I wanted to share with you some of the fabulous eyelash treatments that are available ……..

If your eyelashes are fair, grey or sparse, have you ever considered having them tinted? It only takes twenty minutes max (you must be sensitive checked beforehand) It will also make your eyelashes appear thicker because the tint makes the lash swell. Colours range from brown, black, or deep blue black. Great for blonde or grey eyelashes as it is coloured right from the root, so when you apply your mascara you don’t have blonde or grey edges near your eyelid. Its a way of relaxing for a short time too, and not expensive

Next on my list is something I use and recommend. A heated eyelash curler. So much better than regular curlers , and it only takes seconds. If you still find your not getting enough lift, apply a thin coat of mascara and then use the heated curler. The difference is really noticeable . The ones I use are Boots own brand, but there are loads of different ones to buy from beauty departments.

If you want to make your eyelashes fuller, but don’t want to wear a whole set of false eyelashes, individual ones are really great, you would need a friend at hand to help with this or get them done at a salon. just a few on the outer edges and maybe a couple of extra ones in between your own eyelashes will make a big difference. Eyelure make great ones, you can get them in most beauty departments

Eye lash thickening and strengthening serums. Now I would be interested to here from anyone who uses a serum to end up with fairy tail eyelashes. They promise to give great results in around 30 days. Now as I was taught in college, your eyelashes disperse within this time as new growth appears. I haven’t tried a serum for this reason!

A good oily eye-make up remover keep your eyelashes soft and will stop them from being so brittle. I use lotion or eye pads, so long as its oily. I notice a difference in my eyelashes if I don’t use it.

Another way to thicken your lashes, a Primer. This is applied before mascara, and will thicken and and give them more length  in a couple of sweeps. One of my favourites is Estee Lauder Lash Primer Plus below

But there are lots of different ones on the market

Just for all out glam evening wear, I think false lashes are great (if you choose the right ones) The more natural the better for me, so you don’t end up looking like a drag queen!

Girls Aloud or Millie Mackingtosh are among my favourites

The Rolls Royce of treatments available I have saved till last. You can only get it done by a qualified beautician but boy the results are amazing. Its called lash lift by Nouveau Lashes, This is a tint and lash lift all in one treatment. It last for around a month, it will thicken and make your lashes look so much longer.  I love the results it gives. You can find them on face book or go to novoux lashes and you will find where you can get your treatment done locally, and see results for yourself. 

I hope some of these Ideas are of help to anyone out there, let me know what you think

Xo Laurie

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  1. March 27, 2018 / 11:38 am

    Love this blog! Mink lashes are a great alternative to the individual ones.but I really need to learn how to do these. But I love the way they look..they look very natural. I cannot wait to add these to my inventory.

  2. April 11, 2017 / 1:26 pm

    This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.Thanks for posting this informative article. I really like the fresh perceptive you did on the issue. I will be back soon to check up on new posts! Thank you!
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  3. March 18, 2017 / 1:54 pm

    Some great tips Laurie. I think I may try the Novoux lashes before our holiday. I may also give a mascara primer a go.

  4. March 1, 2017 / 1:42 pm

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  5. January 26, 2017 / 3:50 pm

    Interesting blog and very amazing detail about the fuller eyelashes well done keep it up.
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  6. October 30, 2016 / 12:55 pm

    I had my eyelashes tinted once by a friends who needed to practice for a beauty course. It's not something I've thought of trying again, but I do remember the results being pretty good. I generally settle for a quick swoosh of mascara these days, but you have some lovely alternatives for making a little bit more effort!

    • October 30, 2016 / 8:12 pm

      Thank you Julia for stopping over. I think if I was going on holiday I would be tempted with the Noveu Lashes. I have seen such good results with them x

    • July 28, 2016 / 5:17 pm

      Please do Harry. Glad you like the post x

    • May 2, 2016 / 9:22 pm

      When you go looking somewhere Michelle, go into the salon and ask about what treatments are available. The most important thing is to mke sure they recommend a sensitivity test.Salons normally will have any diplomas displayed at the reception, so lookout for these & make sure the salon is reputable. I hope this helps x

  7. March 12, 2015 / 10:08 pm

    Thank you for your lovely comment Ummey. I will definitely check Rejuvelash