New Hero Products Added To My Beauty Routine

You think you’ve got it all sussed with your beauty routine and then some new hero products come your way and you wonder how you managed without these little marvels before. I’m sharing some fantastic gems with you today!


new hero beauty products

Welcome The Hero Project

The Hero Project is a beauty brand that doesn’t use any of the nasties. No Parabens, microbeads, sulphates or alcohol. It’s Vegan-friendly and not tested on animals.

I was given the opportunity to choose a few items to share with you all and after a few weeks of trying them out, I’m ready to tell all. The brand has had some amazing reviews from all the top media, so I was eager to try.

I will be talking more about these in my next vlog where you will see them in action so I hope you will tune in!

Night Drops – Age Defying Elixer


the hero project

I wish you could smell this! I love the Neroli scent that’s just so relaxing and perfect for helping you to drift off to the land of nod, but what I like about this is it’s more creamy consistency. Classed as a serum yet I would say it’s more like a lightweight cream. Night Drops has also been awarded a gold star award for 2017 Pure beauty awards.

You can use this on its own or add another night cream over the top, but I found that I didn’t need to. Two drops of this from its pipette was enough. I’m not a huge lover of pure oils, and although I love Neroli, I haven’t come across a lot of serums/creams that contain it, so this is perfect for me. I find that oils always make my face so puffy, yet I love the properties of Neroli and how soothing it is.

Also containing Bio-produced Hyaluronic Acid that’s so great for adding hydration and plumpness to our skin and soften those wrinkles. Other properties contained in this golden bottle are

  • Patchouli
  • Rosemary
  • Vetiver
  • Chamomile oil (although this is by no means an oily serum)
  • natural Glycerin.

My skin is feeling great in the mornings, definitely hydrated and I can’t recommend this enough! A keeper added to my beauty routine for sure.

Hand Rehab With SPF!


hero project hand cream

A hand cream’s a hand cream right? you slap it on throughout the day and last thing at night to keep your hands soft?

My hands and my neck are the worst features on my body! After years of neglect, not adding my cream to my neck during my beauty routine, tut, tut. And as for my hands! Years of neglect during my years of hairdressing. I’m allergic to rubber/latex too, so any house cleaning has often been taken care of with bare hands. Years ago a pair of synthetic latex/rubber free gloves were unheard of and my hands have truly suffered for that.

This hand cream is three beauty treatments in one. It contains diamond dust. This will gently exfoliate your hands when massaged in too, but for me, it has to be the fact that this is SPF20! perfect for keeping those ageing spots at bay! I’m going to be honest here and tell you that I’ve only used this a few times. I’m saving it for the better weather to protect my hands from the sun when it decides to appear.

It as a very light smell to it, and I like that. Not too perfumed that you can’t actually smell your perfume! It’s not tacky after being applied and my hands feel good and hydrated. What’s not to love? Oh and one other bonus is that it’s not overly priced. A winner!

  • This hand cream contains
  • Diamond dust
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Natural Aloe Vera
  • SPF 2o!

Double Blur


hero project double blur

I’ve saved the best till last ladies! This stuff is amazing! There is no going back for me, I’m totally hooked on this miracle in a tube!

A while back, looking on the beauty counters in a department store I came across a cream just like this. I asked the rep to test it on my hand and was blown away. My wrinkles disappeared instantly. Now that, to me, is a miracle. It came in a small tube and was super expensive.

I couldn’t get that little tube out of my head, yet couldn’t justify spending the money on something so small. I caved in and decided to go buy it. Low and behold it was gone! Discontinued! My new found miracle had disappeared to be found no more. They had replaced it with something else and on talking to the advisor, she said it had been updated and produced something nowhere near the same. I was gutted.

When I read about this on the Hero Project Website I had my fingers crossed when ordering. And I couldn’t believe it when I opened it to find that “most wanted” miracle product in this tube.

This really is my new found hero!

Providing a light film over wrinkles and great for covering up any imperfections, it’s very light and not tacky so your foundation will still apply perfectly. This will also hide blemishes more easily. I love it for making the large pores on my nose disappear and the wrinkles under my eyes mostly. It’s a fraction of the cost of the tube that I managed to find in the department store and I feel very lucky to have come across this. I couldn’t recommend enough!

  • Formular facts
  • Molecular Diffusion Film Particles
  • Diffusion Filler
  • Contains Natural Glycarin


Do take a look at The Hero Project Website It’s well worth a look! I want to thank The Hero Project for these items that I’ve been totally blown away with. They are definite keepers in my beauty routine from now on.



