Essex Weekend

Hi everyone, are you feeling the chill? Wow what a quick change in the weather at the weekend. One minute I was in a blouse, the next I was borrowing a very large cosy jumper off the mother as per usual on my visits to Essex.

It was a beautiful day on the Saturday, I have loved this top from F&F really comfy, loose fitting. The jeans I have on are from F&F too, this fit really well and have not lost their colour.

I joined a group on face book over the weekend called Avenue57 a great site for us women who like to talk fashion, I think its marvellous and recommend you take a look.

Still loving the beige, I have a few pairs of these trousers in different colours from Primark, So easy to wear and a great price too, love a bargain from Primark. The vest is from there too and the shirt is from Next, it has played a big part in my summer wardrobe, I will pack it away now till next summer. Yes that time has definitely come to change the wardrobe from summer to winter, Ilove unpacking it all I normally come across things I forgot I have.

I will be taking my grandson home with me this time, so if there are any post expect them to contain a little boy (Zack aged 2) and a very bedraggled grandmother to be greeting you! Wish me luck!

Thank you for reading this post xo Laurie

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