Hi Everyone
Hope you have all had a good week. The weather is still so mild, I still have loads of plants still flowering and the temperature is almost T shirt weather!

I got really lucky last week! I don’t often go in for competitions, but a couple of times I have entered the Wallis Wednesday one. I had my eye on this skirt for a while now and running through my twitter feed, I saw it and thought “well nothing to loose”
So I was really surprised to get the message that I had won!

So ladies get on the button! You can enter on face book or twitter, Give it a go!! ##wallis Wednesday

Magazine of the week……

In Style Magazine is my favourite this week. A free mascara by eyeco. This has a curved wand which is my favourite to use. If you don’t like the mascara itself, clean the wand and use it in the mascara of your choice. The application is always so much easier, getting into all those tiny lashes in the corner. Plus I always seem to get a finer application, no clogs! I would rather do two or three coats of a fine mascara, than one heavy cloggy one!…..
Oooo Plus I meant to mention, there is a twenty per cent off voucher for The White Company too, till 24th December

Bargain Of The Week…..

This black Roll Neck Jumper £10 from FandF HERE  I bought myself one this week (see above) Super soft, good fit and not to heavy. great  for going casual with jeans or leggings, but add statement earrings or broach or necklace, a black pencil skirt or tailored trousers and your good to go for smart casual evening.

On My Lust List

These Little Mistress shoes from Wallis at £42.00 HERE in their on line sale. I love the detail on the heel, and they look super comfy

Buy This!

If you want your nail varnish to last longer and your finish to be high shine plus you want your nails to dry super quick buy this Seche Vite Quick Drying Top Coat. Trust me this is the best…….

Offer Of The Week

If your looking for a party dress MandCo have some fabulous bargains at the mo,take a look HERE  This gorgeous red one is a mere £37.50 instead of £75.00

Now is the time to buy!!

Hope you all have a fab weekend!

XO Laurie

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  1. November 18, 2015 / 5:04 pm

    I love your look and style!! I am with you not ready to hang up the high heels either. I just turned 50 in Feb, and am embracing style much more than I did when I was younger!

    Fashion and Travel

    • November 24, 2015 / 11:48 pm

      Thank you Valerie, that's a lovely complement. I definitely have felt more confident in myself since I hit 40's I was very shy of what to wear till then. Good to hear you feel the same
      Laurie x

  2. November 18, 2015 / 7:32 am

    Thank you Jess. I wish I could wear more flats ! At least you are lovely and tall.
    Laurie x

    • November 18, 2015 / 7:30 am

      Thank you Alice. Hope your weekend was good too. You can always count on me to be at the link up!
      Laurie x