Airfield – A New Label Love To Share With You

Every now and then a brand will make its grand entrance into your life and you wonder how you never heard of them before! Today I’m sharing this new label love named Airfield with you and I hope you like it as much as I do.

The clocks went forward today and that sparks the decision to get the spring summer wardrobe out. Snow hopefully won’t greet us again for another year hopefully, it’s been such a hindrance, not being able to share all the new summery items kept in the wardrobe waiting to be worn. I’m still keeping a couple of warm coats to hand, but I’ve just purchased a nice springtime coat for the mornings when it’s still a little chilly, but more on that later.



I would describe Airfield as a sporty lux brand

Looking through the lookbook from Airfield, The colours for this collection are amazing, really rich looking and it has a real sporty vibe to the collection, so I’m calling it sporty lux! This jacket is actually one of the more sombre items in the book but as soon as I clapped eyes on this it was love!

Blush Pink and White the material is a sain cotton and when the light catches it there is a sheen to the fabric. The quality is exceptional and the detailing is well thought out. My one concern for me is the price! This is most probably the most expensive item to enter my Ss18 wardrobe this year! As you all know I’m a bargainista girl at heart. Truth is I couldn’t afford items like this on a daily basis but I’m sure there are plenty of you out there that can!


The White jeans are out! Perfect for pairing this Blush Pink and White jacket.

I love the floaty hem on the jacket,  I nearly wore my Blush Pink trousers from this post to pair with the jacket and I’m sure I will at some point for a smarter look. There are lots of ways I can think of to wear this jacket, I’m determined to make it purse friendly, but having said that, it’s not going to go out of fashion any time soon is it? It’s quite a classic style and I’m sure it will be worn in many years to come.  Here’s what else  I have in mind to wear with the jacket

  • Smart for work or business meetings with a white shift dress
  • This will look great with my Blush  Pink pleated skirt for a dressier look
  • Smart White or Blush Pink trousers
  • Pink and Green are a favourite colour combo for me at the moment, so I will be trying that.
  • As worn above with White Jeans or Jeggings


Airfield SS18


I love the Silver popper buttons on the front, these just finish the jacket off so well and pair nicely with my silver accessories. Such an easy way to spruce up your Jeggings and plain T!



There are so many other items that I would love to try from the Airfield brand, I’ve selected a few items from the new collection and I also had a browse through the outlet too. This would be much more affordable for me and the styles there are just as good. Let me know what you think of my choices!


Do Take a look at the Airfield site and let me know your favourites. I’m leaving my wishlist below! Top of the list will be the Pink Leopard print jacket with sequin sleeves!





Striped Paradise Jacket Co/ Airfield

Xo Laurie





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  1. April 7, 2018 / 5:08 pm

    You make fashion so fun, I had not heard of Airfield, is this brand available in stores?

    Thank you for sharing on Friday Features #omhgff on Oh My Heartsie Girl, your post being featured this week and will be shared on Instagram, watch for it.
    It will also be pinned on Pinterest and shared to Facebook.

    Now I hope you enjoy the little boost, and stop by again to share.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. April 4, 2018 / 9:45 pm

    Great to discover a new brand. Love the cut and colour of the jacket, you’ve chosen well to team it with white jeans and fab shoes #blogstravaganza

  3. April 2, 2018 / 4:52 pm

    I LOVE that jacket! The pink and white stripes and the peplum bottom really appeal to me as well! I am sure it woud have popped out at me too! I love how you styled it with white, such a fresh spring look. I looked at the site on-line and lately I am obsessed with khaki green, and they had some lovely pieces.
    Thanks for linking!
    Have a great week!
    jess xx

  4. March 31, 2018 / 10:22 pm

    I haven’t heard of this brand before, your jacket looks fab! I’m a few months overdue an entire overhaul of my wardrobe, I’ll have to check them out. Thank you for linking up to #Blogstravaganza πŸ™‚ (and welcome!).

  5. March 31, 2018 / 12:00 am

    Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #OverTheMoon this week. Each Hostess displays their own features so be sure to visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please don’t forget to add your link numbers or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  6. March 29, 2018 / 4:30 pm

    Love your fresh spring like outfit! The jacket is made for you! Had a look round their site and they have some gorgeous clothes. I love the dress below and also the Galatica jacket.

  7. March 29, 2018 / 4:08 pm

    Such a pretty jacket, and that’s going to be fabulous for spring and summer. Thanks for joining the #linkup. (I actually thought I’d already commented when I first saw this post last week – sorry. )
    Jacqui Mummabstylish

  8. March 29, 2018 / 12:18 am

    Oh, I love this peplum jacket. I saw on at Nordstrom recently but it went out of stock before I could purchase. Made me love love this all the more.

  9. jodie filogomo
    March 27, 2018 / 6:53 pm

    This jacket it so lovely, Laurie!! Now I will need to check out their other items!!

  10. March 27, 2018 / 11:17 am

    I love the delicacy and softness of your look. I love the all white and jacket seems cute. And your hair … always so attractive!

  11. March 27, 2018 / 8:50 am

    I’ve just had a little look around their website and I love this brand!! Thanks so much for the recommendation – you are my style guru xx

  12. March 27, 2018 / 8:43 am

    I do love blush pink on you Laurie it suits you so well! Love the yellow door too !
    Ashley x

  13. March 26, 2018 / 10:58 pm

    What a stunning jacket! I love the colors, and you put together this outfit perfectly. It is a big pricey, though, I agree!

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:10 am

      Thank you, Roxanne. I love discovering new brands to share with my readers

  14. March 26, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    Such a gorgeous jacket Laurie! I’d never heard of Airfield before, I’ll be popping over for a look. I love all the pieces you’ve selected! The jacket looks fab with the white jeans.

    Emma xxx

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:11 am

      Thanks, Emma. Let me know your wish list. There are so many beautiful items on there. xx

  15. March 26, 2018 / 7:14 pm

    I had not heard of these before visiting you, Laurie. Lovely jacket. I need some new white jeans this year πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays.

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:11 am

      Thanks, Claire xx

  16. March 26, 2018 / 5:01 pm

    I have never heard of this brand before but it sounds lovely! What a beautiful jacket! I love the peplum hem and it looks great with your jeans!


    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:13 am

      Thank, Rebecca. Well worth a look on the website xx

  17. March 26, 2018 / 3:03 pm

    What a lovely sight as I sit here on a very grey rainy day – this summery look has cheered me right up Laurie. The candy colours suit your complexion so well. I’m not not a big fan of white jeans, but these look very elegant on you, but there again, everything looks very elegant on you my dear!

    Have a great week!
    Anna x

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:14 am

      Aw, thank you my friend. I’m hoping the whites get to stay out and the weathers going to pick up! xx

  18. March 26, 2018 / 10:57 am

    Nice one! I like the frock coat. Too bad it’s a bit on the pricey end for me. #LGRTStumble

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:15 am

      Thank you. It’s pricey for me too but the sale page has some gorgeous items. xx

  19. March 26, 2018 / 8:33 am

    Oh Laurie what a find. I am heading straight over to look at their site, because I love what you have shown me..

    • laurie
      March 27, 2018 / 6:16 am

      Definitely your cup of tea Hilda. I can see you in a lot of the items on there xx