Hi everyone, the next blogtober question is about where I live, so I will tell you a little bit about it I live in Isle worth beside Twickenham. right near the rugby stadium.

  I am, as you all know by now if you read my blog, originally from Essex. I have only lived here a few years and absolutely love it.It is a really busy, buzzing type of place with everything at reach. You can be in the city of London in 15 min and the shopping is amazing. I have a picturesque River Thames just around the corner, places steeped in history plenty of everything.

This part of the Thames is just round the corner from my house, I come here to feed the ducks in the mornings or have coffee in The London Apprentice. I have sat here fishing too with the beloved

This is Syon park. I walk my dogs here, in the summer its beautiful. There is a garden centre situated here with tea garden and of course the great Syon House. There is also a Hilton Hotel here with a spa I havent been to yet, but I am aiming to visit it soon, I will let you know what its like.

The next #Blogtober question is Whats in your handbag? OK confession time! I have just swapped over to the winter handbag after a good clearing out from using it last year,and believe me IT WAS A CLEAR OUT! I am a real hoarder in the handbag department and I would be ashamed if anyone looked in there in a couple of months time! Wrappers ans receipts appointments, bits of paper, it all gets thrown in. A real dustbin I confess.

 But what I don’t leave home without is listed as follows. Most important is my epipen. I have multiple allergies. I haven’t discussed this on the blog before and I don’t want to bore you. My mobile, A mirror, this little mirror was a freebie from Dior I have had this a fair few years. A little notebook and pen for any blogging ideas on the go. My purse witch is very worn now, need a new one and on the lookout. A lipstick. I usually pack any neutral colour for touch ups on the go.
Thank you for reading this post,is there anything you wont leave the house without in your handbag?
xo Laurie

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