Hooray!!! My blog is starting to look a little bit more grown up. I read so many blogs, always thinking that mine looked very unprofessional Not knowing how to build such a glossy blog has given me sleepless nights I have to say. Don’t laugh but I really have only just learnt to copy and paste! But learn I will. I have really enjoyed being in the blog world so far and didn’t want to give up. so I got a little help from someone and bought this little template, which will do while I am learning this new little world I have found. Its not been all frustrating though, I have had some great laughs too. Trying to do selfies has been hilarious, and I have to say it makes you think more about your appearance!.
I would like to think that one day, maybe, just maybe, there could be a newbie in blog world that would ask me for advise.You never know……
Anyway once the blog was all okay, off to the pub for a celebratory drink. The other half deserved it after all my stressing. Next on the list will have to be a decent camera. Anyone got any ideas ?
xo Laurie

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