Hi Everyone
Tuesday 21st was a special day for me. You know when your so excited, but nervous at the same time? Nervous and excited? I was more or less palpitating!
I was really lucky win a ticket via Twitter to the F&F AW15 press event. Not knowing what to expect other than it was being held at The Savoy Hotel. Hello? The Savoy! A destination that I have been wanting to go to for so long, and it was happening at long last, plus it incorporated a fashion show of one of my favourite labels. If your a regular reader, you will know at least half of my wardrobe is actually F&F I call the brand my Habit. Read one of the post HERE

 Anyway, this is what the day had in store…

The Savoy was a fabulous venue, I will write more about it in another post, but I was walking round with my mouth dropped. Gob-smacked at how gorgeous it was.Waiters greeted your arrival with trays of champagne, then I was shown to my table, I could get used to this!

 A beautiful setting, with lots of tempting treats, Macaroons, finger sandwiches and little blueberry tarts. I was already in wonderland, finding it hard to take it all in, when the lights dimmed and it was announced to welcome Paloma Faith….

This was the point I nearly fell off my chair! She looked totally stunning of course, and you know when you wonder if an artist sounds as good live as what you hear on radio/cd I can assure you Paloma sounded spot on. Truly fantastic.

After singing a couple of numbers the lights dimmed again. Time for the fashion show…..

Suede, 70’s boho fashion is what was featured a lot. How gorgeous are these suede culottes

Pure tasteful glamour, and a beautiful colour of teal was this all-in-one, finished with a fur wrap

This satin pussy bow blouse, shown here with flared trousers was fantastic. As worn by Paloma in a different way, a pencil skirt will be one of my wardrobe staples. If it’s good enough for Paloma, it’s good enough for me!

There were Lot’s of red, rust, and brown hue’s I love how these top’s have been layered for warmth

I can think of loads of ways to wear this dress, it’s on my wish list!

Biker jackets are still going to be a strong must have item. Time to get one in a different colour other than the usual Black/Brown

Love how this has been styled, with a white polo neck jumper under, I will remember to try this idea

I fell in love with this white lace dress.This is going to sell out quick I’m sure

And so it was over, a fantastic show. The menswear was really good too, head over to the F&F site to see what’s in store for your man.

The best item for me I have saved till last. I didn’t get a picture of it, so have grabbed it from the F&F site because I needed to add this beauty in. I am going to have this coat! and I would lay money on it that it’s going to sell like hot cakes. Pure suede coat for £150.00 !!!

That wasn’t the end of my fantastic day…..

Everyone got a superb goodie bag, I couldn’t wait to see inside. A gorgeous Aspinal London leather notebook that I will treasure

A brochure of all the fantastic clothes to look forward to

And of course the icing on the cake, a £50 voucher to help go towards all those great clothes I have on my list

Thank you so much to the team at F&F that made my day truly fantastic. I was truly spoilt and wont ever forget it xx

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  1. April 20, 2016 / 7:42 pm

    Wow, wow, wow, that's an amazing experience, such a look evening for you I'm sure. love all those piccys too, were you able to take them there? What a great blog. We do have the same taste in clothes, love your styles..Jacqui.x

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:38 pm

      Thank you Simplychic I loved it all x

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:35 pm

      Thanks Steph, it will sure come in handy x

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:32 pm

      Thank you Dalene, It really was great x

  2. April 28, 2015 / 8:19 pm

    What a fab day you had, Laurie cexcellent! Lynne xx

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:33 pm

      It was great Lynne, thank you x

  3. April 28, 2015 / 3:13 pm

    Wow what a lovely day you had, I'm with you on the suede coat, it looks stunning.
    Sue xx

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:29 pm

      It really is a beauty,thanks Sue x

  4. April 28, 2015 / 10:29 am

    That looks like it was such a fab event Laurie! I love the F&F range at Tesco-always buy something when doing the big grocery shop! Enjoy your week:)
    ~Anne xx

    • April 29, 2015 / 8:28 pm

      It was a great day Anne. Thank you x