Hi everyone. Are you stressed yet? or are you readily prepared like a domestic goddess?. I think if my preparations for Christmas were finished, I would only conjure up something else to worry about and its traditional for me to be out shopping Christmas eve, doing the last minute bits and pieces. But today for me, it has been a me day. An I don’t care what’s done and what’s not done day, and sometimes I like to shut out the world and steal a little me time.

 I get up, shower, change the bedding (you cant beat crisp clean bedding) grab a film, a magazine and glam pyjama’s . I like to spoil myself every now and then, and why shouldn’t we? nearly all of us women are leading busy lives juggling everything right?  so if your like me and like to spoil yourself for some me time I have listed some beautiful lingerie for that special time, oh and don’t forget a comfy throw to cuddle up to. Go on, put your “glam jams” on and spoil yourself for a couple of hours!

This is by far my favourite twin set of them all. I have a dressing gown made of silk as seen in the picture above, I might have to put this on my Christmas list £25,00 from BHS

      And the nightie to match, £20.00 from BHS nothing beats dressing up like “Lady Of The Manor”      

                                     If you prefer a shorter version, its available £16.00 BHS

                        This red long dressing gown caught my eye £25.00 BHS

   I have to say , for price and quality BHS came up trumps for me. This red nightie is £25.00

I think this would be more suited for the summer months, but I had to list it for its bargain price £18.00 from F&F

This black deep fleecy dressing gown would fit the bill for me if its really chilly, bargain price £18.00

I prefer to lounge in pyjama’s most times I think these are gorgeous from Marks and Spencer £35.00

                                                           As above in a mink shade

I have a pair of these, there from Marks and Spencer, the Rosie Huntington-Whiteley collection. So comfy £19.50

You might prefer something a little more cosy, this is so soft and scrummy find it at Evens for Debenhams £29.50

     This cream zip up dressing gown looks lush and belt hassle free from John Lewis £39.00

I have this little tray (pictured above) from Zara Home £39.99 Just big enough for a cuppa and treats

And last but not least, a cosy squishy throw of the softest kind to snuggle up in. This one is from TKMax £19.99 I find they have some of the best throws at affordable prices, great to curl up on the sofa with too….

I hope your all getting your festivities planned, stress free. And if not, do what I do, Disappear for a couple of hours, relax, then start again!. Dinner is on I have a pile of ironing, and a load of presents to wrap !
Xo Laurie

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