FOR THE LOVE OF BEIGE (even if my life isn’t)


Going through my wardrobe thinking about what to wear I realised there’s an awful lot of beige,Its either all beige or its got beige in it.
I think when we go on our little shopping trips, we’re immediately drawn subconsciously to colours we love eg, that shirt, eyes drawn straight away to the beige one!
Don’t get me wrong, I do have other colour’s in my wardrobe, there’s red,black,purple,and brown, but it will all go with the beige!
I do worry its all looking a bit boring but I think, neutral,beige,taupe and cream colour’s do help soften our skin tone(at my age) its very easy to wear and you can add any colour’s to it(even if these pictures are all beige!)

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  1. April 20, 2016 / 7:55 pm

    I've go loads of beige in my wardrobe, but do try to mis it up sometimes, but it can be so difficult – old habits etc….. I try to add that pop of colour but don't always feel confident to do it!…Great blog btw..x

  2. April 20, 2016 / 7:55 pm

    I've go loads of beige in my wardrobe, but do try to mis it up sometimes, but it can be so difficult – old habits etc….. I try to add that pop of colour but don't always feel confident to do it!…Great blog btw..x