Hi Everyone
Last week I was a little proud of myself! Marie Claire on line magazine got in touch about featuring in their #Break Free campaign. It’s all about fighting ageism and how us more mature women go against it

If you would like to pop by and read what I had to say click HERE I would love to know what you think, and I would love to know what your views are on not feeling over the hill and how you combat this……

Now for my bargain find…..
Primark? Love it or hate it, sometimes I walk into my local Primark and it all just looks like a jumble sale in there. But I still push myself through that door on a regular basis, because every now an then you will find a gem. This dress cost me a mere £7.00 and I know it will be worn several way’s for the next few winters. Primark also had this in black, and I wish I had bought that colour too….
(please excuse garden! Work in progress)

I teamed the dress with one of my favourite belts. I know the modern cool way to wear it would be to wear it loose, but rules are made to be broken and I prefer it this way. However there is a blooper in the way I have styled it! I so wish I had put my Knee high boots on instead of my shoe boots! We all have a blooper moment sometime right?
However I think a good pair of heels and some evening jewellery This dress could pass for a night out.

                                              shop the look !

Have you found any special bargains? Do tell!
XO Laurie

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  1. February 10, 2016 / 9:27 am

    Laurie, that's great that you were given the opportunity to speak for us all. Thanks for adding your flair to the My Refined Style Linkup. See you next month!


    • February 9, 2016 / 10:18 pm

      Thank you Michelle. I just got lucky,I was really pleased.
      Laurie x

  2. February 7, 2016 / 4:36 pm

    I really like this dress. Simplicity and beauty together
    You have a interesting blog. Visit mine if you want

    • February 9, 2016 / 10:09 pm

      Thank you! And yes I love fur too, so I will be popping over
      Laurie x

    • February 5, 2016 / 5:02 pm

      Thank you Alice, I do love to find a bargain!
      Laurie x

  3. February 5, 2016 / 5:16 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I really adore your belt. You probably would have guessed that. Studs! Congrats on the ageism article!

  4. February 4, 2016 / 6:45 pm

    You'd look fabulous no matter what you wear, so don't chastise yourself about the belt and boots! We can wear whatever we choose!

    • February 5, 2016 / 5:01 pm

      Brenda, that is so lovely, thank you!
      Laurie x

  5. February 4, 2016 / 6:01 pm

    Wow, elegant dress, nice curves

  6. February 4, 2016 / 3:47 pm

    You look beautiful, my piece on breaking free from the guilt of being a working parent was published too, well done us x

    • February 5, 2016 / 5:00 pm

      Yes well done us! What made my day was the fact I had been chosen with some really up there bloggers like yourself! I read your article too, Go us!!!
      Laurie x

  7. February 4, 2016 / 3:46 pm

    you look great in that dress! loved your thoughts on ageism! ♥

    • February 5, 2016 / 4:59 pm

      Thank you, It was good to speak out, glad you liked it
      Laurie x

  8. February 4, 2016 / 7:30 am

    You look so lovely!! #Brilliantblogposts

    • February 5, 2016 / 4:58 pm

      Thank you Kayla, Thanks for stopping by
      Laurie x