Hi Everyone
The weather here in London has been fantastic this last few days, and it’s great to not have to wear a coat and boots/shoes. Saturday was a good day for me, a win on the national! It really made my day as I rarely win anything. I watched the race in the local pub with friends, I got so excited seeing that horse, shouting at the tv! (am normally very quiet) Did any of you have a win?

Have you decided it’s time to put the winter wardrobe away yet, and get your summer one out? I think it’s nearly that time for me. I love swapping into a new season, I always forget something I have stored away. This past week for me, has been all about shopping for summer accessories to help update what I have.
 I have also developed a bit of a crush on these shirt’s pictured above. Absolute bargain from Primark at a mere £8.00 I have bought five now in total Pink, Black, Cream Grey, Blue  they are so easy to wear and they can be dressed up with accessories. My moto is “when you find something you love buy it in all colours” if you can, these will see me right into next winter too. under cardigans and jackets.
Anyway getting on to accessories, this is what I have bought so far

This necklace I bought in Primark for a mere £4.00 pastel shades of pink and blue will go with so much through the summer. The Micheal Kor’s purse I bought in TK Max for £25.00

Then it got to thinking about sandals.The obvious neutrals to be purchased first, I always try to buy my sandals early for stock reasons I am a 2 and a half to three and it is the biggest pain in the backside for me! Marks and Spencer is one of my first stops for shoes always

These were the first that I looked at. Really comfy, not to high and neutral to go with most things in the wardrobe and not a bad price either £35.00 HERE They have cushioned insolia in them too

I fell in love with these, they felt like slippers on, and I loved the sparkle in them £35.00 also HERE
But in the end I went for the first pair, and I’m really pleased with them

Time for that pedicure!

The next pair I bought I got really lucky I love to browse through Choice clothing store and popped in there for a quick look and found these black ones

A bargain at £12.00!

They are quite high to look at but because of the platform, they don’t feel it (makes me a little taller!)

Whilst on my hunt for sandals, there was so much in Marks and Spencer that I would love to buy. The colour sceme that’s entered my head this year is orange and navy, don’t ask why I just fancy orange for a change this year, and I am still on the hunt for that orange handbag! but while in M&S it had to be there didn’t it the perfect for me orange and navy that I’m craving

This silky shirt, with a touch of orange will be perfect for me, so much better to see it for real it’s £35.00 HERE  Really beautiful and to go with that shirt……

The good old classic navy pencil skirt £39.50 HERE  is gorgeous, the two pair so well together. They also do this is my normally addictive colour beige
So I am going to have to save my pennies again to buy those too, I really want them.

How do you transform your summer wardrobe? If your buying something to update something from last year what would be top of your list to buy? Please let me know I love hearing from you!
Xo Laurie

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    • July 5, 2016 / 6:50 pm

      Thank you! Thanks for popping over x

    • May 25, 2016 / 6:21 am

      Thank you Megan. Thanks for stopping by x

  1. April 15, 2015 / 9:08 pm

    I buy clothes in bulk… Maybe not in every colour, just the ones that look good on me. And then splash out on one-of-a-kind accessories. Still, it makes sense, it's just so much easier to pack sevetal tops instead of several bags.

  2. April 15, 2015 / 2:47 pm

    Some lovely sandals there Laurie….hope you are having a good week:)
    ~Anne xx

  3. April 15, 2015 / 7:43 am

    I agree that accessories are the way to go to update a summer wardrobe. I always invest in a few more white tops and a new pair of sandals too. Great picks, Laurie. Lynne xx

    • April 15, 2015 / 8:51 pm

      Thank you Lynne , I agree with you on the white tops too. A must for summer x

  4. April 14, 2015 / 11:43 pm

    Pretty top! Sounds like a fun time at the pub! I do the same, if I like something and the fit is great I will buy in a number of colors. Pretty sandals too!

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!