UK Top Model Finals – Featuring Aga Couture – Celebrating Style

Hi everyone
As I promised last week, this post is all about that fantastic event that I went to a couple of weeks ago.
This is not the same show as Britain’s top model, it’s a very similar concept though. This show was for UK Top Model and Top Model Worldwide.

The reason that I was lucky enough to be invited to this extravagant event is due to the lovely Agnieszka Klaput. A designer of amazing clothing called Aga Couture. I wrote about The Aga Couture brand a couple of years ago here

I felt very privileged to receive the invite from Agnieszka and I came away from the show really starry-eyed!  The show was held at the Hilton Metropole in Edgeware Road, a stunning hotel and you could really feel the buzz of the event. This contest and event have happened each year since 2006 and it also supports the charity Children With Cancer and this year it raised over £30.000.00 for the cause wich I think is amazing.

I’m going to start off with some photos of Agnieszka getting the finalist ready for their last catwalk challenge, and some photos of her designs on the catwalk courtesy of Renata Turlejeska.
Then I will add my photos that I managed to capture. Not so easy to capture a fast paced walking model! But I don’t think I did too bad a job!

I was very lucky to be given a VIP table with wine, chocolates and a lovely goody bag! But most of all the best view I could have wished for. You can find more information about the event here You may want to go yourself next year. I totally recommend it.
I will also leave you with a couple of videos about the contest and then, of course, the link up.

The Judges for the competition were sitting just behind me right at the end of the catwalk.One of the judges were Sarah Harding from Girls Aloud, and she looked absolutely stunning. I hope she didn’t catch me gawping! 

 Agnieszka adding the finishing touches backstage. I can’t imagine how busy and fast paced it must have been!

Making sure each model finalist looks perfect for the runway

How beautiful do they all look?!! What dress is your favourite?

I will leave you with the photos that I took myself and a couple of youtube videos that I found really interesting. I know the event was filmed, I’m just trying to find out when and where it will be broadcast so I will keep you posted on that. This competition was for men as well as women. I’m showing photos of the female models here, but if you want to see the male finalist you can find loads on the Twitter site for Top Model UK @TOPMODELUK

Other designers that were dressing the models were – Omar Mansoor – Lennie Boya – Eva Grygo and See-Saw Menswear.

Snippets The Documentary of how the models train for the competition was shown

There was also a swimwear catwalk as well as underwear. I can’t imagine how nervous those girls were! The winner of the competition was Viktorija K from Lithuania 

Let’s get started with the link up!

I’m looking forward to seeing your style!

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it would be great if we can build a little or a huge! community here. I’m going to start using #celebratingstylelinkup to my twitter and Instagram. I’d love it if you could support this after you have linked up. Plus of course I will be sharing the blogger love back xx 

XO Laurie

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  1. April 21, 2017 / 9:37 pm

    Wow – looks a fab event, don't think I've ever been to a fashion show. Love the blue lace dress – thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  2. April 18, 2017 / 1:55 pm

    There is something wonderful about seeing a live fashion show isn't there. Gorgeous outfits #tweensteensbeyond

  3. April 17, 2017 / 9:35 pm

    Love the navy lace overlay dress, very elegant and stylish, sounds like a great event Laurie. Lucky you to be invited. #TweensTeensBeyond

  4. April 11, 2017 / 9:45 am

    Wow how cool to be invited to this event – I'd have loved to go! (I don't think I'm anywhere near stylish enough but a girl can dream…) Gorgeous photos too, Thanks for linking up to #dreamteam x

  5. April 7, 2017 / 4:12 am

    Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party.

  6. April 6, 2017 / 3:55 am

    Sounds like a great night Laurie and I love all the photos. Thanks for sharing with us at #OvertheMoon. It is always a pleasure to have you join us.

