What a surprise I had! I never win anything! I Check my inbox to make sure I’m not mistaken, no its right! soooo Happy I have actually won something!

I recieved an email saying I have won blogger of the week courtesy of The Blog Guide. Blimey my head is huge, other half is thinking I am crazy, but to me it means a lot. So I had to fill a little questionnaire for them and now its published (you can find them on bloglovin The Blog Guide ) On a serious note though, I know I still have a long way to go, a long way. But so far I have really enjoyed it. One minute your in your wellies (Tesco kiddie wellies at that!) The next your wondering what to put on for your Instagram post!

I would like to thank everyone that has followed and helped me out on certain things regarding blogging, I am still having a lot of blips regarding putting pictures to post, so if anyone wants to give me some tips please do!

Making the most of the sun, getting the lasts wears out of the white trousers, the top is actually pink and white, loose and silky I have worn this a lot this year.

trousers- Next

top – Next

sunglasses bargain – FandF
Thank you for reading this post
xo Laurie

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