Another Way To Rock The Caroll

Is this the last T-shirt you will see this year? I think we’re not too far off of wearing long sleeves or jackets for the rest of the year? I’m sharing another way to wear the Vionic Uk Caroll pump with you today. I’ve worn them non-stop and considering I’m a heels fan that’s saying something!


Pumps are perfect with Jeggings – Runaround style sorted!


Vionic Uk Caroll Pump


You may notice a little difference to this pair of Caroll Pumps from my last post? These are another colour called Pewter. In my last Caroll post, you can view them in Pink. Now the weather’s turning these Pewter one’s will see me nicely into Autumn.


vionic uk the caroll pump


At the Vionic Uk event a couple of weeks ago, (this year’s styles are gorgeous by the way) we were talking about the Vionic brand and how to get across to our readers why the Vionic shoes, boots or sandals are so good, and I must say addictive to wear.

it was explained that we shouldn’t say “Comfortable” !!!  I really don’t get that? Why wouldn’t I say how comfortable they are? This is one of the main reasons that I love the brand! The shoes or boots that I’ve had so far are so comfortable and that’s why I don’t stop wearing them!

Comfortable Comfortable Comfortable!



Apparently, it’s a bit fuddy-duddy or old-fashioned to say comfortable nowadays! Sorry to my fav brand! But I think it’s a very important factor, especially for us women who are on our feet all day, plus if I want to share with my readers why I love these so much because they are erh, comfortable then I have to say that!



I’m wearing an old T-shirt from Mango on my treck to the local. Stopping to take a few snaps of these Pumps. I find that they work really well with a pair of Jeggings. I bought this Grey pair to go with the Pink or Pewter that I have. I think Grey will play a huge part of colour in my AW18 wardrobe this year, along with all the Mustard that’s arrived in the shops.


Not forgetting all the other good reasons to slip your feet into a pair of Vionic shoes/boots Great for Plantar Fasciitis. Read about that here if you suffer from sore heels. Plus the hidden support for posture alignment. These Caroll Pumps are so soft and pliable too, they feel like slippers yet are sturdy enough to pound the streets.



Not forgetting all the other good reasons to slip your feet into a pair of Vionic shoes/boots Great for Plantar Fasciitis. Read about that here if you suffer from sore heels. Plus the hidden support for posture alignment.


vionic uk Caroll pump review

I love the Sparkle in the Pewter, great for an evening out like now or just to add a little glamour to an outfit.

Have you tried any Vionic shoes yet? Or have you looked at the website? I have just got myself a pair of the Whitney boots. These are healed and I can’t wait to road test them! I’m really a heels girl at heart but these Caroll Pumps? Well, they come highly recommended!



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Xo Laurie






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  1. September 22, 2018 / 4:43 pm

    These look so pretty and I can definitely see the little shimmer in them. I love comfy shoes like this. Though having said that, I’m already wearing my boots! Thanks for joining us for the #dreamteam linky x

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:44 pm

      I know! How the weather is changing! xx

  2. September 19, 2018 / 10:32 pm

    These look great – I’ve some of their trainers but haven’t checked out their shoes yet. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:44 pm

      They have a fantastic collection this year Stephanie xx

  3. September 19, 2018 / 2:49 pm

    I only heard of Vionic recently and having plantar fasciitis they’re sounding good! I tend to wear flat shoes these days so I’ll check them out. Thanks for linking to #pocolo Laurie. xx

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:45 pm

      These would be perfect for you then Morgan xx

  4. September 18, 2018 / 9:38 pm

    Lovely outfit Laurie. Your shoes look beautiful and comfortable 🙂 Thanks for sharing at #CreativeMondays.

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:46 pm

      Thanks Claire xx

      • September 30, 2018 / 4:36 pm

        Thanks again for sharing at Creative Mondays last week Laurie, you will be one of my featured blogs tomorrow 🙂

  5. mrs
    September 18, 2018 / 8:03 pm

    This is my type of outfit, comfy top, skinnies and flats.. stylish but comfy at the same time! Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:47 pm

      Thank you Mrs! xx

  6. September 17, 2018 / 5:21 am

    Even on a run for errands you look very stylish Laurie. I love your jeggings and the shoes do look very comfortable, I don’t see the problem in calling the things for what they are. Incidentally, have they come with the alternative name for “comfortable”?

