Hi everyone
A very busy week it was for me! Helping friends move, and parties to go to. So apologies for my absence (did anyone really miss me?)  My friend had decided to up sticks and move to a house-boat moored along the Thames. I found this exciting and tried to imagine what it would be like.
So when we were asked to help move them on I couldn’t wait to see. Beautiful place, and a lot more spacious than I thought it would be. I marvelled at the way the house-boat had such great organisation of way’s to store everything.
Until I saw the wardrobe that is! This tiny little space would just about accommodate my under-wear! other than that I cant wait to visit when the weather gets better, it will be really beautiful, and the thought of a swan greeting me at the window in the mornings tickled me……

So then it was onto a party for a family member, and the first outing of a new frock. I love the tassel’s on the back…

I found this Miss Sixty dress in T K max, the front is just plain so you can dress it up as much as you want

                         I must get my photographer to get the lighting a little better apologies!

I received a nice little parcel in the post from RaRa De Barr a jewellery brand from my home town in Essex

They sent me a cute little package containing necklace bracelet and matching earrings *

This is actually a good fit on me, you have two different lengths to put the catch on

               I love this gold chain with the bow, it will go with many items in my wardrobe


 Take a look at their website click HERE They have some beautiful items in stock, and great prices 

When I have had any spare time I have been reading Woman and Home fashion 1001 There is so so much in here, in my head I totally bankrupted myself! I recommend you buy this if you like a good fashion magazine.

This weeks nail polish had to be dark to go with that dress. This is one of my favourites “China Glaze Evening Seduction”

Oh and before I go Marks and Spencer have a great offer on their beauty products at the moment, with a buy two get a gift. loads of beautiful goodies, this is what I would choose

Buy this 

And this

Get this gorgeous bag free! click HERE

There are loads of different options, but this is what I would buy. Do any of you use Marks and Spencer for your beauty regime?

I love hearing from you, so drop me a line Xo Laurie

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  1. March 25, 2015 / 9:04 pm

    Love the fringe detail on the back of your dress Laurie:) That jewellery looks lovely too!
    ~Anne xx