Hi Everyone, A little parcel arrived for me just before Christmas,a nice surprise, but I didn’t want to share it with you until I had given it a good road test first. Simply Supplements, a company I am advertising in my side bar, emailed me asking if I would like to sample some of their Marine Cream.* So when it fell through the letter box I couldn’t wait to give it a try.

Now one of the things I liked about this cream, is the fact it is aimed for people with very sensitive skin, it has no perfume, is Wheat free, Lactose free, and Gluten free. Now some of you may be thinking “hang on I’m not going to eat it!” a lot of people like myself with allergies, can get a reaction from touch as well. If I touch onions or lettuce, my hands will swell like balloons!. The other thing I like about it is the fact it is COLLAGEN one of the best things for ageing skin, that’s dehydrated, plus it helps with elasticity. So on the label it says use morning and night. Well for me it’s only good for night as it doesn’t include SPF and if you have read my previous post’s  about moisturising, then you will know it’s all about protecting your skin from the sun. So I have used the collagen cream since Christmas eve each night. I can definitely vouch for the fact it is a good face plumper, It has made my face feel quenched and soft each morning I have got up. It’s not a bad price either £12.99 for 50ml And at the moment you get 50ml free. Find it here or click on the add at the top right hand side “Simply Supplements
Xo Laurie

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