    • laurie
      September 22, 2018 / 7:48 pm

      Haha. I don’t think they have! xx

  7. September 16, 2018 / 8:30 pm

    I wish these were sold in the USA, they just look so comfy and just my style! Thanks for sharing at SYS.

    • laurie
      September 17, 2018 / 9:46 am

      Thank you Carol. They are available in the USA! xx

  8. September 14, 2018 / 6:49 pm

    I find I’ve been wearing more flat(ter) shoes lately, as I’ve been experiencing painful feet. I haven’t tried Vionic shoes yet, but I think I need to check them out. The weather’s been behaving quite erratically lately, and I even had the heating on today, but they’ve forecast 28°C next week, so I won’t be packing away my short sleeved stuff yet … xxx

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:17 pm

      Oh! The weathers been like that here in London too Ann. These are really worth looking at, especially for all that walking I know you do! xx

  9. September 14, 2018 / 12:16 pm

    Oh I love a pair of comfortable pumps. And the pewter colour is gorgeous and will go with almost anything. Thank you for sharing 🌈 #POCOLO

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:17 pm

      Thank you! xx

  10. September 14, 2018 / 11:01 am

    Nothing beats a good comfortable flat shoe. I love how you have paired them too #pocolo

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:18 pm

      Thank you Tracey xx

  11. September 13, 2018 / 4:38 pm

    Those flats look fabulous with your outfit! I don’t have a pair of grey flats, but I might need to get some! Your top is absolutely gorgeous too!

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:23 pm

      Thank you so much Laura. I’m taking on Grey this years colours along with the snakeskin xx

  12. September 12, 2018 / 1:52 pm

    I use the word comfortable all the time Laurie – it’s a great word!! You have styled these ballet flats so well! Love the tee with the power shoulders – a hint of the 80’s there xx

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:24 pm

      Thanks Maria! It’s not 80’s but boy did I love that time. xx

  13. September 12, 2018 / 10:07 am

    They’re a gorgeous colour, aren’t they? And there’s never anything wrong with an extra bit of sparkle! Love that you’re wearing them with grey jeggings – grey is one of my favourite colours to wear and I agree they’ll look fab with the pink pair too!
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:26 pm

      Thanks Suzy. I’m into Grey this year. Better than Black for me xx

  14. September 12, 2018 / 9:56 am

    Love those shoes. They look so comfy.


    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:27 pm

      Thanks Veronica. They really are! You never want to wear anything else! xx

  15. September 12, 2018 / 9:39 am

    Stylish and easy to be on your feet, my kind of fashion #bloggersBest

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:27 pm

      Thanks Fiona! xx

  16. September 12, 2018 / 9:08 am

    When I was working as a registered child minder I wore pumps all the time as they are so comfortable and great for running after children in#mudpiefridays@_karendenbid199@gmail is

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:29 pm

      I know Karen. I’m turning from a heels girl to a flats girl. Never thought that would happen xx

  17. September 12, 2018 / 5:51 am

    Those shoes are so cute! I love a good comfy flat and these sound like just like!

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:30 pm

      Thanks Ruth xx

  18. Naila khan
    September 12, 2018 / 2:36 am

    Errr they look comfortable!

    • laurie
      September 15, 2018 / 6:30 pm

      Errr They are!! Thanks for coming back! xx

  19. September 11, 2018 / 10:03 pm

    You have me at plantar fasciitis, every time! So painful. I can’t wear totally flat shoes for long as my arches start to hurt. How were yours, Laurie?
    Hugs, x.

    • laurie
      September 12, 2018 / 1:05 am

      I don’t actually have the heel problem Mary. I do like the brand for the alinement and how comfortable they are. You can actually buy supports for your shoes from the brand to relieve the pain in heels too Mary xx