When do you decide if blogging is just a hobby or you want to take it a step further?
It’s nearly two years now I have been blogging, just plodding along……

Towards the end of summer last year is when I noticed things were really picking up, my followers growing, and readers returning.
 This gives off a lovely feeling you know, and when you realise people are interested in what you have to say or what your wearing, it gives you even more gumption to carry on.
 The event invites start to trickle in and brands are starting to take notice. There really is a real big shift in the more mature blogger and the numbers of new mature fashion bloggers are growing fast.

So I decided around christmas time that I would invest in a couple of things to help my little blog along…..
When I went to a couple of events last year,one thing I had never thought of before cropped up. Every time I spoke to someone about their brand for information to relay to you my lovely readers ,I was asked for a business card. A BUSINESS CARD!!!

Well I had never really thought cards before and I was proper kicking myself all the way home! Note to self BUSINESS CARDS!!!

So when I came across AURA PRINT  * I was delighted with the ideas they came up with for me

They arrived neatly packed and I was surprised how good the quality of the card was. It’s really thick and sturdy, not flimsy at all.
I also loved the idea of them being double sided. So I had my blog name on the front and all my media site addresses on the back.
You can even add your own design and send it to them if you want, have your photo on the front etc. So if you fancy getting some new business cards done I totally recommend these colour core cards,
  They have so many fabulous colours available, you wont be disappointed.

The next thing I decided to invest in was a  new blog template. There are so many out there on the market, it’s difficult to choose the right design plus there’s the worry of things going wrong. Now the last template design I had was ok, although I did have a lot of problems with the page after it was installed, and this is what was putting me off going through all that palaver again.

A couple of blogger friends Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb and Claire of Claire Justine suggested Pipdig Now I took a look at what they had to offer and was blown away.  Craving these new designs but being scared to take the leap Claire and Catherine assured me how easy it was, and any problems could be easily solved. Pipdig will install for you if required. But my other brand had installed mine, and every time I contacted them regarding a problem they just demanded more money (so you can understand me holding back!)

I took the leap with pipdig, it had to be done, I needed  my blog to look more professional. Fingers crossed I was dreading it! But it was so easy . Voila! new blog and not a single problem and I cant recommend this fantastic company enough. A big Thank you to Pipdig

I still have a bit of editing to do on the categories front, but I will catch up with that. If your looking for a new template  highly recommend you take a look at Pipdig.

Now the next Item I have invested in is a new lens for my camera. I bought a Nikkor 50ml 1.4 lens which I fond on ebay. These lenses can be very expensive, so I just took  my time until the price was right. I was looking at them just before Christmas and the prices were very high, but after Christmas the prices dropped a lot and I got lucky.

Photography is something I’m finding hard to grasp! Anyone with some tips please give me a shout! I am really pleased with the lens, I just need to learn how to use it!

So this is my next port of call, to learn better photography skills. So it looks like I’m here to stay in this blogging world, I couldn’t imagine not blogging any more. Would you say it’s addictive? I’m not really making any great funds yet, and maybe I wont. But the other opportunities and friends that I have made so far have really made me happy and put a spring in my step.
Have you had any nightmares during your blogging time? what is it that you love about blogging most? I would love to hear.

XO Laurie

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  1. March 19, 2016 / 2:55 pm

    I can totally relate….I just bought a "real" camera and have been googling for days on how to get the blurry background pictures!!
    As for business cards, I do have some, but might need to update soon!!
    What I really want now is a graphic t-shirt with my logo on it!! jodie

    • March 22, 2016 / 10:59 pm

      Let me know when you find something easy to follow Jodie regarding those blurry pictures. I just need to learn all the gadgets on the camera first

    • March 22, 2016 / 11:01 pm

      Thank you Dawn. I'm so pleased with the template and cards.Worth investing in I think

  2. March 19, 2016 / 12:51 am

    I sure did Nicole! x

  3. March 18, 2016 / 11:36 pm

    Great post! I'm a new blogger and trying to still figure out how to brand myself. I really want to take my blog further and do some awesome things to get people coming back and finding what I have to say interesting. I was happy to get 4 newsletter subscribers for only blogging 11 months. And as for cameras, I just enrolled in college for photography and I'm still trying to learn my camera lol! Anyway I loved reading your post and congrats:)

    • March 19, 2016 / 12:50 am

      I'm starting to think going to college is the only way I will grasp the whole photography thing too! Thanks for stopping by x

  4. March 17, 2016 / 4:18 pm

    It looks like you caught the blogging virus. I think I got infected too. LOL.

    • March 19, 2016 / 12:51 am

      I sure did Nicole! x

  5. March 17, 2016 / 8:49 am

    Interesting post, I am looking for a new lense but really don't know what to get and like you say so expensive so don't want to make the wrong choice. Also love your business cards, they have done a good job for you. Gemma x

    • March 19, 2016 / 12:59 am

      The lense I have bought is a 50ml 1.4 for my Nikon. I bought it after reading about how to get the Boke effect. However I need to learn how to make it happen now! Take a look on google for advise for whichever camera you have. I bought the lense on ebay.