Hi everyone!
I have been missing in action for a week, and have so much to waffle about. Even though I was so busy looking after my grandson, and not a minute to spare to think about blogging. He ran me absolutely ragged and tried my patience, I wouldn’t change a thing and I miss him terribly already.

                                            We did have a good lot of fun, he is a real cheeky chappy!

While he has a big fun wide eyed look here, I realised I have been blogging with mine shut!. For so long now people have been emailing me saying they could not comment on my blog. I tried or I thought I had tried every avenue, but at last I have found the problem (hooray!) So now anyone can join in and leave their comments, and I really look forward to it (pretty please)

So what’s been going on? For me not a lot unless it involves playgroups and playing with a toddler, but on the other hand there has been a few things I wanted to mention .
That cringe-worthy Madonna incident! I was watching and buried my head when it happened! No one likes to see that! But Madonna did make it on every tv and newsstands the next day, so good for her I guess!

                               Lady gaga, I want an engagement ring just like yours please!

I couldn’t imagine having a diamond that size, My favourite stone, but I have to say I am very happy with the ones that I do have, they are very special to me.

Getting ready for summer I am on the look out for some sandles. These Zara ones’ are on my lust list

                                           I love these, they will go with so much £29.99 Bargain

                                                                    And talking of bargains

Take a look at Wolfords Outlet Sale . There are some great bargains to be had like these Saphira Tights from £12.00 here  and Wolford have some great stuff on offer Do you like plain or patterned? They even have jewel encrusted ones on the Wolford site

I am also pleased to announce that I am affiliating with Elizabeth Arden now, so I will be able to share special offers with you when they become available. Especially that Eight Hour Cream I am always banging on about!

Anyway that’s enough waffling from me for one blog post here’s what I have been wearing lately

I have loved this bargain F&F jumper this winter, so many people have asked me where this came from. I am often in head to toe F&F the trousers and jumper together only set me back about £30.00

                  It was time for a new purse, I found this Osprey one in T K Max for £25.00

I have been enjoying this Barbera Daly nail varnish in” Suede”  The colour goes with most things I wear and it lasts well with my Seche Vie top coat.
What is your favourite nail colour at the moment? Do share
Xo Laurie
This post was linked to Honestmum.com

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  1. April 14, 2015 / 5:39 pm

    Finally able to leave you my first comment yay! I love your choice of nail varnish. I use a similar one called Portland Stone by Nails Inc but I'm going to check this one out now 🙂
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  2. March 9, 2015 / 7:49 pm

    Finally able to leave you my first comment yay! I love your choice of nail varnish. I use a similar one called Portland Stone by Nails Inc but I'm going to check this one out now 🙂

    • March 9, 2015 / 7:52 pm

      Karen! it's great to hear from you, thank you x

  3. March 3, 2015 / 7:32 am

    Great Laurie, it's so much easier to comment now.
    Sue x

    • March 3, 2015 / 9:26 pm

      Thanks Sue, blasted comment section has been driving me round the bend for ages! got there in the end! x

  4. March 2, 2015 / 11:36 pm

    Thank you so much Tina x

  5. March 2, 2015 / 11:28 pm

    What an adorable grandson you have! Isn't being a grandparent fabulous? Our little grandson just turned three months a few days ago. Love your featured style–very chic! T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com

  6. March 2, 2015 / 8:56 pm

    Yay! That's better, Laurie 🙂 Lynne xx

    • March 2, 2015 / 11:36 pm

      Thank's Lynne it took me long enough to sort it out, but got there in the end. I cant tell you how great it is to receive a comment from you xx

  7. March 2, 2015 / 8:54 pm

    Great post Laurie! Delighted you got the comments sorted:)
    ~Anne xx

    • March 2, 2015 / 11:34 pm

      Thank you Anne,me too x