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:15 pm

      Thank you Sue. I hope your readers find some interest too xx

  7. April 5, 2017 / 4:36 pm

    I am sooooo jealous, it sounds amazing! Being a stay at home mum suddenly feels far less exciting!!! #BloggerClubUK

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:14 pm

      Your time will come! Who'd have thought at 54 I would be viewing catwalk shows! xx

  8. April 4, 2017 / 6:52 pm

    What a night that must have been! Just up my street, looks great. Some of those evening dresses are beautiful #tweensteensbeyond

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:13 pm

      Thank you Susie. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you return xx

  9. April 4, 2017 / 5:45 pm

    Wow what an amazing event! Just fantastic! #bigpinklink

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:12 pm

      Thank you Ann. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you return xx

  10. April 4, 2017 / 11:19 am

    WOW it looks like an incredibly event! I'm not envious at all 😉
    Love the dresses the girls were wearing, especially all the lace ones. Stunning!!
    Suzy xx

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:11 pm

      Thank you Suzy. You should have seen the lingerie show! xx

  11. April 4, 2017 / 8:08 am

    This must have been really exciting Laurie. Love the blue dress. Thank you for hosting! xo Sabina

    • April 9, 2017 / 4:10 pm

      Thank youRuth. It was really good! And I was treated like royalty! Feeling spoilt! xx

  12. April 2, 2017 / 10:29 pm

    A once in a lifetime experience, I'm sure. Well done with the shots. Oh and BTW, dress no. 8, picture 5. Loved it instantly!

    • April 9, 2017 / 3:58 pm

      Thank you Mary. It was such a great day.x

  13. April 2, 2017 / 3:02 pm

    What a great event to go to! Great photos! My favourite dress is the black lace one (model holding the number 8), I'd definitely wear that. The coral shirt dress is lovely too 🙂

    Emma xxx

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:41 pm

      Thank you Emma. So many to choose from! The show had so much more. Lot's of dodgy photos too! xx

  14. April 1, 2017 / 10:13 am

    Oh wow, what an amazing event. I have always wanted to go to something like this. You got some beautiful pictures Laurie, looks like you had an amazing time 🙂

  15. April 1, 2017 / 12:06 am

    Oh, I just loved seeing the photos and reading all about your wonderful evening! My very favorite dress was the first black lace dress – it is gorgeous. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend!

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:39 pm

      Thank you Jennie. Glad you've enjoyed it xx

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:33 pm

      Thank you Nancy. I posted what I wore last week! xx

  16. March 31, 2017 / 3:06 pm

    What an incredible experience! How lucky you got to go!

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:31 pm

      Thank you Laura. I did feel privaledged! xx

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:30 pm

      Thank you Mary. It was fabulous xx

  17. March 31, 2017 / 1:06 pm

    Wow! Such an amazing experience. Lucky you!

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:29 pm

      Thank you Amy. It was a great event xx

  18. March 31, 2017 / 10:06 am

    Your photos are amazing, really captured the essence of a glam event! Thanks for the link up.
    Gail x

  19. March 31, 2017 / 9:22 am

    What a fantastic event to attend, lucky you! You took some fab shots, yes I bet that was difficult, I know what it's like to take photos of my granddaughter when she's on the move! Thanks for the link up. Great blog. xx Jacqui

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:28 pm

      Thank you Jacqui. I'm quite proud of the photos.xx

  20. March 31, 2017 / 7:39 am

    I have lifestyle envy. Yours and the lifestyle the models are depicting. I go no where that requires gowns let alone swanning off to a show like that. What a glamorous event you found yourself at.

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:27 pm

      Just got lucky Anna. You never know where blogophere is going to lead you too! xx

  21. March 31, 2017 / 4:33 am

    Oh Laurie, you were there at the Topmodels finals? Great! So many amazing dresses.I can not decide 🙂
    I wish you a great weekend, XO Tina

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:26 pm

      Thank you Tina! There were so many outfits, this is only a small snippet that I have shown here! xx

    • April 2, 2017 / 4:23 pm

      It was a fantastic day Jodie! x