Xo Laurie


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  1. March 4, 2018 / 1:06 pm

    Laurie, thanks for sharing some amazing products. I have definitely been neglecting my hands, too. And I need to stop! Although since switching to organic homemade soaps, my hands are slowly being repaired. But I definitely do need to moisturize more. This post will be featured on my next #SpreadTheKindness Link Up which will go live on Monday this week. Thanks for joining the party!

  2. March 2, 2018 / 9:11 pm

    This brand sounds right up my street – no nasty chemicals and vegan-friendly 🙂 I love the scent of neroli, and a hand cream with a decent SPF is so hard to find. My hands are showing signs of ageing from not wearing rubber gloves. I’ll definitely have to check these products out! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  3. March 2, 2018 / 9:18 am

    I like the sound of the hand cream, I have really dry hands so use a lot of hand cream. I’ll have to check this one out. 🙂
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  4. February 28, 2018 / 5:24 pm

    My neck is also a trouble spot for me 🙁 I think it’s partly neglect and partly just because I have a long neck LOL It’s like the skin is so stretched…..I don’t know. Probably has nothing to do with it. I’m really intrigued by the blur product–like photoshop in a tube 🙂

  5. February 28, 2018 / 3:48 pm

    The night drops looks beautiful and the hand cream sounds good too, my hands always need TLC in colder weather. Thanks for linking up to this weeks #BloggersBests

  6. February 27, 2018 / 1:24 pm

    I love the sound of the Night Drops and the Double Blur. My skin seems to need more and more hydration and drinking water is not getting the job done. Thanks for the great info.

    • laurie
      February 27, 2018 / 11:30 pm

      I’m glad you’ve been inspired Victoria. It’s so much harder in winter too with central heating etc. Thanks for stopping by xx

  7. February 27, 2018 / 5:53 am

    Come on, tell us what you really think (LOL, that was a joke). You’ve given these products such high praise and resounding endorsement that you’ve got me quite interested in trying them. Thanks for sharing your experience and for adding your post to my Fine-Whatever link up.


    • laurie
      February 27, 2018 / 11:32 pm

      Rena, there are so many things that land on my doormat that actually don’t even get a mention on my website. If I don’t like it, then it doesn’t get mentioned. I really love all three items here. xx

  8. February 26, 2018 / 7:16 pm

    Have just ordered the double blur. Will let u know how I get on.

    • laurie
      February 27, 2018 / 11:33 pm

      Fantastic! I look forward to hearing what you think Karen. xx

  9. February 26, 2018 / 8:10 am

    These look fantastic, I’m always on the lookout for a good hand cream! #AnythingGoes

    • laurie
      February 27, 2018 / 11:34 pm

      I know what you mean! And SPF2o to boot can’t be bad! xx

  10. February 26, 2018 / 6:54 am

    I need hand and nail repair. I abuse my hands so much! Thanks for the recommendations. #AnythingGoes

    • laurie
      February 27, 2018 / 11:35 pm

      Thank you Heather xx

  11. February 24, 2018 / 9:42 pm

    They sound super Laurie. I’m always looking for effective paraben free so I’ll look into these.

  12. February 24, 2018 / 4:20 pm

    The double blur product sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  13. February 23, 2018 / 6:04 pm

    Going to get that double blur …

  14. February 23, 2018 / 11:40 am

    Not tested on animals!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Will definitely look at the primer when my current one is gone. Thank you 🙂

  15. February 23, 2018 / 8:25 am

    I’ve just bought the double blur – thanks for the recommendations. With Spring and Summer coming and the brighter light, I’ll need all the blurring I can find haha xx

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 8:50 am

      You won’t be disappointed, Maria! I love it and I need a truckload! xx

  16. February 22, 2018 / 2:19 pm

    Those night drops look brilliant!hope all is well with you all?
    speak soon
    ashley xxx

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 8:52 am

      All is good my friend and I’m looking forward to our chat. I love the consistency of this serum and don’t feel a cream is needed xx

  17. February 22, 2018 / 10:47 am

    I’m a big fan of products that aren’t killed with chemicals – in fact for the past six years, that’s what we look for when buying products (household products as well). The Hero Project products sound absolutely amazing, Laurie!
    Suzy xx

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 8:53 am

      Definitely worth a try Suzy xx

  18. February 21, 2018 / 7:18 pm

    Oh I have the same with my hands and neck! A good hand cream is hard to find though!

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 9:03 am

      I have regrets about neglecting so much Nancy! The SPF 20 in the handcream will help though xx

  19. February 21, 2018 / 6:59 pm

    I love the sound of that miracle tube! xxx

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 9:04 am

      It’s amazing Ann!

  20. February 21, 2018 / 3:49 pm

    Nice post, so good and interesting. These products sound so good.
    Have a lovely day

    • laurie
      February 23, 2018 / 9:05 am

      Thank you! Glad you enjoyed reading. xx