Calla Shoes – Specially Designed For Problem Feet

Hi Everyone
I’m sharing shoes with you today. A girl can never have enough shoes right?
These shoes are pretty special though. They are designed for women with Bunions.

These shoes caught my eye on Instagram, and I got chatting with the Calla shoe company, explaining that they were specially made for women with this problem in mind. So I thought I would share what I had discovered.

 A common problem apparently, luckily for me I don’t have Bunions. Quite surprising really considering the conditions I have had my feet in regards to high heeled shoes for so many years!

 Super soft cushioning inside and extra wide fit You can read about them  here 

I just loved the classic style of the shoe! And they are so comfortable! But if you have problem feet, then I hope these can be of help to you. The site has many different styles and some lovely court shoes are available.

I’ve chosen to style the shoes with this M&S stripe dress that I bought last year. I like the change in the stripes direction and I thought I liked the slanting hemline on it too. but after looking at these photos I have decided to have it altered to a normal hemline.I don’t like it! Does that happen to you? You love something one minute and dislike it the next? I can be so contrary! I will never tire of a classic stripe dress though!

calla shoes

 I never realised that Bunions were such a common problem for women. Apparently, 38% of women over 30 suffer from them.These women must find it hard to wear shoes that are comfortable yet stylish. That’s where Calla shoes stepped in. A fantastic idea.

They don’t feel like high heels to me. Easy and comfortable to wear. They are quite wide fitting too. That’s the problem I have.Wide feet! nearly as wide as they are long!

Considering that they are made with more technology I’m impressed with the prices that the shoes and sandals are. These one’s that I’m wearing are £130.00 and are available in Silver and Black too. 

So. I hope this may have been helpful to any of you ladies out there? Do you have any problems with your feet? I think so far I have been very lucky.

Do check out the Calla shoe brand you can find them at the sites below

Calla Shoes* – here
Instagram – here
Facebook –here

Xo Laurie

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  1. July 25, 2017 / 9:37 pm

    They look great – I do have a bunion sadly, but love high heels! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  2. July 23, 2017 / 11:05 pm

    I love your dress! Ah, you know we are our own worst critics. It looks good on you & so feminine. Now to the shoes…I have super problem feet, and can only survive wearing wide toe box tennies. I wouldn't dream of putting my feet in any high-heeled shoe…LOL. They're that bad. I wish I could. They are so pretty though.

  3. July 23, 2017 / 9:10 am

    Lovely shoes! I'm having a lot of pain work my bunions suddenly, I think running makes then worse. I have to be really careful now about my footwear. I'll definitely pop over to the Calla website and take a look!

    Emma xxx

  4. July 23, 2017 / 8:48 am

    I have wide feet and the start of a bunion on my left foot, so good to know that there is a company that designs and produces what seems to be stylish shoes for those with the problem of bunions! Thanks for introducing Calla shoes to us x

  5. July 20, 2017 / 2:26 pm

    I don't have bunions, but I still find nearly every pair of shoes I own hurt me in one way or another so maybe these would be the answer! I love the design and the price is nothing if they are actually comfortable to walk in
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes 🙂

  6. July 17, 2017 / 11:48 pm

    These are so pretty! I do hope I can find these in the U.S. Thank you for posting this!

  7. July 17, 2017 / 6:59 pm

    I don't have bunions, but I do have wide feet! These look stylish and comfortable!

  8. July 14, 2017 / 8:48 pm

    Ohh don't they look perfect with this dress! Great choice and thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst

  9. July 14, 2017 / 12:00 pm

    Those shoes are so pretty and I love that they are comfortable too! Love your striped dress!

    Doused In Pink

  10. July 14, 2017 / 9:30 am

    Good look. But ouch £130 for shoes is just not on my affordable list. #pocolo

  11. July 14, 2017 / 3:21 am

    Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. The stripes are great! They make the top look shorter and the legs miles long! I love that look! Great dress and styling!

  12. July 13, 2017 / 7:47 am

    Although the post talks about shoes, I want to say that I love your dress!

  13. July 12, 2017 / 10:46 pm

    They look flattering, comfy and stylish at the same time, so a great design and great news for sufferers. Amazing that technology comes up with these things, I remember my poor Aunty Dot had to cut pieces out of her shoes to accommodate her troubled feet. I'll check out the site. I have what I prefer to call widened feet, I don't want to think I may have the B word!
    The dress and shoes really suit your colouring, lovely outfit.

  14. July 12, 2017 / 7:51 pm

    I had not heard of these before, they look great 🙂 Love your dress too. Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday blog hop.

  15. July 12, 2017 / 4:04 pm

    Hi, I've not heard of Calla before. I shall be taking a look at their website now and maybe making a crafty purchase #bestandworst

  16. July 12, 2017 / 12:21 pm

    I've been keeping an eye on Calla shoes myself, because I do suffer with bunions. One of which is becoming increasingly painful and is actually affecting my knee, which in turn affects my back!
    You loo gorgeous – love the shoes with the dress!
    Suzy xx

    • July 17, 2017 / 8:29 pm

      I'm more surprised each day how many women are affected by this Suzy! xx

    • July 17, 2017 / 8:20 pm

      Thank you! Thanks for stopping by xx

  17. July 11, 2017 / 11:52 pm

    Even though I have bunions, I haven't found that they interfere with me wearing cute shoes. However, chances are at some point it will interfere, so thank you for sharing this fab shoe company with us!

    • July 17, 2017 / 8:19 pm

      Thank you Darlene. You are not the first woman to say this. I'm quite surprised at how common this problem is xx

  18. July 11, 2017 / 8:48 pm

    You look very pretty. I like the dress with the asymmetrical hem, but it would look pretty with a straight hem as well. Very pretty shoes. – Amy

  19. July 11, 2017 / 7:06 pm

    These look fab ! My mum suffers from bunions and has had operations on her feet.
    She would love to know about these ! You have fabulous legs btw!
    Ashley x

  20. July 11, 2017 / 7:04 pm

    These are beautiful shoes, indeed, Laurie! I love when a shoe company can combine style, sass, and comfort into a high heeled shoe. I recently am loving wearing heels, but they really do cause a lot of pain after a short period of time. Unless, of course,t hey are made well! Thank you for sharing.


    • July 17, 2017 / 8:15 pm

      Thank you Shelbee. I suffer the other way round! Flat shoes make my legs ache! I think I've been wearing high heels so long my whole body is used to it! xx

  21. July 11, 2017 / 5:52 pm

    Although I do not have bunions either, I'm always on the lookout for comfortable shoes as I have what I call "difficult feet". This is especially apparent in summer, when I'm not wearing tights. So, I might check out Calla shoes. I love, love, love the dress you are wearing, by the way! xxx

    • July 17, 2017 / 7:52 pm

      Thank you so much Anne. Do check out the brand. The shoes are really comfortable xx

  22. July 11, 2017 / 4:49 pm

    Wow you look amazing in these shoes! I love seeing them on other people and so glad you like them x

    • July 17, 2017 / 7:51 pm

      Thank you Jennifer. Hopefully the message will get out to all the women suffering from this problem. They are so comfortable xx

  23. July 11, 2017 / 8:53 am

    I saw these shoes recently in a magazine- fantastic solution for women with bunions because most shoes for this are flat and velcro'd! I have a different type of bunion called a tailor's bunion on my right foot. All my shoes are now too small for that foot! I'm tearing my hair out.

    • July 15, 2017 / 9:03 pm

      I hope you look at the website Gail. And I hope this helps! xx