare. None of my dentists has ever explained all that can be done before. I never asked mind but I think all the aftercare should be explained at every dental check-up.
      So impressed with the lovely lady, I will travel to Essex for a deep clean again for sure xx

  11. November 6, 2018 / 5:20 pm

    I am so scared of the dentist Laurie and shake every time I go. I too had really bad experiences with dentists when I was a teenager too but I guess that was down to my love of sweets before school!!I will have to try your tips, thank you 🙂

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays.

    • laurie
      November 8, 2018 / 11:54 pm

      I feel your fear, Claire. It’s finding that right dentist or Hygienist that makes all the difference xx

  12. November 6, 2018 / 11:37 am

    Hi Laurie,
    I have been using the brushes for years, the dentist recommended them for me. I really wasn’t very good with dental floss and you can get a train through some of the gaps in my teeth!
    So coincidental you doing this post, I have been to the dentist recently as I’m thinking about having Invisalign – it’s sort of a brace for your teeth – as with all things good as we get older my teeth have moved as well!! you have to laugh! It’s a bit pricey though.

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:10 am

      Interesting. I’ve heard good things about the invisalign. I hope you let us know how you get along with this. Good to see you back here xx

  13. November 5, 2018 / 9:59 am

    TePes are absolutely the best thing for cleaning inbetween teeth. Most people can get on with them much better than floss, which can be really fiddly. I totally recommend that everyone use them every day. And yes, I’m a dentist! #AnythingGoes

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:11 am

      Haha! I might be calling on you for more advise! Thanks for stopping by xx

  14. November 5, 2018 / 8:20 am

    I haven’t ben to the dentist in years. I’ve never had to have anything done, so I just stopped going. Since my perimenopause though my gums are suffering. Circular motions from now on! I’ll get some of these pickers for my husband, he loves a tooth pick! xx Maria

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:13 am

      Yes, Circular movements Maria! I didn’t know either! I’ve been helping my gums recede, how bads that? xx

  15. November 4, 2018 / 11:57 pm

    I’ve started using an interdental pick as well and they’re great!

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:15 am

      Yes they are. I’ve noticed a difference for sure. Thanks for stopping by Michelle xx

  16. November 4, 2018 / 6:48 pm

    You’ll hardly ever see my teeth on show on the blog either. I too had a bit of a dentist trauma dating from my youth and didn’t go near a dentist for years. About ten years ago, I finally took the plunge, or rather I had to. I’ve been going regularly ever since, but it’s not going to give me good looking teeth any time soon. I’ve always brushed up and down too … xxx

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:17 am

      It seems a lot of women of our age group have had bad times with the dentists Ann. Maybe they just weren’t very caring years ago. It’s amazing the effect they’ve had on all us women.
      I’m determined to get this filming off the ground, and I’m not worried about my wrinkles but I am my teeth. So it’s time to get things sorted xx

  17. November 4, 2018 / 8:30 am

    I’m a bit strange in that I enjoy going to the dentist and find it quite relaxing! Preferable to the hairdresser’s, that’s for sure. Good piece Laurie, I also lack a bit of tooth confidence because I know my fangs need whitening but I can’t bear the sensitivity afterwards.

    • laurie
      November 9, 2018 / 12:18 am

      Well I envy you Gail! xx

  18. jodie filogomo
    November 3, 2018 / 12:48 am

    Did you know that I’m a retired dentist? I had many patients who were so frightened, but most of the time being gentle was the best way to way lay their fears!!
    And these picks? I use something like them every day.

    • laurie
      November 3, 2018 / 11:28 pm

      Shame I can’t come to you Jodie! I guess it’s getting to trust the dentist. The dentist I saw this particular time was brilliant.

  19. November 2, 2018 / 5:28 pm

    Quit smoking that will do it Laurie ! Nice post xxx

    • laurie
      November 3, 2018 / 11:29 pm

      I have to have one bad habit in my life! I only have a couple! xx