Hi Everyone, so are you ready for the big day? have you shopped till you dropped, got stressed, racked your brains wondering what to buy? what to wear? where to go?. For me the run up to Christmas has always been full on all of the above! and then around the day after boxing day I think to myself “what was all that about”. But I am far from bah humbug, I love reminiscing years gone by, me and the mother talk about them all the time when we spend time together at Christmas. This year mother thought she had lost the fairy for the top of the tree. The same fairy she bought when I was only two years old, so she is one old fairy now!. So on my visit to see the family this week to give out presents ( we are spending Christmas with my in laws this year) the first thing I had to do was search for the fairy. Mother was so relieved when I did find her wrapped up somewhere she wasn’t supposed to be…..

                                             As you can see she is a bit worse for wear! 

I took my grandson for a visit to father Christmas this year too, I thought he would love it, he has been so excited this year. So after queueing for what seemed an eternity, in we went to see him, I turned to look at his little excited face only to be greeted by the face of pure torture. Poor little mite couldn’t get out of there quick enough!. I love decorating the house for Christmas the more sparkle the merrier in my book

I have this huge glass container, filled with baubles and Christmas lights, it gives off a really warm glow.

And I got sort of crafty with this little creation for the hallway, if only diamonds did grow on trees!.

The wrapping paper is full of sparkle too, the family are already laughing about this, there finding gold glitter everywhere!

   I treated the other half to a Ferero Rocher advent this year, they fit in very nicely 


The one thing I am really looking forward to doing as soon as the shops open is going to Liberty London I am hoping they have some Christmas baubles left in the sale. I like the look of this one pictured below

I think this little piggy is really cute. But I don’t think he will be the only item I will be purchasing. Clink on the link to Liberty London on the top right hand side of this page, and take a look, they have some beautiful things in this shop and I cant wait to go there.

Anyway, that’s me all done for Christmas now, a little food shopping to be done, and of course I will keep up my tradition of buying a couple of last minute bits Christmas eve. Do you have any traditions you keep with your family- let me know
Oh and its not really a proper post without a little bit of fashion, so here is what I’ve been wearing the last couple of days

Leopard cardi- donated to me from my great friend Kim, this is cashmere and feels gorgeous on. The trousers are currant from H&M great material, really stretchy and comfortable

This cardigan is from Karen Millen, I have had it for a couple of years, but I don’t think Karen Millen goes out of date, its a label I love. The jodpur/leggings are from kempton market. I get loads of bargains there.

I really hope you have a wonderful Christmas,and get all that you wish for I thank all my readers for following my post, I am truly grateful! I will be posting again just before new years eve
Xo Laurie

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