Hi Everyone

I thought I would share with you all the different types of base make-up, those little tubs and tubes that will help take your make-up that little bit further. There are most probably a lot of you out there that already use a base of some sort,but there may be some of you that I can help. So here is a little list of what are my favourites that I would recommend

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

This has to be top of my list. Put this on just before your foundation and I am sure it makes fine lines less noticeable. Also holds on to your make-up giving it a little more staying power. I use this all over, but I know Clarins have launched a flash balm just  for eyes. Go to any Clarins counter and ask for a sample and give it a try.

Estee Lauder Perfectionist Line Filler

This is my second favourite little tool. Great for filling around the lip line, crows feet and under eye lines. Again go see for yourself and ask how it’s done. An amazing little piece of kit for your bag, it is pricey though.

No.7 Colour Calming primer

This is a great little product that has been around for years, there are more expensive skin care brands that supply similar, but I have always turned back to this one. Originally marketed for rosacea (really red cheeks and nose) this cream is green in colour and will cancel any redness out. So apply a fine layer of this ,then apply your foundation. If you suffer from any breakouts, get yourself a clean eyeliner brush and dab this just over the breakout. pat it gently with your finger and then apply your concealer.

Revlon Photo Ready
This helps in a similar way to the flash balm, although I don’t think it diminishes fine lines as well as the Clarins, it does give a good luminous glow.

Clinique Superprimer (pink)
If you suffer from dull tired looking skin, this is the one for you. It’s also great for pore minimising too.

If you suffer from greasy skin most base primers will help that and keep your make-up in place. There are so many primers out there, ask at the counter for samples to help find the right one for you

Do you use a primer that isn’t listed here? If you have something worth shouting about PLEASE DO!
I hope this post has been of help to someone, would love to get some feedback
Xo Laurie

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  1. October 20, 2015 / 10:13 am

    Gosh, I'm rather embarrassed to write…I don't use a base or a foundation. I have started to use a moisturizer, so it's a start, right? *cringing face*

    I know, I know, I know I should be doing WAAAAAY more for my skin. I'm trying, so the fact that I've started with a moisurizer is a big step for me.

    The product I'm most interested in is that green No. 7 stuff. Recently, ever since a trip to an extremely cold and windy climate last spring, I've developed perinasal dermititis when I switch climates. I think this green stuff would really help out the redness around my nasal lines and such. Thank you for this.

    I can say of two products that kind of might act like what you're saying. I am almost out of my Bare Minerals powder–I've had it for years, so it's probably about time it's out! Also, I do have Benefit's Pore Concealer. That is very nice and smooth, yet I don't use it daily. One thing I do love to add is a little highlighter–now that stuff is genius.

    See! I'm all over the place with a beauty regime. I'm getting there!!

    Thank you for linking of to my Style Story!

    Love, Ann from Kremb de la Kremb

    • October 20, 2015 / 6:40 pm

      Moisturiser is a fantastic first step Anne, dont ever be afraid to ask about anything. I am always willing to give advise
      Laurie x