Ten Beauty Items On Repeat That Would Make Great Gifts

It’s been a while since I’ve shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I’ve found most Impressive/helpful and will definitely be on repeat. I get to try so many different products and I like to take my time with them and make sure they do the best job before sharing on to you.


It's been a while since I've shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I've found most helpful and will definitely be on repeat.

I’m listing ten of my favourites here but I could have added so many more! This post would have gone on forever! But I also thought that if you’re stuck for some gifting ideas there are some lovely items here that will make really good stocking fillers or small gifts.


 1 -Joan Collins Eye-Definition Kit



The first being this fantastic eye kit from Joan Collins Timeless Beauty. It’s an all-rounder this little eye compact. Great for brows ( you can see I use the brow setting cream a lot!) You can use this for brows or eyes but what I love about it the most are the tweezers! They are so precise and remove the smallest of hairs. The compact is magnetic too so the tweezers stay safe in the compact. The compact is Gold ( see here) and very cloakroom worthy! I think this would make an ideal gift.


2 -Look Fabulous Forever Hydration Hold Serum


It's been a while since I've shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I've found most helpful and will definitely be on repeat.



I can’t tell you what a difference this serum from Look Fabulous Forever has made to my skin. They are one of my favourite skin and makeup brands and they have struck gold with this formula.

If I’m indoors without makeup I pat this into my skin a couple of times a day. The heating being on is the worst ” suck your skin in like a prune” enemy and I find this combats that. In the mornings and evenings, I use it before moisturizer and it’s a real booster for hydrating. Full of Hyaluronic Acid, once this bottle is near the end I will definitely be re-ordering.

3 – Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream




Any regular reader will know that I’ve been using this fantastic cream for over 30 years! (Gosh that makes me sound old!) Elizabeth Arden has been selling this for years. A very popular cream to the masses.

I use a little of this cream – it’s like a thick vaseline, on my lips every morning and every night to keep dry lips at bay. I actually left this at home once on a short trip to Essex and within a couple of days, my lips started to skin. I use it on my cuticles too, it’s great for that and I think over the years it’s kept the lip lines at bay. A tube lasts me for around a year, so this is worth every penny.



4 – The Hero Project – Double Blur



It's been a while since I've shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I've found most helpful and will definitely be on repeat.


I’ve used this magical cream from the Hero Project for some time now. Add this before foundation to hide any skin pigmentation and fill the fine lines with this little miracle worker. I have a broken vein that I’ve had lasered twice but it’s returned and I use this before makeup and it’s a huge help. Read about it and take a look at the reviews! I think this would make a great present for any teenager having to deal with the odd spot too.


5 – Josh Wood Conditioner for hair





I was gifted the shampoo and conditioner by Josh Wood in the summer. I love the smell and I have to say both products are really good. The conditioner is definitely on repeat. This seems to help with the frizziness I find hard to tame on my hair. A good price at £5.00 and would make a great stocking filler. It comes in other hair colour protectants too.


6 – Estee Lauder DayWear Plus


It's been a while since I've shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I've found most helpful and will definitely be on repeat.



I couldn’t not add my all time favourite! The priciest on the list here but in between trying other brands this is the cream I always return too. I can literally feel my skin suck this cream up every morning like it’s a milkshake! I love the SPF and for me, this just works! Estee Lauder is one of the priciest skincare brands I have on repeat but I always buy at gifting time.

7 – Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation



This was the last item of makeup mum told me to try and I’ve never gone back. After years of using Estee Lauder Double Wear I was amazed at how this vegan great coverage foundation that lasts all day sits on my skin rather than sinks into the wrinkles. Buy this one as a treat to yourself ladies!


8 –  Dove Visible Glow


It's been a while since I've shared an update with you all regarding my beauty favourites. What I've found most helpful and will definitely be on repeat.



I was introduced to this visible tanner earlier in the year and wouldn’t be without it now. Being fair and using the dark I find the colour is great, not at all orange. It’s the easiest I’ve ever applied and I like the fact that you can use this on your face too. If you would like to see how I apply there is a film linked into this post. A great stocking filler for a mere £7.69


9 – 10 Look Fabulous Forever Primers





I know these three items make it eleven but I just had to add them! My Bring Back Brow Shape is already on repeat. A really fantastic little miracle tube. I use it for the finest line on my lashes to make them look less sparse and if you have sparse brows then this is the remedy for you or a friend.

The Eye Prime is amazing for a mature eye that’s gone a bit pinky ( mine has) this corrects that perfectly before applying shadow and your shadow won’t crease.

The Never Feather Lip Prime has really helped me with the tiny lip lines and seems to keep all my lipsticks in place. Well worth a look at any of these. You may have read my latest skincare review? I’ve also filmed a couple of natural makeup looks.

I hope you find something of interest here. Hand on heart these are my beauty repeats. I love every one of these products



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Xo Laurie


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  1. May 4, 2019 / 5:32 pm

    Oops, I lost the whole comment. Bottom line. You’re introducing me to new products. I don’t know if they’re all British but I’m going to give them a try. Interested in that Serum, Joan Collins, etc. So glad I found your blog. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Sandra Sallin - Apart
    May 4, 2019 / 5:29 pm

    Oh, so man goodies. Not sure if these are all British. But I’ll check them out. That serum, and Joan Collins, etc, etc. So glad I found you. I’m 78 and need all the help I can get! Love skin care, love makeup, love it all.

