Ashley And Laurie’s Link up

Hi Everyone. How has your week been & what have you been up too? This weekend I went to the Stylist Live exhibition with Ashley from Lazy Daisy Jones. It was a really fun day and I would recommend it to anyone.



The whole day was packed with different things to do. Ashley got to meet Nigella Lawson and get a book signed by her and we also got to view a great catwalk show. If you catch my Instagram stories I have edited most of it there. I will be loading the third part of it up today. You can find me on Instagram here, and I’d love it if you pop over.



There was so much to do there. Fashion and beauty stalls and different talks. We listened to Nigella talk about her life and her new cookbook. But for me, the catwalk show was the icing on the cake. It’s a great day out to spend with friends. You can find Stylist Magazine on Twitter.


We had fun with the Google photo booth!



Do you find everything is just so much busier at this time of year! This month is racing by for me! It will soon be time to get those Christmas decorations out!

And talking of decorations…


Do you buy a new theme for your tree each year or do you have a tree with years of memories? I’ve just posted about Christmas decorations if you would like to pop over and read that. It’s full of my favourite picks for this year.

The dress for any occasion



I absolutely love this Galaxy Blue dress! And so easy to dress for any occasion. I’m sure I will be wearing this a lot over Christmas. Catch the post here

Let’s crack on with the link up!

 In My Joi                                                                                  Petite Silver Vixen

Do pop over and take a look at Ashley’s featured linkers


Every Thursday from 7 am.


Link to Ashley and me, even better link to both of us? This will equal more visibility for your blog too.


Any post on any subject you like from the last week. Instagram pics welcome too!


  1. You will discover new blogs to read and other people can discover your blog too. Win win!
  2. Ashley and I will each pick someone to feature each week from the week before, on both our blogs.
  3. It’s going to be lots of fun.

How to:

The easiest way is to simply add a link to this page into the post you want to link-up with us.

Then come back to our Weekly Thursday posts and add your own link.  A comment is always appreciated too, plus it’s a great way for us all to get to know each other.

If you tweet or share we will do our best to tweet or share your posts too!

Link-up Etiquette

“We don’t like rules, so anything goes…so play nice and be polite” 

However, because you are getting two links for the price of one, all we ask is that you leave a comment on both our blogs?  Afterall you wouldn’t go to a party and ignore the host now, would you?


We may choose to remove your link if you haven’t done this!

vanity and me style
 [inlinkz_linkup id=749926 mode=1]


XO Laurie


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  1. November 20, 2017 / 11:40 pm

    Looks like a really fun day! This month is flying by – I can’t believe we’re only a few weeks away from Christmas! I love the google photo booth video!

    Emma xxx

  2. November 18, 2017 / 8:38 am

    Growing up, we’d use the same (plastic) tree every year (real ones weren’t easily available in Borneo) but had a different theme for our crib. One year could be Asian Madonna, the next African, the following year was Borneo Tribal. It changed every Christmas. And we would make the figurines ourselves from clay 🙂 these days, we have a new tree so it’s given a name each Christmas. In 2017, our tree was baptised as Olaf 🙂 xoxo

  3. November 17, 2017 / 11:05 am

    I watched your story on this. I grab the Stylist at the station now and then. There was quite a lot of publicity about the event. I’m glad you both had such a good and interesting time x

  4. November 17, 2017 / 7:47 am

    First, to meet Nigella! I am a fan! Fantastic. I change the theme of my tree often. Next weekend we go shopping for out Christmas decorations. Still have no idea what color we will have. Perhaps all gold!

  5. November 17, 2017 / 7:32 am

    Oh what fun you ladies have gadding about together – I’m green with envy! I love the main photo with that floral backdrop, fantastic. Thanks for the link up party.

    Have a fab weekend!
    Anna x

  6. November 16, 2017 / 11:36 pm

    Oh what a glam life you two lead! And meeting/listening to Nigella has just got to be the icing on the cake (baked to her recipe, of course!)
    Hugs, x .

  7. November 16, 2017 / 4:22 pm

    That floral backdrop is stunning, I love how it matches your top!!!
    P.S. Thank you very much for the lovely feature this week 🙂

  8. November 16, 2017 / 2:56 pm

    I love that tree! I’d love to buy all new decorations every year, but that’d be too expensive!

  9. November 16, 2017 / 2:45 pm

    Laurie you both are so cute, love your top! This event sounds so fun, always great with a blogging buddy too!

    I hope your day is amazing!

  10. November 16, 2017 / 1:46 pm

    That sounds like a fun day. Thanks for the linkup!

  11. Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
    November 16, 2017 / 1:00 pm

    Oh I love the first picture. You look both so fabulous.
    XOXO Tina

  12. Andrea Nine
    November 16, 2017 / 12:19 pm

    What fun and delight! You re both also very gorgeous!!

  13. November 16, 2017 / 11:18 am

    Laurie, I love this photo of you and Ashley! How much fun you two must have together! And that blue dress is amazing. I can’t believe that the holidays are here already. I think we will be doing some Christmas decorating this weekend. Have a great weekend!


  14. November 16, 2017 / 9:31 am

    What a great day. Looks like lots of fun here Laurie 🙂 Thanks, for hosting.

  15. November 16, 2017 / 8:29 am

    Hello what a busy few days! and how funny is that google pixel video!
    Ashley x