Hi Everyone
Have you got your winter warmers out yet? I am just in the throws of swapping my Summer wardrobe to winter. It was only a couple of weeks ago that I would stroll down the garden at 6.30 to feed the squirrels, now it’s pitch black at that time…

What’s top of your wish list regarding your fashion wardrobe this year? Do please share your thoughts. My wish list is endless…
Anyway enough rambling on, I wanted to share with you a great idea.
My friend from Instagram Brittany of Savvy Sleepers asked if I would like to try their range of silk pillowcases.

And of course I said yes please! So let me tell you a little bit about them….
They are made from 100% pure satin, and they are not flimsy, it’s really good quality & gorgeous to the touch. They have a little pocket in the side for storing away little items (I will be using a lavender sachet in mine)
But the best thing about this pillowcase is that my hair does not frizz so much. I have really, really frizzy hair and normally I have to tie it up at bedtime. So the last few nights I have left it loose, and hey presto, it’s been great!

Now apparently this pillowcase is supposed to give you less sleep lines on your face in the mornings too. My face takes on average these day’s an hour to actually look awake, and I can honestly say that it has been better.

I chose to have the colour of Nappuccino Neautral, because it will contrast with all the colours of my bedding, but there are so many colours to choose from. take a look at their website SAVVY SLEEPERS 

So, that’s it from me, going to have a lady of the manor moment on the sofa, fur blanket, silk dressing gown, Savvy Sleepers pillow and favourite tv…… hang on who’s going to make the tea?!!!!

Xo Laurie

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  1. October 19, 2015 / 10:39 am

    Ooh this looks really slinky. My hair is dry and cases just suck the moisture out. #brilliantblogposts

    • October 20, 2015 / 10:26 am

      I know exactly what you mean Moderate mum. Well worth a try
      Laurie x

  2. October 18, 2015 / 4:50 pm

    I've been wondering about getting a silk pillow case so i'll have to take a closer look. Thank you. Pleased to have found you via #brilliantblogposts

    • October 20, 2015 / 10:25 am

      Mrs Tubbs, they really are worth a try.
      Laurie x

    • October 20, 2015 / 10:23 am

      Alice, it really does work. Worth a try
      Laurie x

    • October 20, 2015 / 10:22 am

      Jess, well worth a try, I have noticed a difference. The top layer of my hair is really frizzy and I'm trying not to keep adding more heat to smooth it out.
      Laurie x

    • October 20, 2015 / 10:20 am

      Shellie the difference is really good. it seems that the older I get the longer it takes for those creases to dissappear. I have really noticed the difference
      Laurie x