  3. January 25, 2019 / 7:59 am

    The Estee Lauder Day Wear is a lovely moisturiser, expensive don’t get me wrong but worth every penny! Also, anything Tarte will always have a special place in my heart, their skincare line is really really nice too! Maybe even better than their make-up line!

    Sarah 🙂
    Saloca in Wonderland

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:40 pm

      Yes. I’m quite new to the Tarte brand but what I do have I love xx

  4. January 7, 2019 / 9:34 pm

    There’s some great products on this list – but what I love most, is the eyeshadow kit at no 1 because you really do use this stuff 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLO

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:39 pm

      I use all of it. I wouldn’t recommend something that I don’t use lovely xx

  5. January 7, 2019 / 10:09 am

    You look so pretty, really! My mom said you look gorgeous <3

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:39 pm

      Aw, that’s lovely. Tell mom to keep popping by xx

  6. January 6, 2019 / 3:04 am

    Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #OverTheMoon this week. Each Hostess displays their own features so be sure to visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please don’t forget to add your link numbers or post title so we can be sure to visit!

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:38 pm

      Thank you so much Marilyn xx

  7. December 28, 2018 / 8:12 pm

    The brow kit looks fab! I’m just coming to the end of a Rimmel one, but that only has powder and wax. I love that this one has 4 products in one kit. I love the Tarte foundation, although I got the wrong shade so it’s too dark for me, but I can’t fault the texture and coverage. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:37 pm

      It really is a brilliant kit Emma xx

  8. December 19, 2018 / 9:45 pm

    Oh there are some goodies there! Thanks for sharing with the #DreamTeam

    • laurie
      February 10, 2019 / 3:36 pm

      I know. I love them all!

  9. December 18, 2018 / 9:37 pm

    OOOh, great. I love finding out about other people’s make up choices. I have just discovered Beauty Pie. It is a subscription beauty website which gives you massive discounts on some really high quality beauty stuff. I love there 5 minute facial and have just ordered their face serum . Pen x #dreamteam

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:48 am

      Lovely to see you return Pen. I’ve heard about the Beauty Pie, my friend uses it. I’m tempted to try xx

  10. December 16, 2018 / 3:28 pm

    I’m tempted to try the conditioner but it’ll have to wait till I’m next in the UK

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:49 am

      This would be great for your hot climate too. xx

  11. December 16, 2018 / 11:34 am

    This is a great post, I’m always open to trying new products. I love the look of the serum. I’ve just finished the one I was using so will take a look at this one. Thank you for sharing with #Blogstravaganza 🙂

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:49 am

      Do give it a try Jo. I think you can request samples to try. xx

  12. December 13, 2018 / 8:38 pm

    Great post Laurie with some fabulous tips here. It’s my birthday in January, so if anything gets missed off my Christmas list I can always ask for it then!
    Your skin always looks flawless by the way, a real testament to the products you use.
    Anna x

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:51 am

      Thanks so much Anna. I have mum to thank for drumming the routine of skin care into me xx

  13. December 13, 2018 / 7:37 pm

    Some great ideas – the Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream is such a skin saver. will take a look at some of the others #BloggerClubUK

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:55 am

      I couldn’t live without my Eight Hour! xx

  14. December 13, 2018 / 3:00 pm

    Your skin is so flawless. I love that you take care of your skin. We only have one right <3.

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 8:57 am

      So true Chez! xx

  15. December 12, 2018 / 8:16 pm

    There are so many items on this list that I want to try now! Thanks for sharing! If I don’t get some of these as a gift I might have to buy them for myself!

    • laurie
      December 19, 2018 / 9:00 am

      Do give them a try Laura xx

  16. jodie filogomo
    December 12, 2018 / 1:27 pm

    It’s so great to hear what other women are using, Laurie!! Thanks for these recommendations!

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 7:46 am

      Thanks Jodie xx

  17. December 12, 2018 / 11:23 am

    I must try that Tarte one especially as your Mum recommended it too you!

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 7:55 am

      Mum was always right you know! xx

  18. December 12, 2018 / 10:30 am

    Some lovely products here Laurie, love the colour of your Joan Collins eyeshadows. Thanks for joining us at The Wednesday Link Up.

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 7:56 am

      One of the best palettes I’ve ever had Claire xx

      • December 20, 2018 / 8:12 am

        Thank so much for joining us at The Christmas Link Up lovely xx

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 8:15 am

      thanks Karen xx

  19. December 12, 2018 / 8:11 am

    So many amazing products here Laurie! I might get the eight hour cream – I used to buy that but it dropped from my radar. Like you I loved it on my lips and cuticles xx

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 8:18 am

      I wouldn’t be without it Maria xx

  20. December 12, 2018 / 7:22 am

    I love to read about other bloggers beauty products! Always good to know what works with others!

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 8:18 am

      Yes me too Nancy xx

  21. December 12, 2018 / 5:21 am

    Your skin is so gorgeous. I’ll have to look into these items! Thanks for sharing!

    • laurie
      December 20, 2018 / 8:19 am

      Old but still pretty good Ruth. I keep working at it! xx