Hi Everyone
Just before Christmas I was approached by JD Williams for a blogger challenge. The idea was to steal someones style. There were several categories to choose from, one being film. I chose to go back in time to the seventies………

I had a browse through their site (some great sale bargains to be had here I might add) and fell for this Tapestry Boho Dress, from their  Bohemian winter range. This reminds me of so many films from early to late seventies, Annie Hall, The Graduate, Love Story, the list is endless……

I love the way it feels on, very light and swishy. Great detailing with black edged cuffs and tassel’s at the neckline….
I had a dress like this back in the late seventies, I so wish I had a picture of it to share. This really was like going back in time and I love this JD Williams one just as much…

 I chose to accessorise it with a fedora hat (Just removed due to wind force!)  and this suede slouchy bag to tie in with the seventies trend….

I am really pleased with my high heeled leather and suede knee high boots I received for Christmas too, they finished the look off perfectly.
It really is worth while to look at the JD Williams site, they have some beautiful pieces on there. You can find the dress HERE

XO Laurie

                                                              J D WILLIAMS

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  1. January 12, 2016 / 3:31 pm

    Love this look! Boho fabulous! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

    • January 12, 2016 / 9:01 pm

      Thank you ! Thanks for stopping by too
      Laurie x

  2. January 11, 2016 / 12:09 am

    That dress is delicious, I love long dresses with long sleeves and you can wear it in all seasons! #brilliantblogposts

    • January 11, 2016 / 10:22 pm

      Thank you so much Moderate mum, that's a lovely compliment. Thank you for stopping by
      Laurie x

  3. January 9, 2016 / 6:46 pm

    Thank you Alice. And you can be sure I will be linking up.
    Laurie x

    • January 7, 2016 / 11:07 pm

      Thank you so much,And you can be sure that I will be stopping by!
      Laurie x

  4. January 7, 2016 / 10:13 pm

    Maybe it's just me, but you really reminded me of Stevie Nicks in this. It's a great look for you, btw.

    • January 7, 2016 / 11:08 pm

      Now that is such a big compliment for me. I am such a big fan of Stevie Nicks. Thank you

  5. January 7, 2016 / 7:30 am

    You look so glam! Love the dress, love the boots, love the hat. Great job! Thanks so much for sharing.

    • January 7, 2016 / 11:11 pm

      Thank you List Addict. Thank you for stopping by
      Laurie x

  6. January 5, 2016 / 3:00 pm

    The dress is gorgeous! It really looks like a genuine vintage piece. You wear it well xx

    • January 5, 2016 / 8:47 pm

      Thank you Stylopedia, that's a lovely compliment. Thank you for visiting
      Laurie x

    • January 5, 2016 / 8:45 pm

      Thank you Edita,and thank you for visiting

  7. January 2, 2016 / 4:35 pm

    Happy New Year. These boots are awesome. Great find. I love that they are normal leather around the foot, suede along the calf. Despite that makes a horizontal line, it does not matter as it is the same color. The leather makes them so much more usable than plain suede boots.

    You really pull that elegant Bohemian style off. A modern Ali McGraw.

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. It is always great to see you at the party

    • January 3, 2016 / 6:43 am

      That's a lovely compliment Nicole,Thank you
      Laurie x

  8. December 31, 2015 / 4:39 pm

    I love this idea Laurie! I am such a film fanatic, I can so see this influence. You look amazing, the rust color with the pattern is perfect for you and the look is so fun! Great boots and hat as well

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
    Happy New Year, Jess xx

    • January 3, 2016 / 6:41 am

      Thank you Jess, I love the colour of the dress,wasn't sure about the hat!
      Laurie x

  9. December 30, 2015 / 11:22 am

    I love JD Williams, this is such a beautiful dress!! You look great Laurie 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, sorry I am late stopping by.. Happy New Year 🙂

    • January 1, 2016 / 7:55 pm

      Thank you Claire, that's a lovely compliment!
      Laurie x