My Favourite Beauty Oils

Hi Everyone

This post that I am sharing with you is one of my first beauty post. Not so many people saw it back then, and I now have far more followers. I can also actually see that I have worked hard to improve my blog post a little! (still working on the comments section though,does any one want to add a little comment for me?)

Anyway, the reason I am being so lazy is still sitting next to me ready for bed! My grandson is staying with me for the week and I do not feel I have had a minute to spare. He is such a live wire but so lovable too. I applaud every mummy blogger out there, I really don’t know how you fit it all in (being a mother and a blogger) Anyway by next week all will be back to normal, apart from even more grey hairs! 

Love to you all

xo Laurie

Do you use a replenishing beauty oil as part of your routine?. With winter on its way , facial oils can be a good remedy for your skin. Central heating, cold wind on your face all takes its toll. Oils can help in the anti-ageing department too, keeping your skin nice and supple and dehydration at bay. I use an oil on my skin at least once a week incorporating it into my night time routine. In the morning its lovely and soft and plumped up. Don’t use oils around the eyes though, it will make them too puffy. Only a couple of drops are needed, warmed in the palm of your hand, massage into your face. They are great to use before a night out as well, Cleanse as usual then massage the oil into your face. Leave it on while your showering or having a bath, then rinse off. Just a few minutes will perk your skin up. Here is a list of my favourites that I use or have used

This is my favourite of them all, neroli oil, this loves my skin. Decleor will always give samples so go try! 

Quite new to the market, I have sampled this one and loved it Don’t forget, although they are pricey these Oils will last a long time, only a couple of drops are needed £32.00

This one from marks and Spencer Is such a great price, and I think they are not very dissimilar to the two others listed above  Give it a try £11.50

I have tried this, and true to its word isn’t greasy feeling. Personally I didn’t like the smell, but you might. Great value £19.99 at boots

Give your skin an instant boost with any of these oils. thank you for reading this post I would love any comments you have. xo Laurie

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