Hi Everyone,
How was your week? It’s turned so, so cold here in London, but I am not complaining because it gives me reason to get those fur coats out! I have added another to the wardrobe. It’s a DKNY little beauty that I found in TK Max. I do love a bargain find from there.

I don’t know why I am always drawn to the grey shades of fur. I have tried on browns and blacks, but for some reason it’s the Grey’s that seem to look better on me. I guess dark haired ladies would look better in darker shades of fur, and lighter hair coloured ladies suit lighter fur. Strait hair in this picture too. A treat for the other half, who loves it strait. It takes forever to do,

Anyway getting back to the start of my week, which involved me being nurse for my beloved. An operation on the foot which required complete rest for a few days. Hence no photographer (I am not great at selfie’s!)
So being stuck at home and catching up on things in the house that needed doing, I have started to de-clutter my wardrobes. I read somewhere about the “Ribbon Method” which I thought was a great idea. You tie a ribbon at one end of your wardrobe, and when you have worn an item, you put the item to the other side of the ribbon, gradually moving the ribbon along. I think this is a great idea! not only will you see what your really not wearing after a while, it will prompt you to wear more items you have in there! I am trying this and will let you know how it’s going.

One surprise I did have this week when we finally did get out and popped into the local, while I was sitting on my own, a gentleman walked into the bar with a huge bunch of roses. he unwrapped them put them in two half bunches and passed one bunch to me! He insisted that I take them home and enjoyed them, sat back in his seat and didn’t say another word! A picture of my face would have been better (imagine, looking stunned and mouth dropped open!)

Another Item I wore this week, was my new biker jacket. I love the colours, a little different, but will go with so much in my wardrobe

I Love this jacket from next, the leather is really soft and Taupe and Grey are what I’m into right now as you can see below

                                         More bargains here. Long sleeve T Primark £3.50
                                         Dark grey jeans F&F £12.00
                                         Belt Primark £2.50
                                         Necklace Primark £3.00

Do you fancy trying the ribbon method, and sorting your wardrobe ? What bargains have you been finding?
Xo Laurie

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